The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1902, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan.
VOL 2. NO. 45.
football Men Walt for Their Suits
to be Cleaned Mlckel and
Follmer Not Badly
Regular practlco on the field was
postponed last night becauso the men
had no suits to wear. After the hard
treatment the football paraphenalia re
ceived last Saturday it was necessary
to remove a few pounds of mud from
the suits, and as the operation requires
time the men enjoyed an enforced rest.
Although it seems hard to believe, a
few hours of labor sufficed to remove
the greater part of the Nebraska soil
from the scalps of the victorious war
riors of the gridiron, and they are once
more in a condition to down all op
ponents. Mlckel and Follmer, the
only men injured in the Knox game,
are not badly hurt, and will be in con
dition to get out for practice the rest
of the week.
It is a matter of great regret to lovers
of the game that (here will be no con
test on next Saturday. The game
which was scheduled with Creighton
for that date was declared off early in
the season, and the next and final
game will be with Northwestern on
Thanksgiving day.
Although everybody woul 1 enjoy see
ing another game next Saturday, it Is
perhaps best for the team that there
will be none. Because Northwestern
met crushing defeats early in the sea
son, supporters of the Cornhuskers got
the Impression that the Thanksgiving
game would be easy. Since then they
have been developing greatly under the
guidance of a new coach, and although
not yet as strong as other members of
the "Big Nine" by the time of the game
they will prove strong antagonists.
Last Saturday they defeated Belolt 10
to 0, the first victory of the season. Al
though outranked by Northwestern
Belolt has the reputation for playing
good football, and is one of the best
teams outside of the "Big Nine." Those
who believe that the Cornhuskers will
have a walk-away should get the er
roneous Idea out of their heads imme
diately. Nebraska has a hard game be
fore her, and the members of the team
realize It
Lincoln Medics Win Out.
The Lincoln Medics football team
defeated the Hastings College eleven
on Nebraska field yesterday afternoon
by a score of 18 to 0. A crowd of about
300 witnessed the game. One touch
down was scored In the first half and
two In the second. Captain Westover
umpired the game.
v - The Hastings eleven was clearly out
fy classed and succeeded in making but
few gains. The ball was In the posses
sion of the Medics three-fourths of the
time, and they were seldom forced to
punt. They showed the result of the
better coaching they have received. was 17,000,000, and the value of all
The most interesting feature of the school property la estimated at 577,
game from the spectator's point of view 000,000.
was when some one on the Hide lines
threw a brill Into the scrimmage and
one of the doctors secured It nnd sped
awny up the field for sevonty ynrda,
with two Hastings men close at his
heels, and planted the hall squarely be
hind the goal posts. Needless to say.
the crowd nearly went wild.
Grand Island Beats Doane.
The gridiron warriors of Doane Col
lege of Crete, and of Grand Island Col
lege played a hard game of ball yester
day at Crete. Doane was worsted by
the score of G to 0. The playing was
fast and furious on both sides and the
low score gives evidence of the hard
Doane was defeated also by the uni
versity early in the season by a score
of 51 to 0. Coach Booth and Assistant
Drain acted as umpire and referee re
spectively. The teams found their de
cisions entirely satisfactory.
Juniors Choose Headgear.
The Junior boys met in the old cha
pel yesterday during convocation and
decided on headgear for the class of
'01. There were about thirty in at
tendance and Chairman Buckner pre
sided. The Juniors are determined to have
a hat which will bo "swiped" only by
the most skillful. It will be of soft
felt and can be placed in the pocket
or sat down upon without Injuring it
in the least. In color It will be an
olive green with the band and brim of
another color. This year no class
numerals will appear on the headgear.
Those desiring hats will leave their
names at the library with E. P. Tyner
at once, as It is desired to secure them
as soon as possible.
Botany Notes:
A box of bacteriological apparatus
was received by the department of
botany Saturday.
Professor Bessey had many calls for
copies of the new course of study In
forestry from professors and others In
terested In the work. The course has
met with the approval of all who have
examined It.
Within a short time Professor Bes
sey has received copies of two new
books In forestry Intended to serve as
Introductions to the subject. One of
them will bo used by the forestry stu
dents this semester. The interest In
forestry studios is evidently increasing
rapidly all over the ITnited States.
Illinois has nine men on her hospi
tal list.
The state argicultural school of Col
orado Is soon to add a course In elec
trical engineering.
A chair of dramatic art at Washing
ton, University, St LouIb, has been en
dowed with $90,000 by a St. Louis wo
man. The total number of students In the
schools of all grades In the- UJnited
States for the year ending June 1, 1901,
Monthly Session Held Last Night
Coach Booth Asked to
Other Games
The athletic board held Its regular
monthly meeting last night and con
sidered several very important mat
ters. All those Interested in football and
other university affairs will be inter
ested to learn that Coach Booth was
unanimously elected coach for next
season. The board decided to apply
for admission to the "Big Nine" con
ference and this matter will be brought
up Immediately with the proper auth
orities. It Is known that several mem
bers of the conference are favorable to
Nebraska. Tho conference meeting
will be held on the day after Thanks
giving, and the matter will probably
be settled at that time.
Manager Bell of the baseball team
was present, and made a few sugges
tions concerning the schedule for next
season. The matter was left In the
hands of the baseball committee. Mr.
Bender was elected as a member of tho
committee to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Mr. Rhodes.
Basket ball was discussed. Mr.
Hewitt submitted a report from Man
ager Hiltner. Efforts will be made to
bring Minnesota here when the girls'
basket ball team comes to play tho
girls' team here. These games would
arouse a great deal of Interest. The
basket ball committee was given power
to act.
The board Is going to do all In Its
power to accommodate the large crowd
which will attend the Thanksgiving
game. From present Indications the
attendance will far exceed that of any
other game ever played here. Already
several hundred seats have been en
gaged and a great rush Is expected
when the seats are put on sale. The
athletic board Intends to do Its part.
And, hour by hour it becomes more
apparent to the minds of all, raising
Itself up and staring them in the face
as a bold fact, that we need a gymna
sium. The Dally Iowan.
Washington and Jefferson celebrated
her one hundredth anniversary on Oct
12 to 15. She has the distinction, of
bejng the oldest college west of the
Allegheny mountains.
The Harvard Oiristlan association,
besides doing regular work in the col
lege, has classes in gymnastics, and in
debating for boys, and in politics and
current events for men in and around
On November 5th the Freshmen of
Cornell won over the Sophomores In
their annual flag rush. The "scrap"
was not as hotly contested as usual,
the FreshieB scoring only two more
points than their opponents in the
three rushes.
Debating at Yale.
The debating system at Yalo Is baaed
upon the university plan, each school
having Its clubs and separato organi
zations. In tho academic department
there are two clubs, one open to mem
bers of tho three upper classes, and
tho other to Freshmen. The Sheffleld
Scientific school haB a club of Its own
open to all classes. Tho Divinity nnd
Law schools each havo their separato
organizations and weekly club meet
ings. Tho debating assoclatlbn Is a
small administrative body made up of
official representatives from the vari
ous clubs. This body has charge of
the two lnter-colleglato debatcB with
Harvard and Princeton.
A prominent feature of the year Is
tho Inter-department debates between
teams chosen from the academic, divin
ity, scientific and law departments.
There aro various prizes for the win
ning team in these debates. Tho aca
demic department also holds various
Inter-class debates.
Tho debates with Harvard and
Princeton are tho principal events of
tho year. Places in these teams aro
awarded on the competitive basis. Any
member of tho university Is eligible
10 either of the two sots of prelimi
naries for each debate. Two prelimi
naries in each set are held. Any ono
who has previously won In the second
preliminary pr who has taken part In
an inter-department debate is exempt
from tho first of these contests taking
his place In the second preliminaries
with the fifteen or twenty winners
from the first. From tho second pre
liminary aro chosen six men. Theso
are Uien organized into a squad under
two or three coaches and begin work
on tho question to be debated with tho
other college. About a month before
the debate three and an alternate aro
chosen out of the six by the coaches.
These three then perfect their team
work and debate against various scrub
teams during the month that remains.
Tho system of coaching Is similar to
that employed in Yale football. There
Is an alumnus who is called head
coach. Hq directs all the work, after
tho preliminaries and has help from
other alumni and several faculty men,
especially from the head of the de
partment of elocution and oratory.
Much emphasis is laid on fon, espe
cially in the choice of the final team
out of the six Winers in the second
Tho above is written by Mr. C. C.
North, a prominent debater of last year
and who is now carrying on his work
at Yale. Other articles of interest will
apear in the "Daily" of the same gen
eral character.
Tho "honor" system of examinations
has been unanimously re-established
by Cornell students.
Harvard's schedule this year will,
contrary to tho usual custom, com
prise only college and university teams.
Every college debater of Yale is re
quired to take the regular course in
debating and to be recommended by
the instructor.