The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Ganoung Pharmacy Co.
1400 O Street", Lincoln, Neb.
Hot Soda in Season. Open
All Night.
DR. J. R- HAGGARD. Physi
cian and Surgeon. Special atten
tion paid to diseases of iemales and
rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214
Richards block. Residence 13 10
G street. Office telephone 535.
Residence telephone L 984.
1232 O STREET,
Pioneer Barber Shop
Clean Linen, Finest of Toilets, First
Class Service.
A. L. KEMNERRER, Proprietor.
113 So. 11th St, Lincoln, Neb.
Columbia National Bank
Ok Lincoln, Nebraska.
Capital, $100,000.00.
y Oinu-.Rs: John B.Wright, Presi
dent; J. II. Westcott, Vice-President;
Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President;
P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B.
Ryons, Assistant Cashier.
New Location Is at
1330 O Street.
Pool and Billiards in connection.
Yule Bros. Laundry
J5H O Street Tel. 754.
Originators of the Idea of sending
homo work satisfactory
If You're a Kicker
Get a Lincoln Hardware Co.
And kick it to your heart's content.
Lincoln Hardware Co,
1312-1314 0 Street.
E., L & M. V. R'Y.
Best Ltne to
black hills
1024 o st
E. R. Butler,
O. T. H.
1024 O St.
Roy MoGinnis,
Gen'l Agt.
NASIUM SHDES and a number of other styles.
Local and Personal
Oliver TheateT'-Pharmacy.
The Ivy Presfl prints to please.
Restaurant Unique. 1228 O street.
Gregory, the Coal Man.
European plan at Hygienic Cafe.
Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th.
Buy your Gloves at the Famous.
Buy your Corsets at the Famous.
Buy your Millinery at the Famous.
Gloves Cleaned at the Famous.
Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So.
Why not eat at the Good Health
I.oona Pollard, '02, Is teaching near
Nehawka, Neb.
Have the Ivy Press Co. print it, 125
No. 12th street.
The band will give a concert in
chapel Thursday.
The New Century, printers of cor
rect programs. 1123 N street.
Miss Claire Lester, halrdressing and
manicuring, at The Famous.
Bertha McCall, '02, is teaching math
ematics In the Auburn high school.
Mr. Earl Brooks, '01, is taking a
course In medicine at Northwestern
Denning semi-anthracite. Clean, hot
and lasting. The thing for heating
stove. Only $8 at Gregory, 1014 O St.
Commandant Chase has recommend
ed that you leave your order for uni
form with Mayer Bros. Suits, $13; caps,
The teachers cIbbs in geology, now
numbering twenty-two, has engaged
tally-hos for tho purpose of making
geological excursions next Saturday.
They will be accompanied by Profes
sors Barbour, Condra and Gordon.
II. Herpolsheimer Co.
Ladies' Black Cloth Capes, 40 inches long, made of good Kersey,
mercerized lining, tailor stitching, at $5.00
A beautiful line of Monte Carlo Cloaks, priced remarkably low
for this week.
New Silk Monte Carlo" Cloaks, an exquisite line of samples,
WAISTS Fleece lined all colors, with black polka dots, suitable
for school or street wear, at 75c
PETTICOATS Black mercerized Petticoats, at ! '. .5Gc
We have over 2,000 Petticoats on sale at the best values ever f
offered, from g6.oo down to $1.75, $1.50,1.25, gr.oo and. . . ,75c
FUR SALE CONTINUED We will continue our Fur Sale
this week, and can save you fully 25 per cent on Furs.
1 1
Miss Emma Neldhart, '01, is teach
ing In the Beatrice high school this
Miss Jessie Holly, a former student
of the university Is teaching at Plain-view.
The Junior Academics and Junior
I aws will contest on the gridiron Sat
urday. The new room for medical students
In the mechanic arts building, Is near
Ing completion. ,
Walt until the uniforms come. You
will see tho Paine uniform on a good
many cadets. Sure
The eighth annual mooting of the
Nebraska Library association will be
held at Omaha, October 1G and 17.
Mrs. Shidler. who has been visiting
her daughter the past week, returned
home to York yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Fallor, '02, law
claBB, are practicing law In Lincoln,
and are located In tho Burr block.
