Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1902)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. "V N $50 REWARD offered by the man ufacturers for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with one box of Lenox Catarrh Cure. For 1.00 we guarantee a cure or money re funded. Spkagik Drih; Company. wholesale and retail, cor. 13th and N, Lincoln, Neb. ROWLING ALLEY--4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in ever) particular. 1210O street. n. C. THOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 1310 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. You 8H0ULD bay your Kodaka, Plates FilmB, OardB. AlbumB, Developers, Etc., of the LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY 00., 115 South 11th Street, Linooln, Neb. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, finest of Toilets, First Class Service. A. L. KEMMKRRKR, Propr. 1 13 So. 1 1 th St., Lincoln, Neb. Anything Electrical-The NEBRASKA ELECTRICAL CO. 312 So. 12'ii S'irei.i, Phone 417. Repairing Done Day or Night. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Stree. Tel. 754. Originators of theldoaofsondliig home work satlsl'ucvory Columbia National Bank Ok Lincoln, Nehraska. Capital, $100,000.00. Ohicers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. four Personally Conducted Excursions to CALIFORNIA Every week, with choice of routes. These excur cursions leave Lincoln VIA union runic EVERY Wednesday, Thursday, friday and Saturday, AT 1:45 P. M. and can be joined at any point en route. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. OLIVER THEATRE t. Thanksgiving Matinee and Night. MR. HENRY SAVAGE Presents His New York Company of lyric Plajers in PIXLEY & LUDEHS' 8 Weeks at Daily's The atre, New York. KIIM6 RAYMOND HITCHCOCK, and-His Merry Choral Court of 75 People. Special Augmented Orchestra of 20 Musicians. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 750 and 50o fur Both Performances. Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Pay up your subscription. Ent at the Newport today. Eat at the Good Health Cafe. Gloves Cleaned at the Famous Buy your Gloves at the Famous. Restaurant Unique. 1228 O street. Eat at Don Cameron's. 118 So. 11th. V. E. Hrown. dentist. Hurr block. Ent at Hendry's. 129 North Eleventh. Don't wait to have the circulator see you. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Call Forbes' carriages, 1 125 P street. 'Phone 550. Don't wait to be Invited to subscribe or pay up. Call on the circulator about your subscription. If you can't find the circulator, coinf to the office. English 17. journulism. will not meet until next Monday. Why not bathe at Chris' place, Elev enth and P streets? The Palace barber shop the fineBt In the west. Eight chairs. Dr. H. J. Lehnhoff, '97. Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. Flegenbaum's pharmacy, northwest corner Thirteenth und O streets. 1 ately arrived at Harry Porter's Whiting's latest stationery. The Dellans wliLgive a reception in the old chapel Wednesday evening Chas. Taylor, a f-'ophomore or '01, is attending Boloit College this year. University girls are invited to the Y. W. C. A. dining room, UIG South 12th street. The Campus View boarding house, 410 North Twelfth Btreet, can accom modate a few more boarders. CHOCOLATE HDNflrM Sold only hu Harley Drug Co., 112D 0 Street. 7 Months at the Htude bakcr Thea tre, Chicago DODO Miss Margaret Rice visited In Oma ha over Sunday. Edwin CriteB is BcrloiiHly 111 In St. Elizabeth's hospital with typhoid fever. While playing basket bn'll last Fri dny Hnrriet Hrayton painfully sprained her wriflt. Mr. HufuB and Ralph Woods returned from Klondyke Saturday to resume their studies. County Clerk Robertson of Pluts mouth visited his son at the unieinny over Sunday. Mr. O. H. Martin, '98, who Is now practicing law In Kansas City has been vlsit'iii: in Lincoln. Miss Emma MyreB pleasantly enter tained a number of university friends Saturday evening at 1725 R street. Hair-drtsHlng, manicuring, shampoo ing and scalp-treatment at Llndell hair-dressing parlors. 123G M St. O. .1. Fee was initiated Into Sigma Chi Saturday evening. The ceremonies were followed by an Informal spread. Elmer Turner assisted J. D. Halle), atato secretary of the Y. M. C A. hi onductlng exercises at Frlen.l Sun day. Eat at Merchants Cafe. 117 No. 13th St. Everybody Invited; everybody welcome. Thanksgiving dinner served early. Manager Engle will go to Chicago after the Thanksgiving game to at tend to matters pertaining to next sea son's schedule. E. E. Blackman, of the State His torical society, has been invited to lee turo at St. Mary's Congregational church. In Omaha, November 2tli. on "The Religion of the Nebraska In dians." Uncork the wine of gladness; Put the beer of Joy on tap. Hurrah! For proud Nebraska Wears a feather In her cap. Hurrah! For every victor. In the grand, heroic scrap; For they went to Minnesota, And they wiped it off the map. THOMAS MILLER. WANTED A student waiter. Mer chants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St. Call at once. HIGH GRADE ft. Office Phone L 1021. Residence Phone L 925. C. W. M. POYNTER, kI. D. U33 O SlHKKT. Residence 349 So. 27th Street. Teeth filled without pain DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A liberal discounl to students. 141 So. 12 111 St., - Lincoln, Nkm. Ross Electric Co. Electric Supplies, Window Lighting, Dynamos and Motors, Klcctnc Signs, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. 122 N. 14 ru Si. - Tkl. 374. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 16010 St, -Pdone 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothlug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. "Tiik Bicufst Sensation Every where. " LILJPUT Colapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished indifferent colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V. F. Photo graphs. Views of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $1. 00. Sent every where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. JBPThe Improved . J OlOSTON r 1GARTER Tf Mk The Standard V IW for Gentlemen I J ALWAYS EASY)) HbLjft JM Tf?e Name " BOSTON I gfGARTERM Is stumped FBAon every loop. f KUAflAft CUSHION ) M MV BUTTON f LVks flat to the leg never V hSIIps, Tears nor Unfastens, f ftkk SOLO CVERYWHCRC. V HliK Smpl pair, Silk Me. ' "KB Cotton Sic I Milled oa receipt 01 prle. 1 Blazo. nosr oo.,ukra I y EVERY PAIR WARRANTED-