The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan.
VOL 2. NO. 55.
at 4 -.
Senior Boys to Wear Trl-Colored
Hats of Handy Style To
Give the "N"
The Bonior boys met yesterday in
loom 109 of the Library building and
decided upon the hat that they Bhall
wear during the remainder of the year.
Three designs were presented to the
class by the committee, Messrs. Druner,
Stra,yer and Swan. Much pains have
been taVen by the committee to secure
designs that would meet the approval
of the class. Two of the designs which
were presented yesterday were caps
much like those worn by the junior
boys last year, and the other was a
small felt hat, light and convenient
Some of tho boys not being satisfied
with any of tho caps presented, desired
a large broad-lfrlmed, white hat that
was under discussion nt a previous
meeting. Tho motion was voted down,
however, and the small felt hat re
ceived the consideration of tho class.
The motion to adopt this design was
easily passed, but a spirited discussion
followed over color nnd trimmings
The hat, as finally agreed upon, will be
Yale blue, with a cream-colored band
upon which will be placed simply the
letter "N" in scarlet Tho Idea in using
the one letter, without '03. was to de
part from a long-established custom
and to make the senior hat peculiar.
School of Music Notes.
On the morning of December 1(5 an
entire hour will be given over to the
rendering of the oratorios of "The
Messiah," instead of tho usual convoca
tion. This Ib the work that the ad
vanced chorus has been working on,
and will be delivered with soloists, a
string orchestra and organ.
The students of the Conservatory
will give their second recital on the
evening of December ICth In Memorial
Miss Bess Burruss expects to go on a
concert tour after Christmas in a com
pany composed of Mr. Charles Steckel
berg, violinist; Miss Marie Hoover,
pianist, and Miss BurruBS, vocalist
Professor Wilson has written a very
beautiful Christmas service for tho
Holy Trinity choir, which they will
render Chrlstmastlde.
Professor Kimball received a letter
from Professor Eames last week. He
is doing a great deal of concert work in
Chicago and In other cities.
Mrs. Wllf Owen Jones gave a recital
before the matinee musicale last Mon
day afternoon at the Fj-aternlty hall.
Debate Today.
The debate In English 13 this after
noon will bo "Publicity as an effective
means of remedying tho evils of
trusts.' The speakers on the affirma
tive will be M. L. Hart and Ira Rynor
and for the negative B. G. Lewis and
8. E. Black.
Basket Ball.
The prospects for a good basket-ball
team are excellent. Twenty-flvo men
reported for practice last night All of
last year's second team aro back and
playing good ball. Several frcBhmen
are showing up in good shape and
some excellent material from last
year's class teams is available. Bene
dict, Nebraska's quarterback, Is an old
Lincoln high Bchool basket-ball player.
L He has alBo played on the city Y. M.
C. A- and will probably be out for
practice as soon as ho recovers from
football Injuries. It is not known yet
whether Cortelyou will play this year
or not. Ho was out for practice last
night and Bhowed up in his usual form.
Girls' Tournament
The date set for the girls' inter-class
basket ball tournament for possession
of the pennant for tho season of 1902
03 Is Friday evening, December 12,
this being tho only available night be
fore the holidays The tournament Is
expected to be the most enjoyable;
event of the year and possibly the only
event this year in the way of girls'
class athletic contests.
The present holders of tho pennant
TicKETslirsAiFfbibliow, 9 A. M.
50c, ANfpMWllOlSE.
are the Sophomores, and the Freshmen,
Juniors and Seniors will attempt to
win it from them. This tournament
was not open to the public last year,
but it has been decided to give those
who wish to see tho game a chance
to join In class support and enthusi
asm. Tickets will soon be on sale at
the university book stores.
"N" Sweaters Awarded.
The following men received "N"
sweaters: Cortelyou, Borg, Benedict,
Follmer, Bell, Ringer, Mason, Mlckel,
Bnglehart, Hunter, Westover, Tpbln,
Wilson, Cotton, Thorpe, Bender and
Tho girls' class In gymnastics at
Wesleyan do most of their work out of
"doors during the pleasant weather. A
basket ball team has been organized
and is doing some excellent work. Miss
Meeker, '04, has charge of the girls'
department of physical culture at that
Circulars are now being prepared
descriptive of the winter course in ag
riculture, and the course in dairying
and the corn and stock judging parlia
ment. This circular will be sent to
1,500 farmers in Nebraska.
