THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. OUR FLORST C. II, FREY 1133 O STREET Teeth filled without pain DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST 'A liberal discounl to students. 141 So. 12111 Si., - Lincdim, Nui. BOWLING ALLEY---4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210O street. , H. C. THOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of iemales and rectal diseases. Rooms 2 1 2 to 2 14 Richards block. Residence 1310 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. You SHOULD buy your Kodaks, Plates Films, Cards. Albums, Dovelopcrs, Etc., of tho LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY 00., 115 South 11th Street, Lincoln, Nob. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, V inest of Toilets, Fust Class Sei ice. A. L. KEMMERRKK, Piopr. 1 1 3 So. 1 1 tli St , Lincoln, Neb. STEVENS & NEVILLE'S New Location Is at 1330 O Street. Pool and Billiatdsin connection. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Street Tel. 754. Originators of the! idea of. sending homo work satisfactory Columbia National Bank Ol Ll( Ol V, Nl I1KASK V. Capital, $100,000.00. Oiiuiks:- John B. Wright, Presi dent; J. II. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashiei; W. 13. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. DOMESTIC flAP LAUNDRY 1312 E - Ptione 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. We have 20 different styles ol OCKKN QUALITY LAD1KS' $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes Come in and cfn thorn OVjVj liltIll Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Ludwig, the Unl tnllor. Pay up your subscription. Eat at the Newport today. Oloves Cleaned at the Famous Buy your Oloves at the Famous. The Ivy Press prints to please. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Burr Barber shop, 120 North 12th. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Don't wait to hae the circulator see you. Cameron'B lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Don't wait to he invited to subscribe or pay up. Hae the Ivy Press Co print it. 1 25 No. 12th stieet. Call on the circulator about your subscription. If you can't find the circulator, come to the office. Dr. II. J. Lehnhoff, '97, Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. Flegenbaum's pharmacy, noithwesl corner Thirteenth and O streets. Coac li Curtis; of Kansas spent Sat urday evening with his Delta lpsilon brothers. Professor Morit. lectured Thuisday evening before the class i:i cducatloi mclhods on "How to teach mathe matics in high schools." You would think the icgistratlon of fice had been moved to Paine's cfothing store, judging from the large num ber of students passing in and out of the store these days. Has been this way for years. M. Crawford, who was first assistant under Professor Bruner, iB now em ployed in the Burlington & Missouri car accountant's office. f FRAT TABLETS We have writing tablets for every fraternity ind sorority in the University. NV f?lnZTDFFT f I)r Fling leaves next Thursday for a three weeks' tour of California. From Tuesday to Saturday of the lollovvlng week he will lecture hefore the teach ers' association ofnorthcrn California, at Redding. Befoie returning he will visit the University of California, and I ( land-Stanfoid University. Some of the advanced students of the history departments are being treated Thursday afternoon's from f to C) o'clock to readings from the com pleted chapters of volume one of Dr Fling's forthcoming "Mirabeau and the French Revolution." Last Thursday's Fossion dealt with chapter 9, "lenfant Tcirlblc." The Sophomore Hop. The first class event of the season, the Sophomore hop, took place last Fil day evening at Fraternity hall. About seventy couples were present. The mu sic was furnished by Quick's orchestra. Time had been some talk among the .luniois of kidnaping o.Ihn Forsythe, chairman of the committee, and Robert White, master of ceremonies, with the result that neither of these men were H'i'ii on the campus Friday. There was no attempt made to abduct them, how ever, and they were piesent to take part in the festivities. The affair was announced as infor mal, but it turned out to be a little more formal than was expected. There weie twenty numbers and five extras. The floor was in the finest condition possible, and danc ing continued until a late hour. The programs were neat souvenirs done in green and white. The guests for the most part weie ati-. ' university i-tudpnts. (Jtheis membeis of the committer In charge weie Mr. Frank Beets, Mr. Will Ramsey. Mr. Robeit Burke, Miss Ruth Wilson, MIfh Blanc he Meeker. Second Eleven Defeated. The sc nibs met defeat at the hands of Bellevue College Saturday, by a score of 15 to 0. Twenty and twanty flve minute halves were pliyed. The kccond team was in poor shape and handicapped by the absence of Captain Newton and Englehart, while their opponents were in prime condi tion. Bellevue excelled in punting, speed and fal.e flaying and her tackles were THE CO-OP very strong. Line bucks netted them but small gains and they gained their ground by long ond runs, while Ne braska battered her line for good gains, but costly fumbles at critical times c o-t her dearly. Dm Ing the first five minutes of ploy Schoneld. the F;ellvue rntei. secured the ball during n scilmmage and went down the field for fllty yaid nnd a touchdown Moore railed to kick goal. Bellevue had found the weak place In the opposing line and Marsh soon carried the ball over for another two points. The goal was not kicked. In the last two minutes of the first half the senilis took a brace and only a few seconds of time prevented them from scoi Ing. In the Hccond half Bellevue was held down to one touchdown, which was made on a fake double pnps, and the ball c airled by Cooper for :i! yardn. Oonl was missed. Myers nnd Marsh were the stars for the second team. The men aie anxious for another game and arrangements may be made to have Bellevue play them at Lincoln. The Sigma Chls entertained Mr. Pratt of the Foxy Quiller company, at dinner Thursday. II. B. Alexander, a graduate of the uiilveisity. has a poem In the Novem ber Atlantic Monthly. T ne advanced chorus claims is now practicing "The Messiah" for the Chi istmas com crt. W. P. Warner of Dakota Cty, an old university man. was elected senator fiom his home distric t. L. J. Abbott, who has been an edi tor on the Lavvton Enterprise, I awton, Okla., has been elected principal of the high schools of that city to fill a va c amy. vou TAKE THE DAILY NEBRASKAN? IfJIOT WHY JOT? IT PRINTS THE NEWS