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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1902)
THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN. i with tho money thus obtained a caBh business 1b carried ont at the store. This saves tho exorbitant rates of in terest charged by the storekeeper. Tho Chancellor Is of tho opinion that tho good work will contlnno and that in this line we may expect some advancement. BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C THOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi- oian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of iemales and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. You SHOULD buy your KodakB, Plates Films, Cards. Albums, Dovolopors, Etc, of tho LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 115 South 11th Streot, Lincoln, Nob. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, Finest of Toilets, First Class Service. A. L. KEMMERRER, Propr. 113 So. nth St., Lincoln, Neb. Anything Electrical-The NEBRASKA ELECTRICAL CO, 312 So. 12th S-irekt, Phone 417. Repairing Done Day or Night. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Stree. TeL 754. Originators of tho Idea of sending home work satisfactory Columbia National Bank O' Lincoln, Nkhkaska. Capital, $100,000.00. Officers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. 11. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. 13. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. four Personally Conducted Excursions to CALITORIMIA Every week, with choice of routes. These excur cursions leave Lincoln VIA UNION PACIfIC EVERY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AT 1:45 PM. and can be joined at any point en route. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. OLIVER THEATRE Thursday Evening, November 20th. CAPTAIN JENKS of the Horse Marines With ELIZABETH KENNEDY and a Harmoniously Selected Company, including THEODORE BABCOCK. Forty Peo ple in the Organization. Prices from 50c to $1.50. Seats now on sale. Local andPersonal Convocation Today. Superintendent Gordon of the city schools will address the students at convocation today. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Ludwlg, the Unl. tailor. Pay up your subscription. Eat at tho Newport today. Eat at the Good Health Cafe. Gloves Cleaned at tho Famous. Buy your Gloves at tho FamouB. Thojvy Press prints to please. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Burr Barber shop, 120 North 12th. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. Don't wait to have the circulator see you. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Call Forbes' carriages, 1125 P street. 'Phone 550. Don't wait to be Invited to subscribe or pay up. Have the Ivy Press Co print it 125 No. 12th street. Call on the circulator about your subscription. If you can't find the circulator, come to tho office. Why not bathe at Chris' place, Elev enth and P streetB? The Palace barber shop the finest in tho west. Eight chairs. Paul Andreson, '04, has charge of the Star routes In Lincoln. Dr. H. J. Lehnhoff, '97, Fratornlty building, Thirteenth and M. Fiegenbaum's pharmacy, northwest corner Thirteenth and O streets. University girls are invited to the Y. W O. A, dining-room. 316 South, 12th slreet. Special OF Drawing Jnstruments -" We are closing out two makes of instruments and have cut the price on all sets 20 PER CENT. II you haven't a set now, get one at once. ' THE GO-f)P. As Presented 200 Nights at the Garrick Theatre, New York, The Best and Most Original Comedy, by CLYDE FITCH, Called Dr. Ward will leave for St. Joseph, Mo., tomorrow. George 8hedd, Instructor In journal Ism, Is sick with La Grlppo, with symp toms of malaria fever. Y. Nakido, '98, and '00, is taking a post graduate courso in chemistry at John Hopkins University. The Campus View boarding house, 410 North Twelfth Btroet, can accom modate a few more boarders. The second term of the University School of Music opened last Monday. Twenty new students registered. Dr. Bruce, who has been down with typhoid fever, expects to bo at the de partment of physics some time this week. Professor Barbour showed his class In geology 1 some very line views of Mammoth cave and Wind cave, S. D. yesterday. The Glee club under Prof. Starr is progressing wonderfully the last three weeks. The outlook for the club is very encouraging. $3.00 commutation tickets for $2.75 at Westerfleld's Merchants' Cafe, 117 North Thirteenth street. Little Gem hot waffles served at all hours. Fred Stratton has returned from western Wyoming, where ho has been with a surveying party, and will con tinue his work In the university. Three swans have been sent by Will Hay ward, an old university football man, to the university. Two will bo put In the museum and the other one will be sent back to Mr. Hayward at Nebraska City. A few days ago the botanical depart ment received a collection of little blocks of rare woods from Cuba. They were sent by W. O. Ayer. who was a student in botany nine yeais ago and who Is now In the army, stationed at Prescott, Ariz. The members of tho next legislature have begun coming to Lincoln to re serve their seats for the session. Stu dents should not fall to take the men representing their districts up to lslt the university, in order that they may better undestand the needs of tho insti Sale All tho commissioned officers ap peared In uniform last night for tho first time. A. O. Elliott, '01, Is now attending tho McCormlck Theological seminary In Chicago. Mr. Kimball, '95, law, Is visiting tho university. Mr. Kimball Is practicing law In tho state of Washington. Miss Kate Searles entertained about twenty young peoplo at her homo In South Lincoln Saturday ovonlng. Dr. Condra Is developing somo pic tures which ho took last Friday at Falls City for tho goologlcal depart ment. Arrangements are being made for tho annual stato Ornithologist meeting, which will probably bo held In Janu ary at Omaha. Tho English club met Saturday even ing with MIsb Floronco Richardson at 920 C street. Miss Bryan read a story, after which refreshments were Berved. $50 REWARD offered by the man ufacturers for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with one box of Lenox Catarrh Cure. For fli.oo we guarantee a cure or money re funded. Spkacuk Dhuc; Company, wholesale and retail, cor. 13th and N, Lincoln, Neb. ni ! Translations !'! Literal, 50c. Interlinear, $1.50. 147 vols. j Dictionaries t. Latin, Greek, $1.00, nnd $1.00, I" Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. HanoneacA pane, interlinear translation, literal translation, anil every word completely parsed. $1.50. Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae- neid, Book I. $1.50. Ready Auguttxf HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 4-3-6-13-13-14 Cooper Institute, N.Y.CIty. Sckoolbookt of alt fubl.thft at ont store J Teeth filled without pain DR. A. 57aYRES, DENTIST A liberal discounl to students. 141 So. i2Ti St., - Lincoln, Nhb. Ross Electric Co. Electric Supplies, Window Lighting, Dynamos and Motors, Electric Signs, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. 122 N. 14TH St. - Tkl. 374. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1312 B - TlidjieOT Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor.