The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
A nowsp&per dovotcd to tho interest
of tho Unlyorslty of Nobraaka.
(Published at tho
Unlvorslty of Nobraslm.
A consolidation of
Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln,!
Nob., as second class mall matter . ,
Subscription Prlco 2.00 per year.
News Editor John F. Tobln.
Advertising Mannger P. P. Duffy.
Circulator Fred Nlelnen.
R. A. McNown.
Wm, A Shock.
Carlton C. Wilburn.
Wm. Case.
Ofllcc Basement University Hall.
Postofllce Address. Station A, Box 13.
The Week's Convocations.
The following la the program for
convocation hour for tho ensuing
week :
Oct. 11. Albert Watkins, "Tho Coal
Oct. 15. Dr. Ward and Mr. Wyer.
Oct. Hi. Muslcalo by the band.
Oct. 17. Superintendents and Prin
Nebraska and Minnesota are the only
two Btrong western teams which have
not been scored against yet this season.
The game Saturday then will bo a
game royal. Whllo Nebraska is not
even confident, yet there is a feeling
that Minnesota may run up against a
hard thing on Saturday, in fact it Is
stated quite confidently that wo will
get revenge for past defeats.
At any rate the game will be a con
tost between teams which are each de
termined to win.
The university students now have
had an opportunity of seeing and hear
ing both candidates Tor governor of the
state in this fall's campaign. Further
than this, they have appeared In our
very midst. Whether or not either one
took the trouble for reasons concerning
themselves particularly, wo are not
permitted to say.
At all evetns It Is a wise man who
makes It a point to appear among col
lege men for most of them, especially
tho voters, are In a position to know
what they are doing when they cast
their ballot. What tho actual number
of voters Is, In tho university. Is not
known, but It Is certain It Includes
about half of the male students regis
tered. There Is some political power
then centered in a state educational in
stitution, i
The chorus will moot this evening
at 5 o'clock In University hall. There
Is no reason why there should not bo
a largo attendance. Also there is no
good reason why more students In the
university aro not registered in tho
chorus. Tle mombers for one thing,
receive credit, they appear in tho semi
annual concerts and above all they re
ceive tho training necessary to a con
sistent understanding of "good" music.
There aro many people who, although
thoy aro good soloists, can not sing
with other people, because they have
not learned how. Chorus work Is de
signed to reduce this to a minimum.
Chorus work is not at all a charitable
act on tho part of the individual un
less it be to himself. Out of more than
selfish rensons then, thoso who know
anything about singing should make It
a point to belong to tho chums In or
der for self-cultivation at any rate.
A feature of the Grinnell game on
Saturday which was appreciated at the
time and yet not mentioned was the
music furnished by the band. This was
one of those things which make a foot
ball game mom attractive and lively.
The band can In this way be of the
utmost use to the university. We are
familiar with tho ease with which
"rooting" can be carried on with the
aid of a band and it is now an op
portune time to put his knowledge
Into practice.
Music lends a certain charm to cer
tain sports and especially In time of
constrained excitement it can be con
sidered good on the nerves. It gives
strength to n man on the gridiron as
well as on the actual field of battle.
The band then has perforce a promi
nent place to fill In college life.
Efforts are being made by the auth
orities of the Minnesota Unl. to pur
chase the land east of the Northrop
field In order to enlarge tho field. The
first set of appraisers appointed to
value the land Bet the price at $3,000.
This did not satisfy the owner, and
a second committee was chosen. They
raised tho appraisement to $3,500. Tho
lot has been condemned by the courts,
yet the owner still refuses to release
his claim.
Minnesota's new physics building Is
now ready for occupancy- The Min
nesota Dally says concerning the build
ing: "In many respects this is superior to
any phyBlcs building in the west and
even in the country. Great credit Is
due to tho untiring efforts of Professor
Jones, who planned many of the novel
features to be found here. Among these
is the sliding shutter which Is used to
cover tho sky-light In the lecture room.
This shutter coves an area of 512
square feet and Is manipulated by a
rope from behind the Instructor's table.
It can be shut In six and opened in five
seconds. The shutter is run on a num
ber of ball bearing wheels which are
so adjusted that the Immense shutter
1b opened and closed by the slightest
effort. When the building is fully
equipped It will be safe to say that It
will be a credit to any university."
Clifton J. Piatt, '99, Is president of
the Pasadena Real Estate and Commis
sion company, at Pasadena, Cal.,.the
finest residence city lu the world. Mr.
Plntt has cleared over $35,000 Blnce
graduation. At tho university he was
manager of the first publication of the
Faculty and Student Directory, a lead
ing member of tho Union society, and
also city circulator of the Lincoln
Evening News. Mr. Piatt Intends mak
ing a trip to tho university next spring.
C. E. Bell has been chosen manager
of the university baseball team for
next season.
A shower bath has just recently been
put in at 12th and P streets, in tho rear
of the block formerly occupied by tho
city Y. M. C. A. for tho use of tho
Lincoln Academy football team.
Prospects aro good for a strong foot
ball team at- the Lincoln Academy.
About twelve were out at their last
practice and a squad of twenty is ex
pected to appear today.
HSubell StiitsH
Are here on our tables. More Tine Suits than
attractive. Sweaters from 50cto$5.
See the New Shell Pattern in Sweaters. Athletic and Gym
nasium goods of all sorts. Suits, Shoes, Caps and Belts.
Our "Regent" and "University" Shoes represent 20th Cen
tury perfection in shoe building. Knox, Stetson, and all the
other Fine Hats in all the new shapes.
MAYER BROS., 1005 to 1019 0 Street.
Fancies for Girls
lipjo-f Nw, and perfect beauties in material, mountings, finish,
III lOl and style. These bags really should be considered in-
Rr)ftC dispensable to a woman's ordinary toilet, since they are an
UOyO artistic solution of the pocket difficulty, They vary in
price from 25c to $5.00, and some of the very desirable ones can be
had for $1.25.
$1.75 Real seal, chamois -lined,
dull finished gilt mountings.
$2. 75 -Genuine Walrus, chamois
lined, jewelled clasp, fancy gilt
mountings, brown, tan or black.
NPIA U sure'y ol,gnt
IIVM beautiful tllillPS
ties. Very pretty
Satin Ribbons, 7
Persian effects. These are $1.00 a yard, and we sell 1,, 2, or 2
yards for a cloak, scarf or neck ribbon twice around and knotted down
the front of the waist.
Flowered Ribbons All colors beautiful blurred yellow or pink
roses on white or black grounds with edges to match, 4 inches wide,.
75c a yard.
Polka Dots All colors, with edges the same as the dots, 6 differ
ent kinds, 4 inches wide, 65c a yard the dots are particularly stylish.
Brocaden Taffeta ribbons, 6 J J inches wide, 1.25 a yard. They
look almost as though hand-embroidered.
we have ever shown before.
All the New fads
and Fancies
From such famous makers
as Rogers, Peet & Co,,
Fecjieipier, Fisjiel, and
Scbloss Bros,
Our Chesterfield
Overcoats for Young
Men are very stylish
Our Sweater line is ex
ceptionally large and
$5.00 Lizard skin, jewelled,
snake clasp, gilt mountings,
moire lined.
$5.00 R".al Walrus, odd snake
: .,,. :j 1
1 chain, lancy oxidized mountings,
moire lined, a beauty.
to come in and see these. Just the
VOll wnnf fnr nprlr fivincrc nr plnnb
for the latter use are broad Liberty
JJ inches wide, with Japanese or