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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1902)
t --,.u .,;i...3r-- ... -flfui-Ti-TriiBtirirtfYt'tfffa W , TS1 r- ' THE DAILY NEBUASKAN. I 4 I EAT AT THE Palace Dining Hall 1130 N SlKKKI. The largest and best equipped house in the city. Furnished rooms in connection. COOPER & HART, Proprietors. TALK WITH LUDWIG ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES 1036 O Sirkki-. THE CAtlTAL BARBER SHOP wants a scraping acquaint ance with every student. GEO. H. SMITH, Proprietor. 145 North 1 11 n Strkkt. GROSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Eur ope and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes sent post paid for (1.00. sintrle samnl t 25c. When ordering asingle ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MEG SUPPLY CO. 119S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. THE FAMOUS CADET UNI FORM Made by The Henderson Ames Co , Kalamazoo, Michigan, can be secured of JAMES HEAKN, 237 South 1 1 tli Street. See cloth samples and let him take your measure. GIRARD CYCLE CO Agents for RAGYGLES Headquarters for DISK IALK1NG MACHINES AND KECORDS I406 0 SlKKKI. - PlIONK B908. First-class Repairing a Specialty. ARE YOU GOING TO California ? If you have decided to go, see the Burlington agent first before deciding on your Route. The Bur lington have Through Tourist Sleepers . Lincoln to Los Apgeles EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY All Cars Personally Conducted Burlington Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 1290. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Phone 235. Official Bulletin. This column is devoted mainly to notices of the university. All depart ments and Btudent organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave them either at the executive offlco, at the ofllce of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should be in by 6 p. m. XXCXXXOCOCCOCCOOOCOCC!OCXXX NOTICE. All students who have not given their address or who have changed their address, should report Immediate ly at the registrar's office. THE REGISTRAR. REGISTRAR'S CALLS. Notice Is hereby given that any stu dent not answering promptly the offi cial calls to this office becomes liable to dishonorable dismissal from the uni versity. THE REGISTRAR. MEDICAL SOCIETY. Open meeting tonight. Dr. Orr will lecture on "Culture Physlplous." SOMBRERO BOARD. The Sombrero board desires that all Juniors have their pictures taken be fore the 15th of November. LUNCHEON SERVED. Luncheon served every day except Saturday In Mechanical Arts hall by domestic science department, beginning at 11:30 a. in. Service a la carte. JUNIOR THEMES. The first Junior theme will be due on Wednesday, the 17th of December. They are to be left at Mr. FMper's room, U. 306. SOPHOMORES. The Y. M. C. A. rooms will be thrown open to Sophomores Friday evening, November 11th. All Sophomore men are invited to come out and have a good time. ADVANCED DEBATE. Reference for the use of the mem b( rs of the class in preparing them selves for speeches from the floor may be found each week on the center aisle milletin board of the library reading room. M. M. FOGG. The week of prayer for the World's Young Woman's Christian association, November 9-1 G, is to be observed by the University Y. M. C. A. Special meetings will be held ouch day this week in the Y. V. C. A. room. All young women are invited to these meetings. The I'hi Gamma Delta fratenlty will gie a dancing party at Walsh hall Fri day evening. The dance will be In honor of the Phi Gam chapter of Knox f College, which will come to Lincoln In a body to be present at the Nebraska Knox game Saturday. Saturday even ing they will hold their fifth annual banquet at the Lincoln. $4.00. Spalding's New Attachment for Foot Ball Tacking Machine was invented by Mr. John McMasters, trainer of the Harvard team. It is the best appliance of its kind ever invented. Price $15.00. Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide for 1902. Price 10 cents. Spauldings Fall and Winder Sports Catalogue mailed free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Denver Baltimore Buffalo NOTir.R. Students wishing to Join the excur sion to Beatrice Friday will report to Dr. Bolton today. The train leaves the Union Parlflc depot at 7:30 a. m. The fair for round trip is $1.G0. Tho obseravatory will be open to the public next Monday evening from 7 to 10 p. m. for vIowb of Jupiter and the moon. Tho former will be viewed first. All men students who have not drilled or who are not regular In their attendance at drill at receiving cards this week from the registrar to call, and present excuses for the same. The authorities are taking a determined stand In thlB matter. ONE-WAY ItOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS VIA UNION PACIfIC: November 4 and 18 December 2 and 16 To Many Points in KANSAS, NEBRASKA AND EASTERN COLORADO One-Half One Regular Fare Plus $2.00. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. "The Biggest Sensation Every where. " LILJPUT Colapsablc Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished indifferent colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V. F. Photo graphs. Views of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $i. 00. Sent every where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LIL1PUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. SPAULDING'S OFFICIAL BALL SUPPLIES FOOT are used by all colleges and athletic clubs, because they stand the test. , Spalding's Official Intercol legiate Foot Ball is used in all championship games. Price SPECIAL An lnter-colleglte whist tournament will be held In New York. Competing teams will be Harvard, Yale, Pennsyl vania, Princeton and Columbia. Professor Druner has just received a large collection of orthoptera from tho Carnegie Museum; they have been sent to him for determination. The department of zoology has Just received a box of valuable physiologi cal apparatus from Professor W. T. Porter. TheBe Instruments were de signed by him. Students Get Your Clothes Pressed at the WEBER SUITORIUM RICHARDS BLOCK. SEE Steiner-Woempener Drug Company FOR DRUGS Phone 707. - - 1146 O Street. For Comfort and Economy, You can do no better than to consult T. J. Tnoitp & Co. for a Thurmo stat on your Furnace or Steam Heater in your residence. It keeps the house at an even temperature and saves the coal. J. T. Thorp & Co., 308 So. nth street. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, 100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093. S. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; II. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. The Only Up-to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. PALACE BEAUTIFUL Hair dressing, Manicuring, Massage, Shampooing and Ladies' Bath and Chiropody departments. We have an experienced attendant. A full line of hair goods, toilet articles, character wigs, greese paints, etc. Students' patronage solicited. 121 North 13th Street. NORTHWESTERN ...LINE E E. & M. V. R'Y. Best Line to ST. RAUL BLACK HLLS CHICAGO 1024 o St E. R. Butler, C. T. A. 1024 O St. R. W. MoGinnis, Gen'l Agt. ' s