The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan.
VOL. 2. NO. 20.
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Football Squads Hold Secret
practice Preparations for
the Nirth Excursion
The gates of the football field were
locked last night, and the 4quad went
through secret signal practice. No ono
was admitted. But two days of prac
tice remain until the team leaves for
Minneapolis, and the gates will be
closed both nights. It was evident
at Bouldpr that Colorado knew more
about the Nebraska signals than they
should have, and coaches and captain
are determined that this shall not bo
repeated at Minnesota.
There seems to be a general feeling
prevalent among supporters of the
elpven, that the varsity stands a good
show of making the third time, charm,
and of defeating the Gophers as they
deserve. It Is a fact to be deplored
that the team will not be accompanied
oy a crowd as large as the one that
mude Ihe .rip last year. The railroads
have gone into a combine and the only
rate offered Is $7.45 for a crowd of 250,
and it seems likely that it will be ex
tremely difficult to get that large a
force together.
Bender is recovering from the injury
to his side received a few dayB ago,
and will be In good condition to make
the trip.
Some of the men aro still a little sore
from Saturday's game, but the damage
is slight. Moloney is still in bad
enough condition with his shoulder to
be kept from the field.
There is some prospect of having a
roof placed over the semaphore to pro
vide against wet weather, as last Sat
urday brought forth, nnd causing the
men working on it to get in out of the
It is now up to Nebraska to defeat
Minnesota, and the prospects aro very
encouraging. The shoeing made
against Grinnell, considering the con
dition of the field, was very favorable.
While Nebraska has not tyhat might
bo called a heavyweight team, still
the line is sufficiently strong to with
stand any opposition that so far has
been hurled against it.
Ono man from Boloit made a slxty
fivo yard run against the Gophers. Now
is the time for Bender to break his
record made last Thanksgiving day
and give them an exhibition of the
swift foot that will surprise somebody.
When It comes to punting Benedict
ranks with the best of them and wo
A need have nothing to fear in that line.
Some real football enthuslsasm Is
what is needed between now and Tues
day in order to stir the men" up to
greater deeds of valor than ever before.
When the team left for Colorado there
were perhaps fifteen people at the de
pot to see them off. If you want to see
Minnesota defeated come down to the
train Thursday and tell them so in the
most expressive manner possible. We
can't all play football but most of us
can yell and that 1b what Is needed
at the present. Whoop her up for Ne
braska and you will nover feel Borry
for it.
Excursion Rate Reduced.
The football management has de
cided to reduce the rate for tho Min
nesota trip. The management has
chartered a train to Minneapolis and
will sell tickets at tho rate of $7.45 for
tho first 250 who desire to take advant
age of this offer. After that the rate
will go back to the original figures of
All persons desiring to go at this
rate must deposit $7.45 with Mr. Wes
torraan at the treasurer's ofllce, taking
receipt for the same. In case the
requisite number (250) is not reached
there will be no excursion, and all
money deposited will be refunded on
presentation of receipts. All deposits
must be in by 12 o'clock Friday noon.
Four tourist sleepers wll bo fur
nished, the rate being $1 per berth each
way Sleeper reservations can also be
made nt Mr. Westerman's ofllce.
The train will leave Lincoln about
5:30 p. m. Friday, arriving In Minne
apolis early Saturday morning. On its
return trip the train will leave Min
neapolis Saturday night, arriving in
Lincoln early Monday morning, thus
permitting a stay of all day Sunday
in Minneapolis.
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon "Frat" of
the Kentucky State College, offers a
handsome sweater to the best all
round football player of the season.
Non.-Com. Appointments.
Captain Chaso completed the official
corps of the battalion last evening by
appointing the entire non-commissioned
ntaff. All officers are now filled
and the cadets will settle down to
thorough systematic drill. The ap
pointments made are as follows:
Sergeants: Co. D S. P. Hewitt, 1st
sergeant; C. B. Bell, Co. Q. M. Sergt.;
J. Kanzler, M. B. Chase, O. A.Mather
Corporals F. Hyde, S. O. Kretzlnger,
J. M. Kleckner, R. H. White.
Sergeants: Co. C G. F. Brown, 1st
sergeant; U. D. J. Steckelburg, Co. Q.
M. Sergt.; G. P. Greenwald, C. J. Na
mara, Ralph Ray.
Corporals A. H. Wellensick, W. C.
Ramsay, Oscar Veih, M. C. Shallenbur
ger, H. Hartsough, Ray Cockran, A. E.
Hebney. W. Hunnan, R. M. Aromur.
Sergeant: Co. B S. A. Morhman, 1st
sergeant; F, R. Beers, C. Q. M. sergt;
C. B. Shory, E. O. Eager. J. W. Miller.
Corporals B. G. Lewis, M. R. Daugh
ters, H. B. McCallum, S. C. Foils, R. E.
Towne, J. B. Chesslngton, R. S. Camp
bell,' G. F. Currle, J. W. Hoar.
