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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1902)
r. i The Daily Nebraskan. 2i 133' - VOL. 2. NO. 36. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, WEDNSEDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1002. $1 PRICE THREE CENTS. l 4 , MORE ABOUT GRIDIRON Jayhawkers'Tralning Interrupted The "Big Nine to Come Next K.C. Wants Mis souri Game, The Kansas City papers are devoting more space to the football news con cerning Nebraska. One of them had the following to say about the game last Saturday "The Haskell Indians do not feel that they got the sportsmanlike treat ment at the hands of Nebraska that they were entitled to and point to the crippled condition of their team as a proof of their charges. "The Indians feel yet that their de feat was in the nature of a fluke. "They say they should have been vic tors or that the score should have been only f to 0 against them." "Nebraska emerged from the Haskell Indian game Saturday with flying col ore. A determined offense and an al most impregnable defense combined to administer to the redmen a thorough defeat. Haskell had four of the fa ,moiiB Carlisle team, the recruits hav ing played against all of the big teams in the. east and taken iart in victories over Columbia, Cornell and Pennsyl vania " "Before the game the Indians had no hesitancy in predicting that they would win, and in true Indian fashion entered In the play with a spirit of recklessness which threatened to sweep the Cornhuskers from their feet." "A summary of the play discloses the fact that Nebraska carried the ball by straight play 465 yards, while the Indians could advance it but 49 yards." "Nebraska has a stronger team than they can buck up against with success. They are now going through active practice in preparation for their game with Texas next Saturday, to be played at Austin." KANSAS TRAINING INTERRUPTED. The training of the Kansa3 team has been interrupted this week so far on account of the men going homo to vote. It is stated that Guard Acker man will play no more this season. The Jayhawkers feel discouraged since the Haskell game here and do not ex pect to win, although hoping to score. They admit they are considerably .weaker than the Indians, and while they do not expect to get run over next Saturday, they have no hopes for great success. The comparative strength of Nebraska and Kansas and the estimate of game results will pre vent a large crowd from accompanlng the Kansas team. ADMISSION TO BIG NINE. The Chicago Record-Herald pub lishes a statement concerning the ad mission of Nebraska to the "Big Nine." It seems to be of the opinion that Ne braska has some chances this year. 'The athletic authorities of the Uni versity of Nebraska have decided to again knock at the door of the "big nine," the conference of universities which governs western athletics, nnd seek admission to that body. Two years ago Nebraska made application, and, although It had supporters, the conference ruled adversely. This year, however, the advocates of the western school have assuiances of still further aid, which, at tho outset, gives some promise that the conference may rule favorably on the application. "A formal petition to the conference is already on file with Professor Rog ers, secretary of that body, and Mr. Rogers personally has announced that he would press Nebraska's case. Iowa is reputed to be in line with her neigh bor across tho Missouri rier, while Wisconsin, which had a game on the Cornhuskers' football schedule last year and Is expected to renew It next season, is nlso expected to help out. "Relations with Northwestern were established for the first time this sea son, and tho aid of the Methodists, it is belleed, will be forthcoming. Corn husker baseball teams have played against Purdue and Indiana for several seasons, and Nebraska athletes are strangeis only to Chicago, Illinois and Michigan of the 'big nine." ' KANSAS CITY WANTS GAME. The lovers of football about Kansas ggsmraKffra2jrararara ..SOPHOMORE HOP.. Friday Night, Nov. 7th. f RATERNITY HALL. - 8:45 P. M. Informal. JOHN R. FORSYTHE, Chairman. ROBERT WHITE, Master of Ceremonies. BS5SSraSSSSS&SH2SS5 City wish to hae some chance at first hand of seeing football games In the future. They are now putting in bids for next year's season. "Kansas City wants the Missouri Nebraska game next year. The game would undoubtedly be better attended In Kansas City than It was In St. Joe, and tho management might do well to make tho change. Then, too, It would bo more convenient for those who want to attend from Columbia, as It would bo possible to get a much better rate than to St, Joe. People do not tire of football, but tho more they see the more they want to see. Every game is something new and with three big games In the city each year Interest In tho college game ought to reach a high point and tho Thanksgiving day con test become more popular even than it ever has been In the past." Thero has been considerable talk lately among the baseball men of or ganizing an