The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
A newspaper doYOted to the Interest
of the Univewlty of Nebraska.
Published at tho
Unlvoralty of Nebraska.
consolidation of
Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln.
Neb., as second class mail matter .
Bubscrlptl Price $2.00 per year.
Managing Editor. Robert T. Hill.
News Editor John F. Tobin.
Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy.
Wm. Case.
R. A. McNown.
Wm. A Shock.
Carlton C. Wilburn.
" C. C. McCune.
J. D. Rice.
John R. Bender.
E. F. Davis.
A. I. Myers.
Henrietta Rees.
Circulator Fred K. Nielsen.
OfTice Second floor Main hall.
Postofllce AddreBB. Station A, Box 13.
It was unfortunate it was bo wet, for
we might have had a celebration.
Considering the dlfllculties under
which people labored tho rooting was
The Chicago papers seem inclined to
resent Nebraska's rise in the athletic
As usual the vanquished had ex
planations to make with a big "if"
standing in front.
The red light still shone bright and
beautiful upon tho tower. The O still
remained at the bottom.
There have been fewer complaints
made as to tho Bmoking in the grand
stand than thore were a week ago.
Nebraska now takes rank among the
best of then. If she was an eastern
school tho papers would be full of her
The paper has suffered recently as to
tho authenticity of news and its com
pleteness by the neglect or carelessness
of reporters. Too great caution can
not be observed by one who stands re
sponsible for an assignment given
The announcement that Harvard
University will confer tho degree of
Bachelor of Arts at the end of three
years' study, beginning with the class
of 1905, may be regarded as a signifi
cant sign of the times. It is reported
that Columbia University Is also con
sidering tho advisability of a similar
shortening Its own course, concern
ing this change the Harper's Weekly
"It has been growing more and more
obvious yearly to those who observe
conditions that a four years' course in
college, devoted wholly to the study of
purely academic subjects, Is at least a
year too long, and, in tho case of
young men who are to embark upon a
professional career, results In a very
material Iosb of time without any cor
responding advantage to be gained.
The action of the Harvard authorities
Is a step in tho right direction, but le
It any more than a step? Are there
not yet other steps to bo taken by
which tho young roan who proposed to
become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a
forbidden from taking part In the re
cent Inaugural parade, and have now
been notified that they mimt sit apart
from tho men during chapel exercises.
the ball on downs, and after hurdling
for four yards Mlckel gave up his place
to Englehart Cortelyou made a long
run of twenty-five yards through the
line. Englehart made five, but It was
Immediately lost on account of offsldo
play. Bell and Englehart made good
gains, but the ball was lost as a pen
alty for holding, on tho 10-yard line.
Zalusky punted to Follmer, who re
turned five yards, and went out in favor
of Johnson, who Immediately went into
the game with his usual spirit. Furi
ous line bucking carried the ball to
within six Inches of the Knox goal
line. The visitors played "stonewall"
and by phenomenal work held the
Cornhuskers for downs. ZalUBky punt
ed and Nebraska Becured tho ball on
the 10-yard line, but were again pen
alized for holding. Time was called
before any gain could be made.
Tho line-up:
Nebraska Knox.
Follmer-JohnBon 1. e Whltmoro
Mason 1. t Slattery
Ringer 1. g France
Borg c Howell
Hunter r. g Martin
Westover r. t Ewing
Cortelyou r. e Akerson
Benedict q. b Groogan
Bell 1. h Zalusky
Bender r. h Hopkins
Mlckel-Englehart f. b Wilson
Time of halves 3f minutes.
Officials Hoagland of Chicago, and
Clarke of Omaha.
Touchdowns Bender 1.
Safety Cortelyou, 1.
Everybody got in the swim on Sat
urday. When asked how It felt one player
Bald, "Why, like mud, of course!"
Very few peopl had the ermlty to
roost on telephone poles Saturday.
Tho crowd had to be good natured
on Saturday. And, as a matter of
fail, everybody was.
The players have come to the con
clusion that they will not hae to go
to Europe for a mud bath.
The windows of main hall were every
one filled with their quota of lookers
on Saturday. They were dead anxious
to see the game, but when it came to
paying their money to get In, that was
a different matter.
When the Knox players appeared on
the field Saturday, a young lady In the
grand stand was heard to exclaim: "Oh,
Bee that bald headed player." It was
her first game and Bhe hod never seen
football head gear.