Twelve glrlB have reported for bas
ket ball practice at tho academy. Miss
Louise Pound will coach the players.
Ira Reasoner, '02, law class, Is prac
ticing law In this city. He Is a mem
ber of the firm of Coflln and Clements.
You can leave your order for a cadet
uniform with Mayer Bros. First qual
ity cloth. Suits, $13; caps, $1.25, in
cluding cross pins.
Mr, C. A. Fisher, a former assistant
in tho department of geology In tho
University of Nebraska, now holds a
Fellowship In geology at Yale.
The 2d year class in domestic science
are doing some practical work In cal
culating the waste and cost of grapes
preserved by different methods.
Prof. Stout assumed charge of his
classes this morning. Ho has been
absent attending the national Irriga
tion congress at Colorado Springs.
The department of geology Is making
extensive preparations for excursions
this fall. The Intention of Professor
Barbour is tq, havo a special train.
Mr. and Mrs. I",. Volt spont Sunday'
with their bod, OBCnr. nt tho 8lgma
Alph house. They returned tqXjftmd In
land,, their homo, yesterday morning.
Professor Nicholson has received a
formal invitation to attend tho Instal
lation exercises of tho Chancellor or
the University of Kansas, Oct. 10, 17
and 18.
The academy Is now situated In Its
new location at 411 North 12th Btrect.
All recitation will bo conducted there,
while the laboratories will remain at
the Windsor hotel.
The enrollment at too Lincoln Acad
emy Is 140. This Is a great Incrcaso
over lost year. Work Is well tindor
headway and tho school promises to
become a ctrong institution.
Tho I Incoln Acadomy will soon havo
a monthly periodical. No subscription
will be charged tho studentu for thlo
year and they may havo several extra
copies free of charge for their friends
If desired.
Tho newspapers received by tho his
torical society are found In tho north
end of the historical society room,
In tho basement of the library. Many
new students havo not beon able to
find them.
Professor ami Mrs. Lawronco Fossler
gave a dinner Saturday evening In
honor of Mr. Benton, who was former
ly Chancellor of the University. Mr.
Benton, is visiting his daughters, Mrs.
E. S. Dales and Mrs. Wlllard Stowart.
Volumes 4 and 5 of tho second series
of reports which are issued by tho state
historical society, are ready for dis
tribution. Tho reports aro neatly
bound In book form and each contains
about 500 pages. Including several
pages of Illustrations. About 1,000
copies will be sent out.
Sigma Chi entertained Informally
Saturdny night at the chapter house,
17th and 0 streets. Tho guests were
entertained with cards and dancing.
Those present wero Misses Heacock,
Kate Heacock, Miles, Holland, Whit
more, Moyers, Leah Myers, and Messrs.
Asthatter, Smith, be Horg, Van Burg,
Gould, Burg, Whltmore and Hansen.
Delta Gamma held their Initiation
Saturday night and received. Into tho
sorority Kathleen Tuttle and Lillian
Fitzgerald of Lincoln, Grace Abbott of
Grand Island, Roma Love of Fremont,
and Lena Frlcke of Plattsmouth. Miss
Laura Bridge of Fremont and Miss
Edith Dumont of Omaha, attended the
About twelve men had their measure
ments taken at the physical director's
offices for gymnasium suits. It is hoped
that students will not bo negligent,
about ordering suits as it is desired'
to havo the classes appear in uniform)
before long. Tho number of ordern
left thus far with tho physical director
is insufficient for him to secure tho
reductions previously quoted in tho
Dally Nebraskan.
Kappa Alpha Theta held Initiation
Saturday evening at Mips Nelloro Wil
son's after which there was a spread
at the house. Misses Mary Bedwell,
Omaha,1 Eona Brock, Hastings, Martha
Cline, Minden, Joyce Broady and Edith
Robbins, Lincoln, Ethel Norvall, Sew
ard, Martha Post, Columbus, Claire
Povey, Plattsmouth and Marie Nettle
ton of Kansas City, wero initiated.
Mioses Georgia Patterson, Nello Ran
dall, Hallle Post, and Jessica Morgan,
wero the -out of town Thetas present
at the initiation.