The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1902, Image 1

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VOL. 2. NO. 56.
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Proprietors of Carriage Lines
Combine on Rates Charged
Students Panhellenic
A member of the Pan-Hellenlr Con
gress expresses himself as follows con
cerning the recent action of the hack
The proprietors of the barns have
seen fit to raise the rental of a car
riage, an act thoroughly condemned
by all who have occasion to use car
riages for the various social functions
of the uplversity.
Tho Pan-Hellenic Congress will take
action on tho, matter, and henceforth
all fraternity men will attemrit'to boy
cott tho hack companies, as far as It
is in their power to do so. As a" of
the barns have gone into a combln-1 It
would be useless to patronize one more
than another, and so the best way
seems to be to do without carriages
altogether, except when absolutely
necessary. This Is a matter in which
the Congress has a great deal of in
fluence, and If the fraternities are In
unison they can so control matters
that the new ruling will not be a
source of profit to the said companies.
Under present conditions the barns
derive considerable support from uni
versity people.
In other universities students re
ceive a Bpecia.1 rate. In Boulder, Colo.,
for instance, a carriage costs Just half
as much as In Lincoln under the new
ruling. If the Congress takes the ac
tion proposed, the ladles will perhaps
be the ones who will suffer most, but
if things work as intended It is hoped
that the companies will see fit to re
store the former rates.
Chancellor to Address Y. M. C. A.
Chancellor Andrews will address the
Y. M. C. A. In their parlors Sunday at
3 p. m. His Biibject will be announced
Since the hour of tho regular Y. M.
C. A. meetings has been changed from
4 to 3, they have been much better
attended. Secretary Ross Is pleased
with tho progress of the association
and extends a cordial invitation to all
to attend these Sunday afternoon meet
ings. Students are always welcome at
tho association parlors.
Delian Literary Society.
Tho program for December 5r In the
old chapel:
1. Vocal solo Selected, Mr. Slather.
2. Story "The Little Shoemaker's
Dream," Mr, Barr.
3. Debate "Resolved, That needles
are a greater blessing to humanity
than- pins." Affirmative, Miss Coun
tryman, Mr. LInderman; negative,
MIbs Wirth, Mr. Teach.
4. Story, Mr. Elmor Davis.
5. Instrumental solo Selected.
.A are cordially Invited to attend.
Academy Art Poster.
The plans for the Lincoln Academy
poster have been completed. It will
be a purely Nebraska product. Mr.
Beans, who was the artist, succeeded
in making It a very attractive poster.
Miss Hayden submitted the color
scheme. The lettering and decorative
scroll will be red, the figure of the
lady a full cream and the background
an olive green. IT. G. Cornell will
make the zinc plates.
The Academy has contracted for
1.000 copies. Tho dementions are 10V
by 18 Inches. They will be completed
for distribution about the middle of
This poster is the result of the art
poster competition held last May, at
-which -about"-eighteen drawings.. were
submitted. Mr. Beans' deeoratlve pro
duction took the first prize .and tho
drawing submitted by Miss Branson
took the second prize.
The principal intendB to send one
copy to each family of the students
represented In the Academy as holi
day greetings, also complimentary to
the teachers of the Academy. Several
hundred will bo sent to prlnclpala,and
superintendents throughout the state.
If the posters are as attractive as they
'now promise to be they will be placed
on sale, at cost, in book stores for
those who arc art lovers.
Union Literary Society.
The Union program for tonight fol
lows: ' ,
Instrumental solo, MIbs' Denny.
Oration, Mr. Gregory.
Vocal solo, MIbb Mursetter.
Story, Mr. parr.
Oriental talk.
Solo "Bllcke auf zem Herren," Miss
Elizabeth Meier.
Reading) Mis& Marquadt.
School of Music Notes.
Tho program for today's convocation
Is as follows:
Quartet "Come, Dbrothy, Come." a
Swablan Volkslied.
Contralto boIo, Miss Florence Flake.
Duet "Hark, Hark, My 8oul."
Nevln; Mr. Starr and Miss Clark.
A Border Ballad, Mr. Geo. Johnston.
Bass solo, Mr. Starr.
Miss Ethel Real slipped and fell
while getting off of the street car the
other day and Bo'lnjuredher wrist that
she cannot take lessons for several
Election if Managers.
Nominations for manager and as
sistant manager of the football team
must be sent to the secretary of the
athletic board on or before Saturday,
December 13.
Eligibility Article IV., section 1. of
the constitution of athletic board: No
person shall be eligible to the position
of manager who Is not at the time his
duties are begun a senior in good
standing, pursuing a regular course.
No person shall be eligible to assistant
manager who is not at the time his
duties are begun a junior In good
standing, pursuing a regular course.,
. The law student are wearing a pin
of a very nice design.
