The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan A nowBpapr derotcd to tho Interests of the University of Nebraska. Published at the Univoralty of Nebraska. consolidation of TltD HESPERIAN, Vol. XXXI. THE NEBRASKAN, Vol. XII. THE BOARLET & CREAM, Vol IV. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Neb., as second class mall matter . Bubscrlptlr Price $2.00 per year. Managing Editor. Robert T. Hill. News Editor John F. Tobln. Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy. ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Win. Case. ASSISTANT EDITORS. R. A. McNown. Wm, A Shock. Carlton C. Wllburn. C. C. McCune. REPORTERS. J. D. Rice. John R. Bender. E. F. Davis. A. I. Myers. Henrietta Reefl. Circulator Fred K. Nielsen. Office Second floor Main hall. Postofilce Address, Station A, Box 13. Some of the Chicago paperB are still Inclined to discredit the work of Ne braska. The Kansas City Star BayB that If Minnesota defeats Michigan Nebraska will rave a right to claim the western championship. The advance sale of tickets for the Thanksgiving game Is unprecedented In the hiHtory of Nebraska football. The game on that day will be the big gest Lincoln has ever seen In point of a crowd. Largo sections of seats havo already been engaged by crowds, clubs and parties from neighboring cities. The tickets were placed on sale today and the rush was general at all tho placet! where tickets are held. There Is a great tendency to give in dividual members of the football team credit for good plays, leaving out of consideration the work done by th' team as a whole. We do not want to discredit the work performed by indi viduals, but If they were to speak they would hesitate little In crediting the others with making it possible for them to do good playing. Many spectators and those not fa miliar with a game will see the man with the ball and will shout for a spec tacular play. But they very seldom think of the men In the line who are at the bottom of the pile, and who Btand many of the hard knocks. Every man has to work hard and should be credited with his work, even though he does not make spectacular plays. Team work, not Individual playing, Is what makes a winning team. Many students persist In standing inside tho lines while the minor games are in progress. At the Junior-Sophomore game yesterday fully twenty-five mei were crowding around tho con testants. Their place Is on the bleach ers, from which they are content to watch the big games. If they have no respect for the spectators whose view they are obstructing, they should at least think enough pf the players to keep out of the way. Flvo hundred BtudentB of tho Unl verrlty of Colorado refused to attend classes during the quarto-centennial celebration. They held a mass meet ing, at which they voted almost unan imously not to attend classes while the celebration was going on. Since near ly all tho Btudents of tho university are Involved It Is believed that the au th(o)tles will not adopt severe measures. CHAMPIONSHIP UNDECIDED. of it again and their opponent's goal was once moro In danger. Only a few moments of time remained and the Ju niors attempted a place kick which was blocked and the pigskin was returned a short distance. Time was soon called with the ball In possession of the Soph omores on their 17-yard line. The teams will play again next Tues day and an attempt to decide the class championship will be made. The line-up: Sophomores. Juniors. Frazler center McCutcheon Hummell right guard Melick Hickle left guard . . . .Prltchard Lundln right tackle Wilson Bruce, McWhlnney left tackle Newton Milllken left end Moore Lehmer right end Walton Enright fullback Johnson Thompson .... right half Eager Gould left half Myers Burg quarter back Bell Subs Mather and McKnown. Second Eleven vs. Medics. The second eleven will play the Oma ha Medics next Saturday on Nebraska Field. The scrubs defeated tho Medics by a score of 16 to 0 earlier in the season, and the latter will attempt to retrieve their defeat. A good game is expected and the students will un doubtedly Bupport the men who have been so instrumental in making It pos- ' sible for Nebraska to have a winning I team this year. Come out and see the 'game, your presence will help along the cause. The Academy team has not dis banded, but will play another game next Saturday. With the best team of scrubs in the history of the university and the as surance that Booth will remain with us, the outlook for football next year is certainly bright. The football suits were given a good bath and taken into the boiler house, where they were dried. The boys wilf again appear in their victorious suits and several new plays will be taken up this week for the Northwestern game. The Phi Gamma Delta fraternity held their fifth annual banquet at the Lin coln last Saturday evening. About for ty members were present, Including several Knox college men, who came to attend the Saturday game. Frank Miller, '00, was an Interested spectator at the battalion formation Friday evening. Mr. Miller was first lieutenant of Company C during his Senior year. At present he has charge of a surveying party working for the B. & M. railroad. THERE are those, Mr. W. Burley Guy among the number, who believe that the Michigan bunch can clean up anything In the east. Personally we regard the Nebraska team as the best In the world Chicago Sunday Tribune. Reports of the engineering depart ments are now being made out on blue print paper, making them handy and convenient. No Excuse For not ordering a suit this week. I can have it ready by Thanksgiving if you want it. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT BUMSTEAD HE MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT 1141 0 Street. Mide Sc Guaranteed br B. Kuppenheimer & Co, America Leading Clcthei Mikcu Coprljjl t. I, j, .y II KUrrBNIIBIMBR ft CO. Tf GOOD MORNING! DO YOU READ THE NEBRASKAN ? ARE YOU A WOULD YOU TO YOUR IT TELLS YOU THE NEWS SEND IN YOUR English Literature "The Ring and the Book," Browning cloth 50o "French Revolution," Carlyle cloth 5fjf Shakespeare's Works, complete 3Qo FOUNTAIN PENS The "U. of N." Fountain Pen, $1.00 The best pen for the price in the market. "U. OF N. " TABLETS Letter size 2O0 Packet size icq "U. of N." envelopes, pack, 12)4e Tpe Lincoln Book Store 1126 0 STREET. This Morning WE RECEIVED A LARGE INVOICE OF New Suits AND - Overcoats RANGING IN PRICE FROM $7.00 to $30.00 I CALL AND SEE THEM BE FORE YOU BUY. THEY ARE BEAUTIES Ewing Clothing Go. 1115 0 STREET. SUBSCRIBER ? LIKE IT SENT HOUSE ? NAME TODAY. fa 4 1 s J. L.