THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. ft To what address do you wish The Daily Ncbraskan addressed? 3peak up, and speak out, or write, and the circulator will do the rest. F, W. FALES RESTAURANT Cordial invitation to all. Meals 15c and up. - 1333 O St. Ganoung Pharmacy Co. 1400 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. IIot Soma in Season. Open Am, Nioht. EAT AT THE Palace Dining Hall 1130 N STREET. Tho largoat and best equipped houso iu the city. Furnished rooms in connection- COOPER & HART, PropriotorB. FRANCIS BROS. Gn.pitn.1 Gafo, 121 North 11th. - Phone F 1050. Caterers for Lunches and Banquets. Open all night. Meals cents and upwards. THE FAMOUS CADET UNIFORM- Made by The Henderson Ames Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan, can be secured of JAMES IIKARN, 237 South I 1 til Stieet. See cloth samples and let him take your measure. GIRARD CYCLE CO Agents for RAGYGLES Headquarters for DISK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS 1406 O Sikki.i. - Phonic B908. First-class Repairing a Specialty. ARE YOU GOING TO California ? If you have decided to go, see the Burlington agent first before deciding on your Route. The Bur lington have Through Tourist Sleepers . Lincoln to Los Angeles EVERY SATURDAY All Cars Personally Conducted Burlington Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 42. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Phone 41. j i Official Bulletin. This column is devoted mainly to notices of tho university. All depart ments and Btudent organizations hav ing notices to publish should leavo them either at tho executive ofllce, at the ofllce of tho paper, or hand them to anyone connected with tho paper. All announcements should be in by 6 p. m. xxcxccxxxxxxxxcxoccoooc REGISTRAR'S CALLS. Notice Is hereby given thai any stu dent not answering promptly the offi cial calls to this office becomes liable to dishonorable dismissal from the uni versity. THE REGISTRAR. LAST NOTICE CONCERNING DE LINQUENT FEES. Notice Is hereby given that any stu dent deficient in any of the required fees who does not pay or secure the same to the secretary of the Hoard of Regents in University hall, 101, by 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, Novem ber nth. will be dropped from the reg ister of the university. H. G. SHEOn, Registrar. LAST NOTICE CONCERImNG PRO VISIONAL REGISTRATION. Notice is hereby given that any stu dent who is registered pnnlsionally in the university and does not appear at this ofllce for regular registration be lore 1L' o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, November 5th, will be dropped from the register of the university. II. G. SIIEDD. Registrar. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. Any student, conditioned in a subject the first semester of last year (1901-02) must register for the same this semes ter or it becomes a failure and is so entered on the student's record. Any student who fails In required work tills semester must take tho work in class the first It is taught after this semester. II. G. SHEDD, Registrar. WANTED Address, now lost, of Iowa student who asked price of car load of apples. Telephone A1092, Hart ley. NOTICE. All class athletic committees will please meet In U. 20G on Wednesday at 1 p. m., for the purpose of formulating some class athletic rules. A COMMITTEEMAN. SOMI3RERO BOARD. The Sombrero board desires that all Juniors have their pictures taken be foro tho 15th of November. WANTED A boy to wash dishes for remainder of month for football train ing table. $1.50 per week and board. Apply 621 north Sixteenth street. GROSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Eur ope and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes sent post paid for Ifi.oo, single sampla 25c. When ordering a single ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MfO SUPPLY CO. 119 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This shoe Horse Enamel not to crack $4.00 Settlers' One -Way RATES Every day during the months of September and October, 1902. FROM LINCOLN, NEB., union' pacing. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20.00 to Butte, Anconda, and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven, and New Whatcom, via Hunt ington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoina and Seattle. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu gene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Ange les and many other Cali fornia points. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. Q At the Oliver WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. Second Annual Tour of That Odd Fellow, HARRY BERESFORD And His Excellent Company of Players, Presenting Geo. H. Broadhorst's Best Farcical Comedy, in Three Acts, THE WRONG MR. WRIGHT A Play Full of Fun of the Most Charming Kind. J, S. Colesian, Sole Manager. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Seats Now on Sale. GOOD MORNING! Have you subscribed to the DAILY NEBRASKAN HURRY UP! The Eirst National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093. S. II. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. Electric Shoe Repairing FACTORY 1220 O Street Get those shoes soled for 75c Ladies' shoes soled for 50 c. First class sewed work. We sell good shoes also. Cincinnati Shoe Store The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N, 11th. Phone L664. PALACE BEAUTIFUI Hair dressing, Manicuring, Massage, Shampooing and Ladies' Bath and Chiropody departments. We have an experienced attendant. A full line of hair goods, toilet articles, character wigs, greese paints, etc. Students' patronage solicited. 121 North 13th Street. DOMESTIC HAP LAUNDRY 1312 E - Pfiojie 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothlug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. J ik ,-