r' r . "jvjc"- ' f r. ,'VT' tHr- r! M . .V..., v-. rV1B'T"' "" '" f-i", " " THE DAILY NEBRASKAN fc Vi V',1 v : V'; If L . I " f1' , Vv 1 ? V. J IV I' 1 A i ' The Daily Nebraskan A newspaper dovotod to tho Interest f tho Utalvoralty of Nobrftsk. fablUhed at tho Univoralty of Nobraaka. A conaolidation of THE HB8PERIAN, Vol. XXXI. THE NEBRABKAN, Vol. XII. THE BOARLBT & CREAM, Vol IV. Entered at the poatofllco at Lincoln, Neb., as second daea mail matUr . Bubacriptle Price 2M r year. Managing Editor. Robert T. Hill. Nowb Editor John F. Tobln. Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy. ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Wra. Case. ASSISTANT EDITORS. R. A. McNown. Wm. A Shock. Carlton C. Wllburn. C. C. McCune. REPORTERS, j. D. Rico. John R. Bender. E. F. Davis. A. I. Myers. Henrietta Rees. Circulator Fred K. Nielsen. Office Socond floor Main hall. Postofflce Address. Station A, Box 13. The Week's Convocations. The following Is the program for convocation hour for the ensuing week: Thursday Dr. Jones, the British edu cational bill. Now that tho football Beason Is past the attention of students will be direct ed toward basket ball and debate. Both of these matters are receiving due at tention from those most Interested In them, but the latter especially needs bettor support from the student body. It Is of prime Importance that the movement along tho linos of debate In the university receive as vigorous sup port as has been given to football Blnce Nebraska has become prominent In athletics, because tho university Is undoubtedly destined to ns great suc cess In the field of debate as she has attained on the gridiron. The sweeping icorles of last year tend to stimulate Interest in this year's contests, but tho average student is not t fully awake to tho real Import ance of debate and the position that Nebraska occupies. To create greater interest is the question that Is now engaging tho attention of those moBt interested. Soveral plans have been proposed. One of tho best suggestions perhaps, is tho proposition that tho different classes of the university con test for championship honors and that sorno Inducement bo offered to give In terest to tho contests. Such a tschemo it Is believed, would Induce a larger numbor of students to take part In de bates and would create a general arousal throughout the entiro institu tion. The students once made to real ize the importance and benefits of de bates, there would bo no question as to support in the coming inter-state jcon tests. The Junior and Senior classes have already made arrangemtna to debate, butthe contest will not come off until lato In the semester. President Hadloy of Yale recently defeated tho varsity crack at tennis. Iss Paxson at Chapel. Miss Paxson, secretary Y. W. C. A., addressed the studontfl at convocation hour yesterday. She said In part: Clod did not create the universe nnd leave It. Ho takes care of all His creation. There never was a time when wo could not see the hand of Qod In tho affairs of life. It Is a beautiful thing to look hack over history and see how God's plan has been unfold ing. Sometimes Tie has called single per sons, at other times small hands to serve as the nucleus to carry out His work. The Y. W. C. A. are such bands. The latter Is only about sixteen years old In this country. The Y. W. C. A. meets a great need. With the advent of young women to our colleges, which has come In com paratively recent years, there was a calling for Just tho work this organiza tion Is doing. It means a good deal for a young woman to leave home and go to college to meet an entirely new environment. Here tho Y. W. C. A. steps In and helps the student to lead a Christian life. No other organization could do this so well. President Draper says that he does jnot know what our Bchools would be without thcBo Christian organizations. They are Inseparably fixed In our edu cational system. Faculties unite In saying that they have better discipline slnco tho Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. entered the schools. Their chief aim Is spiritual advancement. A young man or woman who leaves college with a big head and small soul Is not truly educated. College Settlement. At a recent meeting of the Settle ment hoard Miss Jeannette Burlln game and Mr. Nell Cronln were ap pointed to take the places of Miss Bowen and Mr Phillips, resigned. Tickets for the play to bo given De cember 11th can be had by applying to Professor Caldwell, or at tho execu tive office. The next regular meeting will be held in Professor Hill's office on Sat urday next at 4 p. m. Academy Doings. The girls' basket-ball team plays its first game thiB afternoon at 1:20 In tho university gymnasium with tho Junior girls. An extended "write up" will soon ap pear on the new ait poster which is now at press. The poster 1b a neat de sign and will appear In beautiful color effects. The Social Hour club meets at 700 North Sixteenth street at 3:30 Mon day. An intcrt sting program has been arranged and all young women who are in any way connected with the Academy are cordially invited to at tend. The "David Garrlck" Play. Tho College Settlement board met yesterday and decided to sell reserved seats for the "David Garrlck" play only at the Oliver. The sale will begin at 9 tomorrow morning and the price will be 50 cents for any seat In the house. Some canvassing will be done today among the fraternities and other or ganizations, both of the university and city. Tho Sigma "Alpha Epsllon will en tertain this afternoon in honor of Mr. James Nelll, who Is a member of that fraternity. Mr. Nelll will appear as leading man in the play "Under the Red Robe" at the Oliver this evening. 5T ? EMMA CALVE, of tht Abbey Cr Grau Grand Optra Co., tayt: " I have never, in all my Iravelt, lound any thing that aeemed to me as near perfection in the way ol a Mandolin ai the Washburn." Washburn Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. We have some beautiful specimens as low as $15.00 Do not fail to Secure One. Beautiful Catalog Freo Exclusive Washburn features are: New and perfectly balanced model: special process of seasoning all woods used; patent construction, securing great strength; fingerboards absolutely correct in all positions; inlaying all done by killed workmen ; patent heads far superior to ordinary heads; designs always in good taste J perfect system of ribbing; polish secured by thorough courses oi hand-rubbing ; every nut, screw and peg of the very highest quality. Sold by Leading Music Dealers Everywhere LYON & HEALY, Mfrs., '- Chicago. 1-2 BMiSHSMSaaHBiaBB Via B. & M. R. It. miles of Lincoln on 6. & M. R. R. SALE DATES, DECEMBER 24 AND 25, AND DECEMBER 31 AND JANUARY 1. RETURN LIMIT JANUARY 2- CALL AND GET FULL INFORMATION. BURLINGTON DEPOT, 7th St., bet. P and Q. Phone 1290 CITY TICKET OFFICE, Cor. 10th and O Streets. Phone 235, AT THE OLIVER Monday, December 8th. GERTRUDE C0GHLAN In Edward E. Rose's Dramatiza tion of Maurice Thompson's Charming Romance " ALICE - Of - OLD VINCENNES" The original massive scenic pro duction exactly as presented at the Garden Theatre, New York, for ICO Nights. Prices 25c to $1.50- Seats on sale Friday. K.vP You are cordially invited to inspect our stock of RATES HOLIDAYS To points within 200 Tuesday, December 9th. MATINEE at 2 30 NIGHT at 8;15- Wm. A. Brady Presents His Great Success, a Metropolitan Pro duction of the Greatest Pastorfal Play of Them All, 'WAY DOWN EAST By LOTTIE BLAIR PARKER, Elaborated by JOS. R. GRISMER. A Play of Universal Sympathy and Honest, Homely, Healthy Humor. Prices- -Matinee' 25c and 50c. Night 25c to $1.(J0. Sale of Seats opens Saturday.