THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. n r-. Teeth filled without pain DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A liberal to students. 141 So. 1 2 in Sr., - Lincoln, Nkh. ALL STAMP AND COIN M Collectors are invited to call and examine our stock of coins and stamps in sets, packages and single stamps. LINCOLN STMP & COIN CO. I 131 O Sl'RKKT. BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C. THOMAS, Proprietor. DR- J- R- HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. You SHOULD buy your Kodaks, Plates Films, Cards. Albums, DoYolopors, Etc, of tho LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 115 South 11th Street, Lincoln, Neb. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, Finest of Toilets, Flrst Class Service. A- L. KEMNERRER, Proprietor. 113 So. 11th St, Lincoln, Neb. STEVENS & NEVILLE'S New Location Is at 1330 O Street. Pool and Billiards in connection. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Stree. Tel. 754. Originators of the Idea of Bonding home work satisfactory Columbia National Bank Ov Lincoln, Nkijraska. Capital, $100,000.00. Okiickrs: John B Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. THE... NORTHWESTERN ...LINE f., t & M. V- R'Y. Best Ltne to ST. RAUL BLACK HILLS CHICAGO 1024 O St. . . 1024 O St. E. R. Botlbb, R. W, MoGinnis, .0. T. A. Gen'lAgt. BROWNS NEW BOOK LIST: DONOVAN PASIIA, by Gilbert Parker $1.20 THE VIRGINIAN, by Owen Wistcr .'. 1.20 THOSE BLACK DIAMOND MEN, by W. F. Gibbon 1.20 MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH, by Alice Hegan .90 THE FORTUNES OF OLIVER HORN, by J. Hopkinson Smith 1.20 DEBORAH, by James Ludlow ,.20 H. W. BROWN DRUG'S BOOK CO. PN0NE 68. - 127 SO. ELEVENTH STREET. Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Ent at the Newport today. The Ivy Press prints to please. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Gregory, the Coal Man. Burr Barber shop, 120 North 12th. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Buy your Gloves at tho Famous. Buy your Corsets at tho FamouB. Buy your Millinery at tho Famous. Gloves Cleaned at the Famous. Norrls Huse spent Sunday at home. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Sterling McCaw visited in Omaha Sunday. Have the Ivy Press Co. print it, 125 No. 12th street. Roy Hazen visited at his home in Iowa over Sunday. C. J. Warner, '00, was on the campus Saturday afternoon. M. M. Graham, '01, is teaching in the South Omaha high school. John Hershey, '05, now at Omaha, spent Sunday in this city. Miss Hazel Hartsough visited at her home In Minden over Sunday. Miss Ruth Bryan will entertain in formally next Friday evening. Dr. H. J. Lehnhoff, '97, Fraternity building, Thirteenth and M. Rob't Thompson went to Omaha Fri day to visit a few days at home. A Tidy Shop for Tasty People The New Century, Printers, 1123 N street. Denning semi-anthracite Clean, hot and lasting. , Tho thing for heating stove. Only $8 at Gregory, 1044 O St. Prof. Fogg, who has been confined to his Iioubo since last Wednesday with an attack of tho grip, Is not yet able to meet his classes. It Is expected that ho will be at the university by Thurs day. OLIVER THEATRE Tonight, Oct. 28 Magnificent Scenic and Electrical Effects, Exquisite Costumes, Chorus and Ballet. Melodious Incidental Music. . Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and gr.50. Seats now on sale. ' Note The scene of the great storm upon which the plot of the play is based occurs as the curtain rises, when it is requested that the audience fee seated. W. S. Paine, a former student, is farming In the western part of the state. Nothing Ib too good for you at The New Century, 1123 N street. We print for Students.. The engineering society will meet not Wednesday night for the purpose of electing officers. Professor Robblns has returned to the city and Is conducting his class In contracts again. R. C. Pollard has returned to re sume his studies, after a continued ab sence of two weeks. Sam Anderson