The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1902, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan.
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VOL. 2. NO. 35.
IP - V
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Teams Practices Lightly Scrubs
Leave to Vote More Bleach
er Room Kansas City
Sports Jarred,
According to the Kansas City Star
unusual interest was aroused all over
the Missouri valley on account of the
Nobraska-Haskcll game. The result
of the game was a big surprise to Kan
sas City enthusiasts. The Indians were
the favorites and in many cases Ne
braska supporter.! were given odds.
The Kansas City sports were led
astray by the fact that Haskell defeated
Missouri '11 to 0. while the Nebraskans
made it 12 to 0. They will know better
next time, as will several local bettors,
who apparently were unable to realize
that Nebraska has a great team this
It is now up to Kansas to show what
she can do. The game Saturday prom
ises to be hard fought. In fact, the
Jayhawkers always put up a good fight.
Last year their team was composed of
inexperienced men, but they played hard.
This year the team is in much better
condition. Curtis, the coach, has and
will undoubtedly put forth his greatest
efforts to have the team ready to meet
Its old rivals.
In this connection it must be re
membered that Knox, after defeating
Northwestern 15 to 0, succeeded in
making but live points against Kan
sas. The latter will be in much better
shape when she meets Nebraska and
we may expect a good game on next
The carpenters are pushing the work
on the new bleachers to the south of
the grand stand. The size of Saturday's
crowd was a good illustration of the
interest which is taken in football this
year. There is no questioning the fact
that the people are supporting and will
continue to support the team more
than ever before. The athletic board
appreciates this condition and will do
all In its power to accommodate the
large crowds.
Sipco the game it has been decided
to extend the grandstand eight feet
on the north. This, together with the
extension on the south will make one
hundred and sixty feet of new bleach
ers. The men will go to work Imme
diately on the north extension and both
extensions will be ready for the Kan
sas game on the coming Saturday.
The report of the game Saturday
was again displayed by electric lights
upon the tower of main hall. The ar
rangement was scarcely placed before
ik the rain began to descend In torrents.
But few students, therefore, had the
opportunity of seeing how 28 to 0
looked upon the tower. This new fea
ture has been added by active students
in the engineering department.
The football squad did not work very
hard last night After tackling the
dummy and catching punts the Varsity
lined up against the scrubs for a few
plays. Several of the second team men
have gone home to vote, and as a re
sult it was almost impossible to find
enough players to give the first team
good practice. Cotton was out ngaln
last night for the first time in a week.
He and Tobin played with the scrubs.
Coach Hooth and Assistant Coach
Drain played during part of the prac
tice on the second eleven.
Eager who has not been out for some
time, was out last night and will be
out during the rest of the season.
"Hill" Johnson will come out tonight.
These men are both strong players and
will be a valuable addition to the foot
ball squad.
Assistant Coach Palmer, who has
boon ill for a few days, was on the
field last night.
Richardson, who played center on
our last year's second eleven, Is now
playing center for Kansas. He will be
in the game Saturday.
Training Table Bill of Fare.
It may be of some interest to the
students to know the daily blll-of-fare
at the training table. The menu is as
For breakfast Roast beef, eggs,
fried potatoes, Force on toast, prunes
and water.
For lunch Rare roast beef, baked
potatoes, toast, fruit and water.
For dinner cold meat, usually fowl;
mashed potatoes, onions with cream,
toast, custard, and water.
From such feeding as this it is not
wondered that "the Cornhuskers have
an unusually strong team this year" as
the Chicago Chronicle puts it.
Wisconsin's football eleven will make
a western trip during the Christmas
holidays. They will play Leland Stan
ford on Christmas day, and will con
test 'with California on New Year's
day. l
Settlement Board Reports.
The college settlement board met in
Dr. Hill's office in the library building
Saturday morning. The report on Miss
Stone's lecture was submitted and ac
cepted. The settlement's share of the
proceeds amounted to about $85, a dis
appointing showing in view of the
time spent and the efforts made In ad
vertising the lecture.
It was decided to begin work at once
In putting In the furnace that was do
nated to the settlement. The question
of cementing the basement of the house
was discussed, but no definite conclu
sions were reached and further discus
sion of the matter was deferred to the
next meeting.
The ways and means of raising addi
tional funds to meet incidental ex
penses and to discharge present obli
gations wore discussed but the meet
ing adjourned without taking action
upon any of the suggestions made in
regard to the matter.
The Y. M. C. A. held a ping-pong
tournament in the parlors Friday even
ing for the Freshment of the univer
sity. About forty men contested in the
events and all report an enjoyable time.
