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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1902)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. m To what address do you wish The Daily Nebraskan addressed? Speak up, speak out, or write, and the circulator will do the rest. F, W. FALES RESTAURANT Cordial invitation to all. Meals 15c and up. - 1333 O St. Ganoung Pharmacy Co. 1400 () Street, Lincoln, Neb. Hot Soda in Season. Open All Night. EAT AT THE Palace Dining Hall 1130 N STREET. Tho largOBt and best equipped Iioubo in the city. FurniBhod rooms in oonneotion. 000PEE & HART, Proprietors. FRANCIS BROS. GeipitaLl Gnfo, 121 North Htli. - Phone f 1050. Caterers for Lunches and Banquets. Open all night. Meals 15 cents and upwards. THE FAMOUS CADET UNI FORM Made by The Henderson Ames Co , Kalamazoo, Michigan, can be secured of JAMES 1 1 EARN, 237 South 1 1 tli Street. See cloth samples and let him take your measure. OIRARD CYCLE CO Agents for RAGYGLRS Headquarters for DISK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS I406 C) SlKITI. - 1'llOM. B908. First class Repauing a Specialty. ARE YOU GOING TO California ? If you have decided to go, see the Burlington agent fust before deciding on your Route. The Bur lington have Through Tourist Sleepers . Lincoln to Los Angeles EVERY SATURDAY All Cars Personally Conducted Burlington Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 42. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Phone 41. Official Bulletin. This column la devoted mainly to notices of tho university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave them cither at tho executive ofilce, at the offlco of tho paper, or hand them to anyono connected with the paper. All announcements should bo In by G p. m. ococcoooocxcxcooocxccoc; REGISTRAR'S ('ALLS. Notice Is hereby given that any stu dent not answering promptly the offi cial calls to this office becomes liable to dishonorable dismissal from the uni versity. THE REGISTRAR. MEDICAL SOCIETY. Tho medical society will hold Its regular meeting Thursday evening, No vember Gth. at 8 p m . in M 301 Dr Lillie speaks The quiz (lass meets at 7 W L. Sturdevant is qui.-masler POST-GRADUATE CLUR Tho Post -Graduate club will meet with Professor and Mis Eossler. l.r17 South Seventeenth sticet. Saturday. November 8th. Program at 8 30. Dean Davis will speak on "A Century of Mathematics" Chancellor Andrews will duscuss "The Effect of the Three Years' College Course Upon Post-Grad-uate Work " All post-graduate stu dents and members of the faculty are eligible to membership Since tho club bus decided to suspend the publication of Post-Giaduute Bulletin the duos hao been lcductd fiom $1 2f to f0 c outs SOMBRERO BOARD. The Sombrero board desires that all Juniors have their pictures taken lie fore the 15th of No ember. Great Coal-Producing State. Ppnnsylvaiila is by all odds the most abui.dnnt pre ducei Inst jear she mined (in lourd uuinhcis) G7.500.- 000 short tons of haicl coal and 83, 000, ('00 oi 10ft coal Togc icr these operatioi s lop. 1 sivt a tri'le over half of thi country s output Illinois holds the sc oimI plnoe slti 11 000.000 101 s West Yip-,11 ia comes third with 21.000(1,0, aid Ohio fouitli win ro.Oon.OOO Alnmipa la-.Kcd sixth tor a tew e.ii , I ut last jc ir moed up one 1 otc h l'i' oilec lion reach 01 il.OO.) uiiO 101 s in I'M)! West of Kansas tin- Ingest tpwl comics fiom the t-tnte o" w s'm"i. Ion, v, liic h mined 2 "u i.i (in to. s las. .. eai. Coquelin Aids Brother Actors. M Coquelin, tho eldei, lb one ot the lew actors on the Paiih stage who haa made a fortune Through bis efforts u omo of retreat toi eteians of tho Prench Btago Is being ostablisnod. A Ire property haa lieen bought near V.eaux, in the department of Soino-et- ""arne, a few hours from Paris. Hero 1 largo house will bo erected, giving inrters to sixtv old comedians GROSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Eur ope and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes sent post paid for 1.00, single sample 25c. When ordering asingle ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MEG SUPPLY CO. 119S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Wont Too Close to Danger. Ono of tho victims of tho Bt. Plorro disaster was a French painter, Paul Ycrwert who was at Martin Iquo on an artistic mission from tire govern ment. Ho ascended to tho crater of Mont Pelco as late as April 28. Settlers' One -Way RATES Every day during the months of September and October, 1902. FROM LINCOLN, NEB., Via the UNION PACIflC. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20.00 to Butte, Anconda, and ITelena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven, "and New Whatcom, via Hunt ington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Ashland, Itoseburg, Eu gene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Ange les and many other Cali fornia points. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. D "Tin. Bu.c.rsi Si'.nsmion .EntY- U HhRI . " LILIPUT Colapsablc Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished indifferent colors with rich gold andsilver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V. F. Photo graphs. Views of art (genie). PRICE ONLY $1.00. Sent ever where prepaid in lettei lorm. AGHNTS WAN IT-: I). LILIPIT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING I'llII A 1)1 I l'MIA. SpWThe Improved 0 J jT JBOSTON IF- iSABTER fwj The Standard tt&l 9 m fnr Gentlemen I Y J ALWAYS EASY) K&rL J! The Name "BOSTON ( mjmjmaM aptfp 1, stamped ) BHSH',MSon every loop. WW Mlfl' button I jf CLASPf HL. t-Ies flat to the leg never 1 jjnRSIIpj, Tears nor Unfastens. tllMfrk. SOLD EVERYWHERE. QH 8niplepir, gllk SOo. t Sjft. Cotton 2.V. I 1HH Mailed on receipt ol price. 1 A HMaE0.rK08T00.,MVen J V Baton, Mau., U.S.A. "Every Pair Warranted-! SEE Steiner-Woempener Drug Company FOR DRUGS Phone 707. - - 1 146 0 Street. mm 1 1 ' For Comfort and Economy, You can do no better than to consult - T. J. Thorp & Co. for a Thurmo stat on your Furnace or Steam Heater in your residence. It keeps the house at an even temperature and saves the coal. J. T. Thorp & Co., 308 So. nth street. STUDENTS, Get your clothes pressed at the WEBER SUITO RIUM. It "is the up-to date place where you can get your clothing cleaned, pressed, dyed, repaired and lefitted. Basement Richards block, northeast corner nth and O streets. Phone 708. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, 200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, 18,319; deposits, $2,589,093. S. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw yer, viceprest; EL S. Freeman, cashier; IT. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. Electric Shoe Repairing FACTORY 1220 O Street Get those shoes soled for 75c Ladies' shoes soled fcr 50c. First class sewed work. "We sell good shoes also. Cincinnati Shoe Store The Only Up-to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. PALACE BEAUTIFUL Hair dressing, Manicuring, Massage, Shampooing and Ladies' Bath and Chiropody departments. We have an experienced attendant. A full line of hair goods, toilet articles, chaiacter wigs, greese paints, etc. Students' patronage solicited. 121 North 13th Street. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1312 E - P)iojie274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. f?J 5