has been filling a va cancy In a pulpit at Germantown for the past two months. Misses Edith Robbiim and Laura Woodford visited Miss Jane Douglas at St. Joseph last week. Professor Barbour has donated to the university greenhouse a nu miter of 1 annas from his own collection. Mrs. T. F. A. Williams of the Amer ican history seminar, Is president of the history department of the Woman's club. J. C. Stevens of the civil engineering department has been doing hydro graphical work in Iowa for the past week. Professor Starr says he makes more enemies by choosing the best voices than by any other means he can now tecall. Laura Woodford and Edith Robblns wre Theta representatives at the Ne-braksa-MIssourl game at St. Joseph Saturday. The Y. M. C. A. is endeavoring to Increase its membership. The work is bringing good results, for new men are joining every day. Luclan Marsh, '01, Is attending the Y. M. C. A. international training school at Springfield, Mass. He was president of tho association hero dur ing his senior year. There is In the greennouse a cactus, ordinarily of an earthy grayish-red color which changes to a very bright red when water is poured on It. It was presented by Mr. Yoder, a student, and brought from tho Arizona desert. It is a rare curiosity. Extraordinary Event 1 Joint Appearance of LOUIS JAMES and FREDERICK WARDE In Wagenhals & Kemper's Gor. geous Spectaculay Production of Eight new arc lights hnvc been re ceived by the electrical engineering department. Our line of stationery just In. Tho new effects In holiday Hoes. Harry Porter, 12f South Twelfth. Miss Edith Locke Will entertain a party of Omaha people who are coming down to the game Saturday. Mi. E.' Johnson, having accepted tho prlncioalRhip of a school, has loft tho university for (he rest of tho year. Sigma Chi held Initiation Saturday night and Initiated Charles Nelson of Oaklnnd and Oeorge De Iacey of Lin coln. Mr. E. E. Blackmail has returned from Plattsmouth, where he went last week In the Interests of the Historical Society. The Freshmen girls of Kappa Gam ma will give a Hallowe'en party for the upper class girls at the chapter house Friday night. Harry Oury, one of Nebraska's old time football players, and at one tlmo a manager of the team, Is now visiting the university. He Is now a lieutenant In the regular army. E. L. Thomas and Norton Ware have been engaged In making a topographi cal survey of a tract of land north of town for Prof. Barbour. The last number of "Forestry and Irrigation," a Journal devoted to for estry, speaks approvingly In regard to the course of study In forestry estab lished by the university. A recent letter from Jerry Rebmann, '98, now In the forest school at Yale, Indicates that he is hard at work try ing to master the details 'of those sub jects connected with forestry with which he is not yet familiar. Ho is much gratified that the- University of Nebraska has established a course of study in forestry. Coquclin Aids Brother Actora. M. Coquciin, tho elder, is one of the aw actors on tho Paris stage who has iade a fortune. Through his efforts a omo of retreat for veterans of tho '"Vouch Etngo is being establlsaed. A ino property has been bought near caux, in the department of Selne-et- Tarr.e, a few hours from Paris. Horo 1 largo I10U30 will be erected, giving carters to sixty old comedians. Electric Shoe Repairing FACTORY " 1220 O Street ' Get those shoes soled for 75c, Ladies' shoes soled for 50c. First-class sewed work. We sell good shoes also. Cincinnati Shoe Store S8S23SSS Lzmuti promptly procured, 0ft HO PEE. 6nd modtl, iktUh, or photo fur freo renotton rttentabllltr. Book '-Mow tO Obt&in If.fL anil IVirlra 1'l..taat..l'IV..f-M..V. r&EB. Falreit tarmt cm offered to Inventor. rATtnx UVWXKSS OF 10 TEAKS' PRACTICE. .Jp.OOO PATENTS PflOCUBED THMUCH TriEi, All iiusloen contldantlal. Boand advice Faitifal orriOA. Moderftla hAr. . XUC. ii. SNOW & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, ' 0pp. U. 8. Patent Offlw, WA5HW6TWL I. 1 lit