Messrs. Wheeler and Mathleson were
the final contestants. Mathleson won
Senior Class Decides to Leave
Chfice of Commencement
Orarors With Chancellor
and Committee.
The Seniors held a short meeting In
the old chapel yostoidny. during the
convocation hour. Vice President
Lindeman presided in the absence of
President Huck. The attendance was
The secretary's report was suspend
ed, and the selection of a class orator
was reconsidered. It was decided to
leave the question of selection with the
committee and the Cnanocllor. A
speaker will be chosen from the list
of twelve names suggested by the com
mittee. The matter of class caps and pins
was brought up and discussed. The
boys will obtain pins of the same de
sign as those secured by the girls. The
boys will probably wear caps also. The
whole matter of pins and caps is now
In charge of the Senior hat committee.
The committee on a class play was an
nounced and is composed of the follow
ing persons:
H. C. Filley, chairman.
Thomas Elson.
Charles Potts.
Sadie Fowler.
Edith Bennett.
nessle Brown.
Louise Miller.
Prof, frye Discusses English.
Professor Frye, of the English de
partment has an article In the current
number of the Independent on "The
Teaching of English."
In discussing the question. Professor
Frye finds "two sets of difficulties In
herent on the subject, which no system
has as yet succeeded In overcoming."
In the first place, he says, rhetorics,
as a class ignore the fact that words
mean something and Instead of treat
ing them as the symbols of Ideas they
aim at a mere alignment of words.
In the second place, rhetorics have
found no way as yet of inspiring a stu
dent with thoughts that will out. Pro
fessor Frye thinks that "What wo need
at this time above all things Is an ap
peal to awaken the student's intelli
gence." The fact that people try to
write without something to say ac
counts for the "frothlness and va
cuity" of our literature.
Prof. Ross on Taxation.
The University of Chicago is experi
menting with a composite university
extension course on "Modern Social
Problems." The course includes lec
tures by professors from six different
universities, Chicago, Nebraska, Iowa,
Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Dr.
E. A. Ross, of the department of so
ciology, represents the University of
Nebraska, and he just returned from an
extended lecturing tour, delivering lec
tures in Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joe,
Des Moines, St Paul, and Minneapolis.
His subject was "Problems of Taxa
tion." Dr. Ross reports signs of great and
increasing interest in the subject of
taxation throughout tho west, and says
that tho Indications nre that the tax
cyclone 'now ravaging Michigan, Wis
consin and Ohio, Is traveling our way.
In a discussion at Omaha after his lec
ture an assessor said that tho people
were much more liberal In returning
their property 'since tho assessments of
tho Omaha public service companies
were raised to reasonable figures. A
better spirit prevails among the tax
payers as a result.
Prof. Burnett at Convocation.
Prof. Burnett addressed the students
at Concovntlon yesterday on "Tho
Although the north Is very prosper
ous, yet the visitors In tho southern
states found poverty on all sides. The
speaker assumed that the state of af
fairs was due to the lack of ambition
In the southern people. Furthermore
the people did not seem to have as high
Ideals as the northern people.
Tho speaker said the soil was so poor
that it was Impossible to raise good
crops and consequently little money
could bo made In farming, although la
bor waa cheap. The single crop Idea
Is giving way to a more modern sys
tem. The small farmers now have a
diversity of crops and as a result are
becoming moro Independent. More cat
tle are being raised than formerly.
Tho speaker noted an Increase In the
number of factories which would tend
to Increase the wealth of the country.
The southern people have come to re
alize that It does not pay to depend
on the northern states for manufac
tured articles -when they have the fa
cilities to produce their own goods.
In conclusion tho speaker said that
nearly nil the negroes would be dis
franchised by the educational require
ments. College Settlement Notes.
A class in elocution Is being organ
ized at the College Settlement.
Tho classes of the College Settlement
house are increasing very rapidly in
numbers. The boys' class has reached
a membership of sixty and promises to
exceed that number before the holi
days. Tho Y. M. C. A. Mission society has
commenced soliciting money for the
mission cause. Over $20 have already
been subscribed and tho association
hopes to pass the hundred mark before
March 1, when the money is due.
The new ping-pong table, which was
donated by the Western Manufacturing
company, has been set up in the game
room and proves to be quite an in
centive to the boys. It is a fine table
being of hard wood and 8x10 feet in
Minnesota is to have a basket ball
tournament Teams from various
classes and departments will compete
for a championship cup.