v-v X" ''-. "( '1f"t " Jl .1:. TttE tTAlLY NEBRA8KAN. i i, M mFF W&' y BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard an4. Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. . H. 0. THOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of iemales and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richard6 block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. DU TEIL CIGARS THAT'S ALL" Yule Bros. Laundry 5J4 O Street TcL 754. Originators of the idea of sendln r- homework satlBi'actory fnlnmhia National Rank w Of Lincoln, Nkmraska. Capital, $100,00 0.0 Officers: John B.Wright, Presi- 'dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-Presi- r dent; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-Presi dent; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. 15. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. Tour Personally Conducted Excursions to CALIfORNIA Every week, with choice of routes. These excur cursions leave Lincoln VIA UNION PACIflC EVERY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AT 1:45 P. M. and can be joined at any point en route. T7V.11 r t-'.n U(.,l.r f.,.. iy J; Ull 1I11UI illtlLiuii oncuiunjf iui- ftf" nfaied, on application to Jli. 15., DUUQOUH) n(jcui. Leaf lees Trees. There are forests of leafless trees In eomo parts of Australia. They respire, bo to speak, through a llttlo stem, ap parently answering the purpose of a leaf The treo Is known as "the leaf less acacia." SPECIAL riR SALE! $35,000 Worth of rurs to Select From. On DECEMBER 5th and 6th will occur our SECOND SPECIAL FUR SALE. These coods are from the well-know firm nf Wc TT Mm i .c, P.r. of Detroit, the largest manufacturers of Fur Garments in the country. The reputation of this firm's goods is, that they use only the best quality of materials and the best workmanship, and make the goods up in the latest and most appropriate styles. During the Two Days' Fur Sale we will offer ftnA hilf Aff 150 Short Cloth Jackets at Ullt5-Ddll UN ii. in itroi sin imi it co. Office PhoneL 1021. Residence Phone, Lg25 C. W. M. POYNTER, M. D. 122 2 O SlRFKT. Residence 349 So. 27th Street. SISLER & LEMING -We will fill your orders for lodge and church socials, weddings, etc. We make all kinds of Fruit Ices. Brick Ice Cream 30 cents per brick. Give us a trial order. 107 N. 13th Street. Phone 630- Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Pay up your subscription. Eat at the Newport today. Eat at the Good Health Cafe. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O Btreet. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. C. E. Brown, dentist. Burr block. Eat at Hondry's. 129 North Eleventh. Ye olde Smoke House. No. 1207 O St. Don't wait to have the circulator see you. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Call Forbes' carriages, 1125 P street. 'Phone 550. Mr. E. H. Clark, of the registrar's office, went to Omnha yesterday. The Pershing Rifles presented John Uhl, janitor of the armory, with a tur key, Thanksgiving. MIbs Virginia Athens, who Is now teaching at Prairie Home, spent Thanksgiving In Lincoln. Guy nnd Cary Cooper, of Humboldt, were guests at tho Alpha Cheta Chi house during tho vacation. R. W. Emerson, who went to Min neapolis to attend the horticulture con vention, returned yesterday. K. E. Thompson, a sophomore In the School of Medicine, has left school on acconnt of troublesome eyes. Procure your tickets for "David Gar rick." The play will be given Thurs day evening, December 11. Don't wait to be Invited to subscribe or pay up. Call on tho circulator about your subscription. If you can't And the circulator, come to tho office. C C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O St.. for Holiday presents. Dependable goods at less price than elsewhere. The open drill of the Pershing Rifles has been postponed one week and will take place Thursday, December 11, at 8 o'clock. Dr. H. J. Lehnhoff, '97, Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. Fiegenbaum's pharmacy, northwest corner. Thirteenth and O streets. University girls are invited to the Y. W. C. A. dining room, 310 South 12th sheet. At 1229 N street a furnished room for two, $5 per month. The R. and C. Barber shop, 1141 O street, is the finest in the city. Seven chaTrs. 1,000 Sample handkerchiefs at Icbb than wholesales prices at The Famous, 1029 O street. The Campus View boarding house, 410 North Twelfth street, can accom modate a few more boarders. Halr-dresslng, manicuring shampoo ing and scalp treatment at Llndell halr-dresslng parlors. 1236 M St. A. L. Hopkins, of Oakdale, who has a large collection of Indian relics and curios in the Historical society rooms, was a visitor at the university Monday. An informal reception wa3 held at the home of Miss Hargreaves last night by tho fraternity girls in honor of Miss F'axson. national secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Joel Stebbins, '99, who took his A. M. here In 1900 In astronomy, Is working fora Ph. D. in the same subject at the Lick observatoiy of the University of California. A few days ago Mr. Sheldon, of the botany department, prepared a paper bn the plant diseases of Nebraska dur ing 1902 for the United States depart ment of agriculture. The Phi Beta Phis have given several receptions and informal parties dur ing the past week In honor of Miss Ja net Thorpe, who Is to bo married this month to Mr. Ralph Drain. iT ( V 1 1 i TiEw ' ' m m. m mjrmmr v- pt rXimfi r-rkr riiyn ukauc CHOCOLATES H0NBDN5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co.rlltjiand 0 Streets STUDENTS' BARBER SHOP. John Marshall has been the Students' favorite barber for eight years. Now with MARSHALL & RICHARDS, 139 So. 13th Street. Teeth filled without pain OR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A liberal discount to students. 141 So. 12T11 St., - Lincoln, Ned Ross Electric Co. Electric Supplies, Window Lighting, Dynamos and Motors, Electric Signs, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. 122 N. i4th St. - Tel. 374. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1601 D St, - PJiojie 2U Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. "The Biggest Sensation Every where' IaILJPUT Colapsablc Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished in different colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 2Q V. F. Bhoto grafms. Views of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $1. 00. Sent every where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. MUPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. 41 J ) ''t m l 1 ! 2 n ,1 -i XI M a , "i i i 1 t --a - M !' t l 1 5fr, 1 7 j: - V - ): r, "1 r V 1 . X t ., If Xr" kJfi? . I