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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1902)
SS3SwSwS3pS5 FTL "', W "Til y6-ryv-1 4 ."- -.v V lv. , -a.. t-.-4-A; -M r' v ' -.. , V -itS' THE pAILY NEBjRASKAN. - " " - '$ w' $50 REWARD offered bv the man ufacturers for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with one box of Lenox Catarrh Cure. For gi.oo we guarantee a cure or money re funded. Sprague Drug Company. wholesale and retail, cor. 13th and N, Lincoln, Neb. -nr -w v m a. . .. A B I Ml- lll IXCED BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C. THOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. THE PAMOUS CREATOR OF TIN EZRA "THE COMEDIAN YOU ALL KNOW 1 KENDALL TONIGHT, DECEMBER 2. As JOE MILLER rhe Vinegar .... Buyer ..... Office Phone L 1021. Residence Phone L 925. C W. M. POYNTER, M. D. 1222 O Street. Residence 349 So. 27th Street. A Three Act License for Laughter. By HERBERT HALL WINSLOW. (LIEBLER & CO., Managers.) Ezra Kendall, undisguised and irresistibly funny, struck a pay streak of laughter which will make his comedy-mine stock leap to the top. Amy Leslie, in Chicago News. "WHAT DO YOU THINK OP THAT ?" Prices, 75c to $1.50- SISLER & LEMIN.G We will fill your orders for lodge and church socials, weddings, etc. We make all kinds of Fruit Ices. Brick Ico Cream 30 cents per brick. Give us a trial order. 107 N. 13th Street. Phone 630- DU TEIL CIGARS 7 ""'THAT'S ALL" Yule Bros. Laundry I5i4 O Street Tel 754. Originators of the Idea of sending home work satisfactory Local andPersonal Oliver Theator Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Pay up your subscription. Eat at the Newport today. Eat at the Good Health. Cafe. Columbia National Bank Ok Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $100,00 0.0 Officers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B. Byons, Assistant Cashier. Tour Personally Conducted Excursions to CALIfORNIA Every week, with choice of routes. These excur cursions leave Lincoln VIA UNION PACIfIC EVERY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. C. E. Brown, dentist Burr block. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. Don't wait to have the -circulator seo you. Miss Edith Hlgglns of the regis trar's ofllce spent her Thanksgiving va cation in Omaha. Alex Cuscaden, '05, came dowp from Omaha to visit the Phi Kappa Phi and take In the football game. Halr-dresslng, manicuring shampoo ing and scalp treatment at LIndcll halr-dresslng parlors. 1236 M St Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Call Forbes' carriages, 1125 P street 'Phone 550. Don't wait to be Invited to subscribe or pay up. Joo Westover has been pledged to Kappa Sigma. The Junior girls are the first to appear In clasB caps. Their caps are of a neat design and the girls are to bo commended for securing them oarly. Will RobertBOn loft Monday for his home In PlattBmouth, being compelled to take a short vacation on account of illness. Theodore SlmB, '01, Is visiting at the Beta house. Other old university men who came down for the game were Don AdamB, Carl Dlrka, Fred Williams and Ouy Moore. Call on the circulator about your subscription. If you can't find the circulator, come to the office. Why not bathe at Chris' place, Elev enth and P streets? At 1229 N Btreot, a furnished room for two; $5 per week. , Prof. A. E. Sheldon leaves today for St Louis, whore he has boon In vited to participate In a historical meeting being held there. STUDENTS' BARBER SHOP. John Marshall has been the Students' favorite barber for eight years. Now with MARSHALL & RICHARDS, 139 So. 13th Street. Teeth filled without pain 'OR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A liberal discounl to students. 141 So. 12TH St., - Lincoln, Neb. Ross Electric Co. Electric Supplies, Window Lighting, Dynamos and Motors, Electric Signs, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. 122 N. 14m St. - Tel. 374. Dr. Kuhlmann will read a paper on Professor Lamprechfo historical method at the next meeting of the Post-graduate club. Dr. H. J. Lehnhoff, '97, Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. Flogenbaum's pharmacy, northwest corner Thirteenth and O streets. University girls are Invited to the Y. W. C. A. dining room, 316 South 12th street The R. and C. Barber shop, 1144 O street, Is the finest In the city. Seven chairs. 1,000 Sample handkerchiefs at leap than wholesales prices at Tho Famous, 1029 O street. Tho Campus View boarding house, 410 North Twelfth street, can accom modate a few mora boarders. Notices have been posted on tho chemical bulletin board of civil Bervlco examinations to bo hold December 9tl for an assistant chemist In tho Phll Iplno Bervlce and a chemical clerk. DOMESTIC HAP LAUNDRY IBM D St, - Ptiope 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. t Cuffs, 3. Nothlug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor That's the reason why they call him "Hot Waffle Sam," Talk about baking waffles, well, he's the man. You can got them when it's early, Or get them when It's late, But any time you get them I toll you they aregreat Merchant's Cafe, 111 No. 13th St. The Union society celebrated its an nual Thanksgiving feed last Thursday evening. Games and music wore the enjoyments resorted to and at 9:15 supper was served. Miss Van Camp acted as toast mistress and somo very appropriate toasts were offered. There were flftythreo persons present AT 1:4-5 P.M. and can be joined at,any point en route. Full information cheerfully fur nished) on application to 'E. B. SLO.SSON, Agent. M 1 Jm&Wfv "-ir HIGH GRADE CHOCOLATES BDNflONS. Sold oplg bg Wen Drug. Cb lltji and 0 Streets "The Biggest Sensation Every where. I', LILIPUT Colapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the -r strongest optical effect. Highly1"' finished in different colors with richi gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V; F. Photo graphs. Views, of art (genre"). PRICE ONLY Ji.oo. Sent every- -where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. - -i fiWj THEjgSPtf T your Head. One Profit une PRICED IWB VITALITY. GtAMNTftO MATS JAvmn&2?'V6tuav The SUCCES3 XOFTHC CENTURt 'BRIMFUL' m TYLEi Hmm '1 ' , i w& , m, j: , . v " r J i$- '? M i 1 11 -A ' ' . u 1 . t V .i .rz i' !?7i .'.iMi t 1 1 ' -m -I . M?-7 . ' . t V S , W l 9 ., fl ' ,'' -a&( vA jwM&' tfeju , '. . fc ...? , .,!