Sergeants: Co. A B. E. Stanly, 1st
sergeant; R. B, Montgomery, Co. Q. M.
sergt.; T. H. Elson, A. E. Sheldon, H.
J. Southwlck.
Corporals A. H. Sundeen, J. E.
Clark. E. D. Crltes, E. B. Loomls, J. K.
Morrison, P. A. Sweeley.
In tho University of. Minnesota
$1,200 Is distributed annually for ex
cellence In oratory and debate.
J. II. Mickey, Candidate for Gov
ernor, Tells the Students He
Believes In Educational
A largo crowd of students attended
convocation yesterday to hear J. H.
Mickey, republican candidate for gov
ernor. Tho address was along tho
lines of education, and the growth and
prospects of the university wore dis
cussed. After expressing his gratitude for tho
opportunity of addressing tho students
tho speaker took up the question of the
importance of the university and Its
Influence In tho commonwealth. Re
ferring to tho rapid growth of tho in
stitution he Bald that thirty-four years
ago he took a homestead in this portion
of the state, tho entry of which was tho
flrst business done in tho Lincoln land
ofllce. At that time the prairie was
empty and covered with bunch-grass.
But the plow and tho Incessant ttflT'df
tho people have had their effect. A
beautiful and wealthy county has sup
planted the wide reaches of prairie, and
elegant homes, rich churches and noble
schools are the result of those thirty
four years.
"The free public school system is In
tensely American," declared tho speak
er, and then referring to the worth
and grandeur of our free public school
system, ho said that our late martyred
president, William McKinley, set thiB
forth as no ono else has done when ho
spoke thuswlse:
"Permanently grafted upon the pol
icy and legislation of the state, It is
free to all; to It all aro Invited and
welcome, without money and without
price. It Is supported with boundless
generosity, by the people of tho state,
open to tho children of the humblest
citizen or exiled sojourner within our
gates, as freely and ungrudgingly as to
the native born children of tho most
opulent. Within its Jurisdiction all
distinctions, social, political and re
ligious, are banished; all differences
hushed, all barriers removed. It re
cognizes neither party nor church,
creed, condition nor station, but is free
as tho air we breathe, Its bounties and
benefits fall In equal measures to all."
Mr. Mickey thought that the appro
priations of the state for the university
had been liberal and generous and that
this liberality must bo continued in
order to meet the demands of the new
Continuing, he said that "The money
appropriated and with prudence ex
pended for the university Is not ex
travagance. It Is common sense econ
omy for the general welfare of the
people. This also applies to the State
Normal School at Peru, as well as to
every public Institution In 'the state."
The private schools and academies
of the state, the speaker said, ought
to be encouraged by the people of the
state through well-wishing, because
these institutions are all necessary to
our great and growing commonwealth
Mr. Mickey's life having been spent
on tho rarm, ho took occasion to com
mend tho department of agriculture
and tho work being carried on there
because he could bettor appreciate that
lino of work. Now methods In farming
will bo called for, ho said, as a result
of a denser population. More Inten
sive farming will have to bo resorted
to, If tho needs are met. Ninety-four
per cont of the graduatos from tho ag
ricultural departmont going out on tho
farm, as thoy do, must exert a potent
Influence on tho agrlculturo of tho
In closing Mr. Mlckoy said: "I am
proud of this great university and I
predict still greator achievements for
it In tho future development of tho
Dr. Rowlands to Y. M. C. A.
The young men of tho university
wore addressed Sunday afternoon In
tho Y. M. C. A. rooms by Rov. Row
lands of tho First BaptiBt church
of this city.
Dr. Rowlands Impressed upon his
hearers that silent witnessing is not
sufficient for tho Christian. A young
man in the university should let It bo
known when ho arrives that ho Is a
Christian. Witnessing should not bo
done with offense, such as boasting nnd
button-holelng students, but with rea
son and decency.
The speaker Bald that his oxporlenco
as a minister had taught him that tho
greatest place In the world for char
actor building is tho college, or uni
versity. A Junior Lament.
One of tho best ways for a class
to assert Itself and make Itself felt In
tho university body is through ath
letics. Tho football season is on nnd
but little has been accomplished to
wards organizing a football team. The
men havo failed to get out. Not a sin
gle practice has been engaged In. Fellow-classmen,
shall wo sit on the
bleachers and see somo other class
carry off the championship without our
making an effort to secure it? Surely
a trip to Kearney Is worth while. Let
every loyal Junior who has over car
ried the pigskin, and also those who
have not appear on the gridiron for
practice this morning and hereafter at
chapel time.
At a meeting of the various literary
societies of the Wisconsin university
Wednesday It was decided to debate
with Michigan, Chicago and Minnesota.
A proposition from Iowa to meet them
in debate will probably not be con
sidered. In the Issue of the 9th inst. tho Dally
Cardinal states that the subscription to
that paper is not at all in keeping with
the number of students attending the
university. The reason is not that tho
majority of tho students do not read,
the paper, but because too many of
them read the same-copy.
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