The stand that was used for the sale
of- reserved seats on the gridon was
built in the wood shops.
"Stub" Crandle comes down to near
ly overy one of our big games. He says
Omaha is not big enough to hold him
The people over the state are taking
more interest In football than ever be
fore. Springfield, a village In Sarpy
county, sent down a delegation of six
to see the Knox game.
Saturday's tirlllren Resilts.
Nebraska, 7; Knqx, 0. - .
Minnesota, 11; Wisconsin, 0.
Yale, 12; Princeton, 6.
Northwestern, 10; Belolt, 0.
Harvard, 16; Dartmouth, 6.
Michigan, 21; Chicago, 0.
Carlisle, 5; Pennsylvania, 0.
Cornell, 28; Lafayette, 0.
Iowa, 61; Washington, 0.
Haskell, 24; Kansas, 5.
Iowa City, 11; Cornell, 5.
Drake, 0; Ames, 0.
Kentucky, 6; Cincinnati, 6.
West Point, 446; Syracuse, 0.
Danville, 21; Bloomlngton, 5.
Bucknell, 23; Navy, 0.
I Lincoln Medics vs. Hastings.
The Lincoln Medics football team
and Hastings "College eleven will con
test for honors this afternoon on the
gridiron at 2:30 p. m. This will be a
good game of minor football. The
medics recently defeated the Grand Is
land College team and they are quite
confident of victory today.
Scrubs to Play Medics.
Tho university Becond eleven will
play the Omaha Medics on the home
grounds next Saturday afternoon. These to the bad w,th no Hklihood of a
two teams met three weeks ago at t,,ianee for the better. Out in the coun
Omaha and the Medics were defeated , try tno colorc(1 people are becoming
bv a score of 16 to o Thnv win o , more industrious and more moral. The
- . .., ..... . ...,
next Saturday with the determination
of retrieving their former defeat.
To Decide Championship.
The Juniors and Sophomore will con
test on the gridiron for championship
honors tomorrow afternoon at 2:30.
ThiB promises to be an exceedingly in
teresting contest. The Juniors are con
fident of winning while the Sophomores
believe they can defeat their upper-
classmen by a decisive Bcore.
By comparative score the Juniors
have the Btronger team, as they de
feated the Academy 23 to 0, while the
Sophs won from the Preps by a score
of 16 to 5. But this is the only tinu
the Juniors havo lined up while the
second year men have defeated the
Freshmen to the tune of 11 to 0.
i Vvsn m iv r
tfrS3gr Z3&er1?SaJiZ
PW. - w' 'Z. T.. -TC TFH'-
Just Received
Phone 68. .
The Sophomores have practiced much
more than the Juniors "and will proba
bly have the better team work. Never
theless the Juniors will excell In weight
and five of their men are regular play
ers on tho second eleven.
Every loyal classman will bo out to
shout for his team. Fifteen cents ad
mission will bo charged and tho gate
receipts will be expended for the bene
fit of the college settlement.
Thomas JohnBon, the Junior half
back, is on tho sick list and will be
unable to enter the championship game
Chancellor Aidrews Talks.
Chancellor Andrews occupied tho
convocation period Friday with a dis
cussion of some facts and incidents
gathered on his last trip to the south.
He considered the problem of the black
man tho moBt Interesting problem met
with there. The negro remalnB an In
definable quantity. Even the people who
live among them do not understand
Inquiries carried on among all class
showed that in the larger cities tho
young blacks of both sexes are going
chief reason for this Ib that they can
not get liquor. This is a point In
which the south is in advance of the
north. Liquor laws, wherever any such
exist, are carried out to the letter. This
is of the greatest conceivable good to
the blacks of both sexs, as they are ex
cessive consumers of liquor when they
can get it.
From an economic standpoint the
negroes, as well as the whites, are pro
gressing. For a long period immediate
ly following the war all classes took
advantage of the credit system to a
ruinous extent. Crops were pledged
and traded out at the stores before
they were harvested and farms were
Involved in the same way. Gradu
ally they are getting away from this
sort of thing. A mortgage is given to
the banker on the farm or stock and
Your health depends upon the con
dition of your feet. Your feet will
always keep dry if cased in a cork
sole shoe. Our line of cork sole
shoes are made by the best workmen
and from the best selected leather.
Inspect them and be convinced.
. 127 South nth Street.
tf 1