Professor of Psychology Gives
Advice to future Doctors
Society Colors
The Medical society met last even
ing at tho usual hour In M. 301. After
a half-hour's quiz under Mr. Sturdo
vant. the society listened to a talk by
Dr. Bolton on "The Relation pf Psy
chology to Medicine."
Dr. Bolton first touched on medicine
as a part of religious services in olden
times, when the priest had charge of
both religion and medicine. Today tho
doctor shares the duties of tho priest
at birth, in sickness and in death.
A physician, said the speaker, should
know the lives of his patients; ho
should know their Individual charac
teristics If he would bo a success. Ho
should know their peculiarities, and
since the peculiarities of mon aro in a
large part mental, It Is plain that tho
practice of medicine rests In part on a
practical psychology. Mind Is a reality
and tho physician must deal with it as
Dr. Bolton then explained suggestion
as tho natural method of affecting
minds. Hypnotism, ho said, has bo
eomo a prominent factor In medicine.
Some of the patlentB In our asylumB
can be dealt with only through hypno
tism. Dr. Bolton cautioned young . physi
cians against tho free use of drugs,
and advised them to let tho people
know as much of their profession as
possible. He stated that physicians
aro successful in proportion as they
are personally attractive to people.
Tho society then held a short busl-
ness meeting In which scarlet and
cream were selected as the society col
ors, and arrangements made for tho
appointment of a committee to get the
society together for a picture to be
put In the Sombrero.
Palladlan Program.
Tho Palladlan Literary society ;Wlll
give Its alumni program tonight. All
are Invited to attend. The numbers
are as follows:
Vocal solo, Sam Anderson, '03.
"When I Was a P. G. D. C," Mrs.
F. C. Stuff.
Talk, W. S. Pervln. '87.
Vocal solo, Theodore Aumau, '98.
"Formation of the Delian Society,"
Rev. O. W. Fifer, '89.
D.ebate-rReBolved, , . that womqn
should be segregated In the University
of Nebraska. Affirmative, Howard
Caldwell; negative, Lawrence Fosslqr.
"Palladlan Home Song," Quartette.
President, Mrs. G. T. BaSson.
Secretary, G. F. Fisher.
Critic, O. B. Polk.
Miss Louise White has been obliged
to temporarily discontinue her studies
In the university on account of illness
and, has gono to her home In Omaha I penses will go, to the- clasB:uncl.i and
to recuperate. ' .not to any certain Individuals;;
Y, W. C. A.
The attention of all
women is called to the meetings for
women Rtudenta to be held next Fri
day. Saturday and Sunday by Miss
Ruth Paxson. student secretary for tho
American committee of Young
Woman's Christian associations.
Miss Paxson has has an extended ex
perience In association work, having
occupied the position of Btate secretary
of the Iowa Young Woman's Christian
association for three years. She has
led the conference for students at tho
Iako Geneva summer conference previ
ous to her call to the secretaryship by
the American committee. She Is a very
attractive and forceful speaker and any
woman Btudent interested in this lead
ing woman's movement cannot afford
to miss hearing Miss Paxson and take
this opportunity to meet her. Miss
Paxson will give a Bible reading on
if rlday at the association room at I
o'clock; and at R o'clock there will
be an association rally In Union hall.
On Saturday at 4 o'clock,, In tho asso
ciation room.
On Sunday Miss Paxson will speak
to young women In tho old chapel at 4
o'clock. All wonen are cordially In
vited to these meetings.
Mathematical Seminar.
The third meeting of the mathe
matical selmnar takes place on Satur
day evening, December 6th, at 7:30 p.
m., in room 302, Mechamc Arts build
ing, University of Nebraska.
Tho program is as follows:
1. Graphic solution of a problem In
hydraulics. Prof. O. V. P. Stout.
2. On a weighted course in calculas,
Prof. G. R. Chatburn.
3. Discussion by Prof. T. M. Hodg
man and others. ' ' " .
R. E. MORITZ. Secretary. '
Miss Grace Evans will entertain the
D. G. S. club this evonlng.
Misses Raper and Sterling wlty en.
tertaln the J. U. G. tomorrow evening.
Professor Barbour and Mr. Carrikor
leave for Seward tonight, jvhore they
will exhibit stereoptlcon views.
The city Y. M. C, A. basket-ball team
Is trying to arrange a series of games
with the first squad of the university.
The Girls' Social Hour club of the
Academy has its regular meeting next
Monday afternoon with Mrs. Hodg
man, 700 North Sixteenth street. This
Ib rather a unique organization, and is
planned to afford the young women an
opportunity to discuss questions im
portant to themselves, such as dress,
diet, proper amusement and peculiar
temptations. ' '
No pains have been spared bythoso
in charge of the arrangements to
make the freshman hop this evening at
Fraternity hall one of the leading and
most successful class affaire of the
season, In the matter of tho receipts,
a departure will be 'made from all
precedents in 'thotall mpneyover ex-
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