The Daily Nebraskan. VOL. 2. NO. 31. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1902. PRICE THREE CENTS. -i INDIANS WANT SCALPS Haskell Intends to Beat Nebraska Will Be a Battle Royal Rates Within 100 Miles. A Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 26, dispatch says: The football game which will probably be the best and hardest game this season will be played at Lin coln, Neb., next Saturday, when the Haskell Indians and the Nebraska Cornhuskers will struggle for the championship of the states of Nebras ka, Kansas and Missouri. The result of the Nebraska-Missouri game was a surprise. Reports indicate that the Ne Nebraskans had their hands full, while one week ago the Redskins scored al most p w'll on -the Tigers. It is, of course, likely that the Cornhuskers took things easy and avoided unneces sary exertion in order that their con dition for Haskell might be unim paired, so the two scores can hardly be used as a measure of the respective Btrength of the teams. Coach Booth of Nebraska, was a very interested spec tator at the Haskell-Washburn game "Saturday, and he was unsparing In his praise of the aborigines. He makes no secret of the fact that he is by no mans confident of victory. When asked by the Journal correspondent what the score would bo he made no esti mate. He said, however, that he hoped to win on team work. Booth freely admitted that his team individually was not nearly so fast as Haskell, but ho claims that the team work of the Nebraskans Is faster and more reliable. The big ex-Princeton center was en thusiastic over Haskell's back field and ends. Ho said that if Archiquetto or Baine over got a start the Nebraska goal line would be In danger. It is evi dent from what Booth said that he considers the Haskell line a trifle weak and he will probably batter it hard. The Cornhuskers are not so heavy as the Indians, according to Booth. The showing of Haskell yesterday was a--surprise even to her backers. WaBhburn's lino was strengthened by Hughes and Clark, two of tho famous Washburn team of 1900, and the To pekans were sure of victory. Haskell started in with the customary rush and gained ground as fast as the lines men could carry their yard sticks. Tho Indian offense was manifestly strong er than at any previous time thlB year. Tho interference was much more ef fective and the man with tho ball was helped on In better shape. On the de fensive there seemed to be no weak places In the line. Carl at center ktyrlll strengthen the line for the Ne braska game. All of the Haskell men are In good shape to practice hard this week to prepare for Nebraska and Coach Out land will do his best to put them In condition to win. No trick plays were used In yesterday's game by the In dians, so that Booth only saw the strnight game. The Indians have a stock of tricks that they will be pre pared to spring un the Nebraskans. The game will be a good exhibition of punting. Benedict, Nebraska's quarter, bids fair to rival the great halfback, Benedict, who made a record as a kicker. Captain Fallls, of Has kell, is also a punter of no mean abil ity and the Haskell ends get down so fast that Haskell can probably hold her own on an exchange of punts. Baine, tho big Haskell half, Is a good place kicker, also, so that Haskell Is well provided with hooters. The above dispatch states what Has kell intends to try for next Saturday. The game will be one of the most ex citing in the history of the institution. Nebraska now has a reputation lo sub taln. Tho Haskell people know'vlt and will try to take the lead. The gnme will decide practically th,e championship of west of the river. If Nebraska wins it will place her among the leaders In the country. Haskell realizes this and will try to put herself In Nebraska's place. The varsity team will receive as great sup port as at any time since the plaj Ing of football in Nebraska. A rate has been made of one fare for the round trip from all points within one hundred miles. The athletic board Is hastening the erection of more seat ing capacity and intends to handle on immense crowd. Football Practice. The scrubs had three touchdowns scored against them last night by the varsity. The first was. obtained by a fumble when the scrubs had tho ball on their own 5 yard line. The ball rolled behind tho line and a varsity man fell on It. SimodymuB made a long run that nearly resulted In a score, but was tackled by Myers before he could cross the line. Cotton and Ringer failed to appear for practice last night, their places be ing taken by Tobm and Hunter. Mr. Hunter has been sent to the training table. Sophs ys. Freshmen. The first class football game at the year will be played between the Sopho mores and Freshmen Friday afternoon at 2:30. This will be a very Interesting con test and every loyal classman should turn out and yell for his team. Both elevens have been practicing dally at chapel time and are now In good trim to battle hard for class supremacy. A fair grade of football ought to be put up at this game as there are men on each of these teams who play with the varsity scrubs and each captain has some fifteen or twenty candidates from which to pick ills men. . The Freshmen have not lined up while the Sophomores have defeated the Lincoln Academy. The football game between the Soph omores and the Academy failed to come off yesterday. Only eight Soph omore pfayers appeared, while the Academy was out