Indoor baseball team to play during the winter months. While indoor baseball is not very scientific, It affords a great deal of exercise and amusement Ad gets the men into prac tice In a small Vay for Bprlng work. BASKET BALL FUTURE Prospects Good for a Varsiry Girls' Team- Winning Class Teams Getting Ready for the frav. GIRI S' BASKET-BALL. The outlook for girls' basket-ball was never better than this season, nor material for good teams more abun dant. Moreover, the only time for reg ular practice has been Wednesday from 2 till 15 o'clock, when the 'varsity and tho second team hold forth In weekly competition. This year tho armory Is set apart dally from 1:30 until 2 for the class teamB. The freshmen practice Mondays, tho sophomores Tuesdays, the juniors Thursdays and the seniors Fridays. COMING EVENTS. Of the three events of last year, the class tournament for the possession of tho pennant, the game with a sister state university, and tho Invitation tournament for the trophy and the Btate championship, the class tourna ment, tried for the first time, roused so high a degree of enthusiasm and proved so exciting that It was decided to make it the chief event of the year, substituting It for tho state tourna ment. It always took a great deal of trouble and expense to arrange tho lat ter, since it lasted several days, and there were so many visiting teams to bring and to entertain. Moreover, the teams were no so evenly matched, tho critical event being always the match between tho 'varsity and tho Omaha Y. W. C. A. team, which could as well be made an event? by Itself. So tho local events this year will bo the class tournament, to bo played off some time before Christmas, and a fiamo with some outside team of noty, if pos sible Minnesota, the latter match to take place about February. THE 'VARSITY TEAM. Tho 'varsity will do its best this year to uphold its record of never yet having met defeat. At a meeting of the team last week, Miss Elva Sly waa elected captain for tho year. The posi tion of captain of this team is the highest "plum" in girls' athletics in the university and Miss Sly deserves r the place by rollablo and conscientouH plnylng and by experience. Sho is now playing her third season on the team, being tho only one left of tho notnblo team of 1900-01. Miss Zora Shields, now In her second season on tho 'var sity, Is taking graduate work, and ho la still eligible for her old position as guard. Other members of last year's team still In school aro MIhb Mlnnlo .Tansa. who seems to be rather In doubt whether sho will play basket-ball this season, and Miss Alice Towno. Thoflo plnyers received their apprenticeship In basket-ball respectively on the Wa hoo and tho Omaha high school teams. Miss PlllBbury, lost year's captain, and Miss Miller, captain for the two years preceding, are not now in school. Those promoted last week to fill their places are Miss Edith Craig, tho bril liant forward of tho junior team; Miss Pearl Archibald, of the sophomoro team, who will play center, nnd Miss Cora Scott, another Junior. Miss Scott's position Is guard, but sho throwH and catches well, and has a record of over four feet In high Jump ing. Sho Ib now practicing goal throw ing, and Is expected to do not less well as forward or center than as guard. Miss Louise Pound, who was captain of the team In '97. and '98, and since then has been manager and amateur tralnor Of the team, was unanimously re-elected to these positions. THE CLASS TEAMS. Tho senior team organized last week and elected Miss Mlnnlo Guile captain. Last year this class, which is rather short of basket-ball players, came out at tho low -ond of tho tournament. This year tho presence Miss Guile, who, when sho is in training, is one of tho best players the university ever produced, strengthens It materially, and it Is likely to make a better show ing. Those who have been out for play so far aro Misses Cook and Sly, guards; Misses Guile and Bowen, cen ters; Misses Ballard and Schnefer, forwards. Tho team lacks experience, compared with the other class teams, but has unlimited enthusiasm. It does not expect, it says, to win tho pennant, but will endeavor nevertheless to teach tho lower classmen proper re spect Tho Junior team wlllAe captained by Miss Scott It has smmg guards in Miss Scott and Miss McCutcheon, and swift forwardsJh Miss Craig and Miss Shinb. Miss Schlesinger and Miss Mitchell, though neither is very tall, aro active centers and experienced players. Miss Mitchell takes the place of Miss Conger, who is not now in school. Last year this team lost tho pennant only by a scratch, and at pres ent 1b considered to have a very strong chance of winning. The sophomore team, last year's champions, were the first to organize this season, and to begin to practice. Their captain Is Miss Pearl Archibald, who succeeds "Miss Towne in this posi tion. The personnel of the team is not XSt (yHy determined, for the class has abundance of strong players from yjhom to choose. The team last year was made up of Miss Towne, Miss Com- Oonoluded on Page 2. V !; .)