THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. V 1 i r A WILLIAM H. TOY, Publisher of "Fair Play, " official organ of the Lincoln Central Labor Union, candidate for ASSESSOR THIRD WARD. Election, Tuesday, Nov. 4. Teeth filled without pain DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A liberal discounl to students. 141 So. 12 i'H St., - Lincoln, Nkii. BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C THOMAS, Proprietor. DR. J- R- HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. You SHOULD buy your Kodaks, Plates Pilms, Oardfl. Albums, Developors, Etc., of tho LINCOLN PHOTO BUPPLT 00., 115 South 11th Street, Lincoln, Neb. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, finest of Toilets, First Class Service. A. L. KEMMERRER, Propr. 113 So. nth St., Lincoln, Neb. STEVENS & NEVILLES New Location is at 1330 O Street. P00l and Billiards in connection. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Strec. TeL 754. J Originators of the Idea of sending . home work satlsfacvory Columbia National Bank Ok Lincoln, Nkiiraska. Capital, $100,000.00. OmcERs: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. THE... NORTHWESTERN ...LINE f ., E. & M. V. R'Y. Id Best Line to ST. RAUL BLACK HILLS CHICAGO 1024 O St. - 1024 O St. E. R. Butler, R. W. MoGinnis, O. T. A. Gen'l Agt. OLIVER THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY Tonight, Nov. 3rd "Old Innocence." Special Scenery, Strong Cast, including MISS DOROTHY SHERROD. Prices, S1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Eat at the Newport today. Tho Ivy, Press prints to please. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Burr Barber shop, 120 North 12th. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Buy your Gloves at tho Famous. Buy your Corsets at the Famous. Buy your Millinery at tho Famous. Gloves Cleaned at the FamouB. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Dr. H. J. LehnhofT, '97, Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. John Voss, '02, is superintendent of tho schools at Creston, Neb. George Shedd has been helping coach the football team the last two evenings. Patronize the Fitzgerald dry goods company for your football ribbon see their add on page 4. Dr. F. L. Wharton spoke at the Y. M. C. A. meeting Sunday. His subject was "The Hidden Life." H. G. Shedd delivered a lecture "Old and Now Rome," last Wednesday evening at Ashland. There will be no classes in the col lege of law today and tomorrow In order that tho men may go homo to vote. Beta Theta Pi held Initiation Thurs day night and Initiated Messrs. G. L. TInkham, Falrbury; C. L. Hutchlns, Chicago; G. E. Carpenter, Omaha; Wil liam Mudra, Ralph Slayton, Salisbury, of Incoln; Hansen from Rocca, and B. H. Taylor, from Union. "SOMETHING DOING" Every day is a busy day for us. We "get busy" and "keep busy" for there is always something doing at THE COOP. A Particularly Interesting Event. MR. TIM MURPHY Presenting His Greatest Comedy Success, Sale of Seats Friday, 9 a. m. All cadets who have uniforms will appear In them tonight. Mr, Cornell's new ox-hydrogen light Is proving very satisfactory to Profes sor Barbour's classes In geology. It makes the vIcwb strong and clear. Tho Latin club met last Thursday evening with Miss Alma Vandovere, 225 South Eighteenth. An interesting program and social chat furnished the usual good time. J. B. Dempster of the engineering department, has a position with the Iowa Electric company at Des Moines. Frank Ryan, end of Nebraska' foot ball team of '01, Is working for the Flint Brick company at Des Moines. Prof. J. S. Sheldon entertained tho faculty and students of the Romance department Friday evening at his homo 2304 Washington street. The decora tions were both fitting and tasteful and the evening was spent pleasantly In music and conversation. Tho kind hos pitality of the host and hostess made everyone feel at home and added zest to the pleasure of the evening. Misses Elsie Gerlcke and Anna Max well gave a delightful Hallowe'en party Friday evening to a number of univer sity students at tho homo of Prof. Johnson. Tho decorations wero suita ble to tho occasion. The games, with their unique and original features, af forded great amusemont to all tho guests. A four course dinner was served during tho evening. Miss Ruth Bryan entertained the Del ta Gammas and their friends at a Hal lowe'en party Friday night. The par ty assembled at tho Delta Gamma house and from there drove to Miss Bryan'B In hayracks. The loft of tho barn was canvassed for dancing and a large phonograph furnished tho music. Tho lower floor of tho barn was dec orated with Jack-o'-lanterns and other typical Hallowe'en decorations, Wein erwurst and elder were served In one corner, which was fixed up for a Ger man corner, while sandwiches and cof fee were served in another. A very en joyable evening was passed. There were about fifty present. Hon W. IT. Thompson ppoUo Friday night In tho auditorium unJ?r tho aus pices of tho University Democratic club. Sophs Beat Freshmen. Tho Sophomore football team defeat ed tho Freshman elevon Friday by a score of 11 to 0. Fifteen minute halves were played. Quite a crowd of under classmen wero out to cheer their teams. Neither sldo scored In tho sec ond half. The Sophomores outclassed their op ponents and pushed them down tho field or skirted tholr ends repeatedly. Tho ball was In Freshman territory al most all of tho tlmo. Tho 8ophomores had things tholr own way tho flrBt half, but tho Fresh les took a brace In the second. A fum ble at a critical tlmo cost tho Fresh men a touch down. Tho game ended with the ball on their 2 yard line. Johnson was U10 best ground gainer for tho Freshmen and Gould and Bong did good work for tho Sophomores. As tho Seniors are not playing foot ball this year, the Junlor-Sophomoro game will decldo tho '02 championship. ThlB game will be pulled off at somo tlmo In the near future and bids fair to bo a closo and Interesting contest. Palladians Celebrate. The state farm was the sceno of tho annual Hallowe'en party of tho Palla dian society last Friday evening. Somo forty Palladians took part In tho even ing's festivities. The society went In a body. Tho car was taken to Twenty-seventh and Holdrege street, from where tho crowd walked to the farm. Here they found a brightly lighted building awaiting them, and they immediately took charge of a large laboratory which had been cleared for the occasion. During the evening a guide showed tho visitors about the premises. Old and new games furnished the amuse ment, and apples, doughnuts and sweet cider helped to make tho ovenlng en joyable. Tho work committee In charge can not bo too highly commended. The members of the committee wero Flor ence Payne, SuBan Barnhart, Pearly Youngers, Newell Elliott and Leon C. Chase. ADAM Started the dress-suit habit when he and Eve began "going out." A dress suit is a necessity now, You need one that is absolutely correct in style. My tailors are artists in dress suit making. BUMSTEAD HE MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT 1141 0 Street, STUDENTS, Get your clothes pressed at the WEBER SUITO RITJM. It is the up-to-date place where you can get your clothing cleaned, pressed, dyed, repaired and refitted. Basement Richards block, northeast corner nth and O streets. Phone 708. J