The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN: Ganoiino Pharmacy Co. 1400 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Hot Soda in Srason. Open All Nioht. TALK WITH LUDWI6 ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES 1036 O Sirikt. GROSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Eur ope and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes sent post paid for $1.00, single sampli 25c. When ordering a single ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MfO SUPPLY CO. 119 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. THE FAMOUS CADET UNI FORM Made by The Henderson Ames Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan, can be secured of JAMES HEARN, 237 South I ith Street. See cloth samples and let him take your measure. GIRARD CYCLE CO Agents for RAOYGLES Headquarters for DISK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS 1406 O Strkkt. - Piiovk B908. First-class Repairing a Specialty. ARE YOU GOING TO California ? If you have decided to go, see the Burlington agent first before deciding on your Route. The Bur lington have Through Tourist Sleepers ... - Lincoln to Los Angeles EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY All Cars Personally Conducted Burnngton Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 1290. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and 6 Streets. Phone 235 UlMlllll"4lMy Official Bulletin. Thla column la devoted mainly to notices of tho university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave them either at tho executlvo offlce, at the ofllco of tho paper, or hand them to anyono connected vlth the paper. All announcements should be In by 6 p. m. oooococoocxxcxxxccxooc REGISTRAR'S CALLS. Notice 1b hereby given that any stu dent not answering promptly the offi cial calls to this offlce becomes liable to dishonorable dismissal from the uni versity. THE REGISTRAR. NOTICE. All students who have not given their address or who have changed their address, should report Immediate ly at the registrar's offlce. THE REGISTRAR. THANKSGIVING RECESS. As announced In the calendar for 11)02-03, Thanksgiving reenss begins at G p. 111., Wednesday, November 20. and continues until 8 n. in., on Monday, December 1. H. G. SHEDD, Registrar. WITHDRAWAL FROM CLASS. No student may quit a class without permission from the dean of his col lege. Such permission must bo pre Lcnred to th".s office Immediately that Hit instructors may be notified. Any Kmlent dropping a class without such 1 ei mission becomes liable to Immediate ou.-penslon from the university. H. G. SHEDD, Registrar. SENIOR MEETING. The Seniors will meet Thursday at 10 a. 111. In U. 20(5. LUNCHEON SERVED. Luncheon served every day except Saturday in Mechanical Arts hall by domestic science department, beginning at 11:30 a. m. Service a la carte. NOTICE TO SENIORS. Some Seniors In the industrial col lege have not seen me in regard to their standings. Please do so soon, bringing your credit books. My offlce hours are from 11:30 a. 111., to 12 m., each week day, In the dean's offlce. CHARLES E. UESSEY, Dean. RETURNS THANKS. The College Settlement board desire to thank the Junior-Sophomore football teams for their kindness in giving the receipts of their championship game, November 18, to the College Settlement work. The receipts amounted to $ 1 1 . 4 f , a nice little sum. Captain Chase will inspect the Persh ing Rifles next Thursday night. All old men who expect to drill with tho company this year are requested to be present In full uniform. rgwewflfefrfc-.. , -TJr. -vrr?- $4.00. Spalding's New Attachment for Foot Ball Tacking Machine was invented by Mr. John McMasters, trainer of the Harvard team. It is the best appliance of its kind ever invented. Price $15.00. Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide for 1902. Price 10 cents. Spauldings Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue mailed free. AUp. SRALDiNG & BROS. New York Chicago Baltimore ENGLISH 11. There will bo an examination In this course at 9:30 a. m. November 20th. M. M. FOGG. NEW THEME NOTICES. New notices respecting Junior and Senior themes aro pasted on U. 300, and M. 20G. NOTICE TO SENIORS OF THE COL LEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. Dean E. W. Davis desires to see each senior member of the college of llter atuie, science and arts in regard to work necessary for graduation. His office hours are from 2 to 3 o'clock each afternoon except Saturday, in U. 104. Members of the faculty are requested to get their pictures taken for the Som brero. The regular $3 pictures can be had at Townsend's for $ 1 .50 The time for Juniors is extended to December 1. Roy D. Caldwell has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Sombrero board caused by the resignation of Cyrus Reynolds. Mr. Caldwell has 'also been placed on the Junior Prom, com mittee. The Pan-Hellenic congress will be entertained at a smoker at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house next Fiiday even ing. STEVENS & NEVILLES New Location Is at 1330 O Street. Pool and Billiards in connection. Fun with 3 Phonograph. LOTS OF IT. See them at GUTUERIE'S, 1540 O Stkkk 1. Bicycles repaired. NORTHWESTERN ...LINE E., E. & M. V. R'Y. Best Line to ST. RAUL BLAOK HILLS OHCAGO 1024 O St. - 1024 O St. E. R. Butler, R. W. McGinnis, C T. A. Gen'l Agt. SPATJLDING'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIES are used by all colleges and athletic clubs, because they stand the test. Spalding's Official Intercol legiate Foot Ball is used in all championship games. Price Den ver Buffalo From thectoi to your Head, WM&wlms One Profit, one PRICED ONE gUALlTY. 5UA?ANT0 ATS 0cpsrs&1uvxrJ3Pr"WMioOm The Success CENTURY, Brimful of TYLE. OUR RLORIST C. H, FREY 1133 O STREET Genuine Gas Coke S9.00 A TON Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co. For Beast aHDi 1 lie Ilia II l" wlvlies lii hunt .1111 kind of I'.mie Irum lite llii;-' lu tlie sinallcil will find tho lln complete Wc mlVe All ilet of tcfiealint; illlrl (111111 jj lo .45 1 all) if ami mil iciktaIiiih ttu.lKUiif are. llic b.t value (ul llic money ev.t ollerctl All nave inc wmu mp am m an 1 ejeit at llic lle Our new aulnm.illi moll mutating ncvue now mrimiiru on all "I mil slHitcuns makes 11 llic ..llrM l'i Hn: i;uii ever bum lllu-tial-il C ataluc fur 6 -li The jlarlln Klrr Arm. Cu New HairD, Cuaa. &JT Bird Students Get Your Clothes Pressed at the WEBER SUITORIUM RICHARDS BLOCK. SEE Steincr-Woempener Drug Company FOR DRUGS Phone 707. - - 1 146 O. Street. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664L PALACE BEAUTIFUL Hair dressing, Manicuring, Massage, Shampooing and Ladies1 Bath and Chiropody departments. We have an experienced attendant. A full line of hair goods, toilet articles character wigs, greese paintsetc. Students' patronage solicited. r2i North 13th Street. The first National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093. S. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United WrlWSMmk 11 ! ni g2&KStSSM8t wHP " - 4 i m . ."J States Depository.