txiinrminwjijimnMwuijwtft'.wtivinii, THE DAILY NBBRASKAW 111 EAT AT THE Palace Dining Hall 1130 N STREET. Tho largest and best equippod houeo in tho city. F urnlflhcd rdomB in oonnootion. COOPER & HART, Proprietors. FRANCIS BROS. Capital Gafo, 121 North 11th. - Phone f 1050. Caterers for Lunches and Banquets. Open all night. Meals i5cents and upwards. W. WRRGR TAILOR Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. Suits Made to Order. ioio O STREET. THE FAMOUS CADET UNI FORM Made by The Henderson Ames Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan, can be secured of JAMES HEARN, 237 South nth Street. Sec cloth samples and let him take your measure. SHADER'S Shop Can Repair Your BICYCLE As well as the FACTORY that made it. 1430 O Street. For Sale A cadet Buit at 1404 R street. Pennants alco (brand) soothing Ca Without the shadow of a doubt, we have the finest line of these goods in Lincoln. Pictures and pretty things to beautify your rooms. Fountain Pens guaranteed, $1.00. All the New Things in Fine Stationery. ...... SAMUEL HALL, PHONE 534: - - 1123 0 STREEF Official Bulletin. This column is devoted mainly to notices of tho university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave them either at tho exocutlvo ofllco, at the ofllco of tho papor, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should be in by G p. m. XDOCOOCXXXCXCXXX0CCCC NOTICE. Class and other university organiza tions desiring anouncements posted upon tho bulletin boards muBt present copy for tho same at this ofllco not later than 9 am . No announcements of any kind aro permitted upon the bul letin bonrds unless countersigned at this ofllce. THE REGISTRAR. ENO. 11a. Until further notice EngllBh 11a will meet at 1 o'clock on Monday and 2 o'clock on Friday. NOTICE. Artists who wish to work for tho Henibrero nre requested to confer at once with some member of the board. R. A. M'NOWN. MEETING POSTPONED. Sophomore class meeting postponed until Monday, October 20, 10 a. m., U 20G. FRESHMEN MEETING. Thero will be a meeting of the fresh man class at 10 o'clock this morning In tho old chapel. SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL. All sophomores who hnve ever played iootball are requested -to meet on the football field Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. A. H. Lundln, Captain. The English club will meet with Miss Iouise Pound on Saturday evening, October 18th. Tremendous ..Overcoat.. ...Selling THE PAST WEEK HAS SHOWN THE DEMAND FOR .... Stylish Overcoats Our line Is unexcelled in varie ties materials. Just drop in and see them, Every imagin able style .... Prices $7.50 to $35.00 LET US OVERCOAT YOU I WING CLOTHING CO. 1115 1117 0 Street. Mugph You've been waiting. They have come ! This advertisement should have been entitled "Announce ment Extraordinary." It refers to the arrival of the cleanest, newest, brightest and in every way the fullest and best stock of Sweaters this section has ever seen. Our furnishings Department Is fairly Sweating Sweaters College Colors, Caloric Colors, Chic Colors, Cheerful Colors, Correct Colors. Athletic Goods, Beautiful Goods, Unmatchable Goods. Such superb qualities as the Spaulding, Shaker Knit, Honeycombs, Shell Patterns, Jacquard Silk Figures and Athletic Jerseys. A WEALTH OF NEWNESS AT S.OO. A WIQE RANGE FROM THAT UR TO 3G.OO. The latest and most correct patterns come in the solids Scarlet, White, Royal Blue, Maroon and Black. We have them to a finish. Men's Sweaters, Ladies' Sweaters, Boy's Sweaters and Misses' Sweaters. These big invoices come direct from the mills. And represent everything desirable in the up-to-the-minute and up-to-the-limit styles. Every value is undervalued by the price tags. The selling figure, is for selling quickly. Armstrong Clotliing Co. 1221, 1223, 1225, 1227 0 STREET. BOWLTNG ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C. THOMA'S,- Proprietor. Merchants Dining Hall A. HANDSAKEB, Proprietor. Best Meal in the City for 10 Cents. Co. nth and P Sts., Lincoln. Students' trade solicited, PALACE BEAUTIFUL Hair dressing, Manicuring, Massage, Shampooing and Ladies' Bath and Chiropody departments. We have an experienced attendant. A full line of hair goods, toilet articles, character wigs, greese paints, etc. Students' patronage solicited. 121 North 13th Street. The Only Up-to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. 6IRARD CYCLE CO Agents for RAGYGLES Headquarters for DISK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS 1406 O Street. - Phone B908. First-class Repairing a Specialty. DuTeil Cigars & Smokers' Supplies. 1020 O Street Vi ARE YOU GOING TO California ? If you have decided to go, see the Burlington agent first before deciding on your Route. The Bur lington have Through Tourist Sleepers . . . Lincoln to Los Angeles EVERY SATURDAY All Cars Personally Conducted Burlington Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 42. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Phone 41. 4. 'V k IM jWOTm'nwiWiiKfaiiafcrn.rJii n inim