THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. I '4 $50 REWARD offered by the man ufacturers for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with one box of Lenox Catarrh Cure. For Si.oo we guarantee a cure or money re funded. Si'kacujk Dure; Cumi'vn, wholesale and retail, cor. 13th and N, Lincoln, Neb. BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 0 street. n. C. TnOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone . 535. Residence telephone L 984. You SHOULD buy your KodakB, Plates Films, Cards. Albums, Devolopors, Etc, of the LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY 00., 115 South 11th Street, Lincoln, Neb. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, Finest of Toilets, First Class Service. A. L. KEMMERRER, Propr. 1 13 So. 1 ith St., Lincoln, Neb. Anything Electrical-The NEBRASKA ELECTRICAL CO, 312 So. 12th Sikeki, Phone 417. Repairing Done Day or Night. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Stree. Tel. 754. Originators of the Idea of Bonding1 home work satisfactory Columbia National Bank Ok Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $100,000.00. Officers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. II. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. Four Personally Conducted Excursions to CALIFORNIA Every week, with choice of routes. These excur cursions leave Lincoln VIA UNION PACIFIC EVERY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AT 1:4-5 P.M. and can be joined at any point en route. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. Just the shoe for wet weather. French calf. Heavy cork-filled hand sewed sles . . . . NI.Fft50N5 1213 0 STfiEEr.& Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Pay up your subscription. Eat at the Newport today. Eat nt the Good Health Cafe. Gloves Cleaned at the Famous. Buy your Gloves at the Famous. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. C. E. Prown, dentist. Burr block. Eat at Hendry's. 129 North Eleventh. Don't wait to have the circulator see you. Canaeron'B lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Call Forbes' carriages, 1125 P street. 'Phone 550. Don't wait to be Invited to subscribe or pay up. Call on the circulator about your subscription. If you can't find the circulator, come to the office. Why not bathe nt Chris' place, Elev enth and P streets? The Palace barber shop the finest in the west. Eight chairs. Dr. II. J. I.ehnhoff, '97, Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. Fiegenbaum's pharmacy, northwest corner Thirteenth and O streets. ,rhc Kan .- City S,ar his e: nt fo tMi' of the Corrhusker I'. "-in, wlt'i the intension of publishing I. m. Captain Lundin, of the Sophomore fntnall team, has an arm in a sling as the result of the Junior-Sophomore gain Tuesday. It has been suggested that for the health of all concerned, those taking gymnasium work should be more par ticular about' having their gym clothes- washed. RAISE THE PRICE f Jl WOOT:rog) k s Raise No Thanksgiving Game can be celebrated Right without a CANE. MEGAPHONE, PENNANT or STREAMERS. This is the last chance to "ROOT." Make it effective by stocking up at Lately arrived nt Harry Porter'B Whiting's latest stationery. University girls are Invited to the Y. W. C. A. dining room, 31G South 12th Btreet. The Campus View boarding house. 410 North Twelfth street, can accom modate a few more boarders. An experiment to determine the amount of poison contained In cured sugar cano Is being conducted at the greenhouse by the agricultural de partment. Dr. Clements, of the university athletic, board, will represent Nebras ka at the "Big Nine" conference com mittee meeting and will urge the conference. Lewis Warren, a Junior of '00, and forward on the basket ball team, is vls lslng with Lincoln friends and will take in the Thanksgiving football game. The- Medical society has decided on a t'esign for a pin to represent the Medhnl school. It will be In the form of a skull and croBB-bones with the letters U. N. C. M. Mr. Emil Salick, a prominent French engineer, visited the chemistry depart ment this week. Mr. Salick built the first two sugar factories In the state, which are those of Grand Island and Norfolk. Miss Aura Chesslngton entertained n few friends at her home on L street, Saturday night. Ping-pong and other gj.n cs h:T,rdcd the amusement of the evening. Dainty refreshments were servd r-nd all present report a de lightful time. Those In attendance were: M lares Woodruff, Brookings, Glover and Nelson; Messrs. Myers, Hiltner and Williams. Following out a line of work in augurated by Professor Libby, of Wis consin University, the class in Amer ican politics Is now engaged In analyz ing congressional votes upon such significant measures as the bank bills of 1790 to 1832, tariff bills of 1810 to 1842, the various compromises, etc. The investigation was begun last year and has already yielded Information of considerable Importance In the in terpretation of sectional parties prior to the civil war. AND BUY ONE ! Cane THE CO-OP. Office I'hono L 1021. Residence Phone L 925. C. W. M. POYNTER, M. D. 1222 O Residence 349 Ho. 27th Street. Teeth filled without pain DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A liberal discounl to students. 141 So. 12111 St., - Lincoln, Nkd. Ross Electric Co. Electric Supplies, Window Lighting, Dynamos and Motors, Electric Signs, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. 122 N. 14TH St. - Tkl. 374. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1BD1 D St, - Pfrojie 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. I l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. "The Biggest Sensation Every where. " LI LI PUT Colapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished indifferent colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V. F. Photo graphs. Views of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $1.00. Sent every where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. ULIPIT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. flipfcThc Improved J r BOSTON yg 4 fr Gentlemen f L I always easy) ySNfisL The Name "BOSTON ( gKJj3fGAKTER'' is stamped J iHHvSon every 'oop WKM M BUTTON I AHUcs flat (o the leg never 1 JBSjkSlips, Tears nor Unfastens. iHKlHk OOLD EVCRYWHERC. 1 QGHW. Sunplt pair, 811k 0e.a j HBKlOV Hailed on receipt of price. t .HHaE0- raosT co.jaak.rt J Boston, lfaua,,U.8.A, g-EVERV PAIR WARRANTEDJW