President Myers Chooses Jinlors
t Contest With Senior
Debaters A New
President Myers of tho Junior class
has named the Juniors who will battle
with the seniors in tho field of argu
mentation. This debate will tako place
some time after tho holidays, but the
exact date has not yet been set
This will be tho first IntcrclaBS de
bate in tho hlBtory of the Institution
and Is certainly a very commendable
move. It will raise tho standard of
debating in the university by creating
more interest in the work and at the
same time help to stir up much needed
class Bplrit and enthusiasm through
out tho Institution.
The team will be composed of John
Tobin, E. R. Buckner, Burdette LowIb
and C. R. Sargent. Mr. Sargent will
act as alternate.
These men have been chosen by Mr.
Myers only after careful consideration
and a most thorough Investigation.
They will make a strong team without
question. Mr. Tobin was an alternate
on one of the last year's Interstate
teams. Mr. Buckner has made a record
in the courses of argumentation, Is an
able speaker and will fill this position
with credit. Burdette LowIb has rep
resented the Omaha high school In In-ter-scholastlc
debate, Is a prominent
member of the Union Debating club
and was on last year's Interstate squad.
Mr. Sargent is a good debater, has re
ceived his training under Professor
Fogg, and has written the best paper
in English 11 this year. '
As agreed by the committees on de
bate, the junior team will select the
question to be dobated and submit it
to the seniors, who will choose their
side. Considerable interest Is already
manifest in this debate and it promises
to bo a very interesting affair.
The Searle collection of Philippine
curiosities is being mounted this week.
It contains numerous and valuable spe
cimens of native workmanship and
curios articles of all kinds. The collec
tion of Indian relics received lost week
from B. Y. High, of Niobrara, la alBo
being mounted.
Collegiate Score Totals.
Ab compiled by tho Omaha Bee be
low are tho score totals for tho vari
ous teams up to date. In tho eaBt:
Harvard 184, opponents, 40. Yale 28G,
opponents 22; Princeton 154, opponents
17; Pennsylvania 157; opponents 08;
Cornell 324, opponents 38; Columbia
189, oponents, 101; Lafayette 180, oppo
nents 51; Brown 115, opponents 52;
Carlisle Indians 200, opponents, 51;
Amhorst 134, opponents 55; Williams
67, opponents 141; Wesloyan 00, op
ponents, 138; Bucknell 102, opponents
70; Georgetown 142, opponents 88;
West Point 158, opponents 20; Anna
polls 47; opponents 79; Lehigh 205, op
ponents 57; Pennsylvania State, 208,
opponents 28; Dartwouth 104. oppo
nents 39; New York university 91, op
ponents 32.
In the west: Michigan G39, oppo
nents 12; .Minnesota 243, opponents
29; Chicago 249, opponents 27; Wiscon
sin 228, opponents 39; Illinois 370, op
ponents 29; Northwestern 58, oppo
nents 117; Nebraska 190, oppononts 0;
Iowa 133, opponents 233; Haskell In
dians 152, opponerts 41; Missouri 49,
opponents 75; Kansas 22, opponents 88.
Locally: Doane 123, opponents 75;
Grand Island 72, opponents 18; Belle
vue 97, opponents 57; Lincoln Medics
22, opponents 32; Hastings 10, oppo
nents 110; Dodge Light Guards 148,
opponents 10; Lincoln high school 83,
opponents 52; Omaha high school 20,
opponents 133; Omaha Medics 0, op
pononts 07; Crelghton 259; opponents,
In the sorleB of games for the cham
pionship of the State Inter-collegiato
Football association Doane took first
place, Grand Island second, Bellevuo
third, Lincoln Medics fourth, and
Hastings fifth.
1902 Football Captains.
Harvard, Kernan; halfback.
Yale, Chadwlck; halfback.
Princeton, Davis; end.
Pennsylvania, Gardner; end.
Columbia, H. Weekes; halfback.
West Point, Boyors; center.
Minnesota, Flynn; guard.
Wisconsin, Juneau; end.
Michigan, Shorts; tackle.
Chicago, James Sheldon; halfback.
Northwestern, Chas. Ward, guard.
Illinois, G. Stahl; guard.
Nebraska, Westover; tackle.
Grlnnell, Evans; halfback.
Ames, Coye; halfback.
Drake, Bates; end.
Kansas, Vincent; guard.
Missouri, Ellis; tackle.
Annapolis, Belknap; guard.
Egyptian Irrigation.
Clarence T. Johnson, assistant chief
of irrigation investigations, United
States department of agriculture, will
deliver an illustrated lecture on "Irri
gation in Egypt," before the Engineer
ing society of the university at 8 p. m.'
this evening.
A general invitation is extended to
all. JAS. A. GREEN,
Brown University has a new $20,000
swimming tanc.
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