In full force. The latter claims the game by default THE AUSTRALIAN STATE Mr. Cook of American History Department Compares ll. S. and Australian Consti tutions Mr. W. W. Cook addressed the students at convocation yesterday on "The Australian Constitution." Ho said in substance: On the first day of tho present cen tury tho constitution adopted by the six Australian colonies became effec tive, and the commonwealth of Aus tralia camo into existence. Since 1847 the question of federation had been discussed and In 1891 a constitution was actually framed but failed of adop tion. Tho present constitution was framed by a convention of delegates elected by tho people of every colony but one. and was submitted to the dif ferent legislatures for ratification. Af ter It was passed upon by the legisla tures the convention re-assembled and put tho constitution Into final shape. After being adopted by direct vote of the people In each colony the consti tution was sent to England and be came a law with practically no changes. Australia, said the professor, has now a federal form of government, con sisting of a central government and six states. The central government is a government of enumerated powers, while the states possess residuary pow ers. In adopting this principle they followed our example rather than that of Canada. The sneaker assorted that there are i two differences between our constltu- ( tlon and that of Australia: First, a much wider range of subjects is placed under the control of the central gov ernment In Australia; 1. e., lawB re lating to marriage and divorce, Insur- U III U, IIUUIII), LUIIIUIUIIUIID, UUU lUDi qualifications of voters at national elections. Second, the constitution vests only a few powers exclusively .n the central government and states, especially that in all other coses tho commonwealth and states have concur rent powers. That is, until the com monwealth government regulates a given question the state may exercise control. A further section provides that when the central government does legislate upon a given subject, Its laws super sede all state laws on that question. A similar provision In our own system would have prevented a large amount of litigation on constitutional ques tions. The Australian legislature, said Mr. Cook, consists of the lower house, sim ilar to our own, It being representative of the population, except that no state can have less than five representatives, and upper house, the senate. In the sen ate each state has six members who are elected by direct vote of the people, one half of whom retire every three years. The separation of powers, how ever, 1b not as complete as in our system. The nominal executive Is tho governor general, appointed by tho crown of England, while the real exe cutive is the cabinet, composed of tho heads of the executive departments. ThlB cabinet may bo described as a committee of the lower Iioubo and Ib politically responsible to tho legisla ture. Tho real executive is thoreforo made up of tho recognized leaders of that political party which has a ma jority In the lower house, and remains in ofilco only so long rs It can com mand tho confidence of a majority of that house. As a result, the small states that had won equal representa tion In tho senate gave up their victory by allowing the executive to be vested In tho lower house, which Is represen tative of tho population of tho Btatos. Another peculiarity lies In tho fact that In case of a disagreement of tho two houses on any bill, if the senate re fuses to pass the bill after three months of waiting, the house repasses it and then, if the Bonate still refuses, tho governor general dissolves both houses and order a new election. If tho new houses still disagree, tho governor general may call a Joint session and the bill can become a law by receiving an absolute majority of the votes cast In Joint session. Provision is made for a system of courts at the head of which Is tho high court, which interprets the constitu tion. The methods of amending the Aus tralian constitution differ greatly from our own, amending being easier, which, Mr. Cook thinks, is an improvement. New Cadet Orders. Captain Chase issued some import ant orders Monday night. The con text of the rules which have been laid down is as follows: All orders will be bulletined hereaf ter and cadets should examine them carefully. Applications for absence or information should be made In writing to the commandant, and explanations for delinquencies should be submitted in writing on tho proper blanks. Demerits vary from three to twenty points, according to tho magnitude qf the offense. Fifty will fall a man for tho semester and disqualify him for promotion. Any cadet receiving six ty is rqparted to the Chancellor with a view to his suspension or expulsion from the university, according to the circumstances of the case. No man will be allowed to play in the cadet band unless he is registered for the work. On and after November 3d the band will appear in uniform at all formations, and non-commissioned staff and band are hereafter under charge of the adjutant. Cadets should iot fall to salute all officers during drill hour, and must see that their guns and belts are properly cleaned and polished. No property should be removed from the armory without permission from the com mandant Two more corporals were appointed. Their names are J. L. Clark and'H. Crouch. J