THE DAILY NEBRASKA Fountain Pens We have a few dozen Fountain Pens which have always sold At $1.50 Each. We will sell them at $1.00 Each While they last. Lincoln Book Store 1126 0 STREET. EAT AT THE Palace Dining Hall 1130 N STREET. Tho largest and bost oquippod houeo in the oity. f urniBhod rooms fn oonneotion. COOPER & HABT, PropriotorB. For the Best Work in the City Patronize The "Evans" STEVENS & NEVILLE'S New Location is at 1330 O Street. Pool and Billiards in connection. FRANCIS BROS. Ga.pita.1 Ga.fe, 121 North Uth. - Phone f 1050. Caterers for Lunches and Banquets. Open all night. Meals 15 cents and upwards. W. WREXQEX TAILOR Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. Suits Made toJJOrder. 1010 O STREET. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1312 E - Phone 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. I l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothing Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. 3 ; Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. Official Bulletin. This column is devoted mainly to notices of tho university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave thom either at tho oxecutivo ofllco, at tho ofllco of tho papor, or hand them to anyono connected with tho paper. All announcements should bo In by 6 p. m ENO. 11a. Until further notice English 11a will meet at 1 o'clock on Monday and 2 o'clock on Friday. HAYWARD CLUB. Tho Hayward Republican club will meet Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock In the old chapel. NOTICE. Every cadet must appear at drill In uniform on Monday. Nov. 3. 1902. By order of CAPT. CHASE. Cliff Crooks. Cadet Capt. and Adjt. ENO. LANG. 13. ADVANCED DEBATE. Briefs will be called for as follows: Oct. IB. for tho Oct. 23 debate. Oct. 20, for the Oct. 30 debate. Oct. 27, for tho Nov. G debate. Nov. 3, for tho Nov. 13 debate. Nov. 10, for the Nov. 20 debate. M. M. FOGG. Leafless Troes. There are forosts of leafless troes In some parts of Australia. They resplro, so to Bpoak, through a little Btem, ap parently answering tho purposo of n leaf. Tho treo is known as "tho leaf less acacia." Proud of Their Disfigurements. A commandor In tho navy, who !s now cruising with tho South Atlantic squadron, sent homo to hla Philadel phia wife tho other day a description of the women of Montovldeb. "Those women." ho wro'e, " aro as unattrac tlvo as clods of earth. They aro swarthy, angular, dull of oyo and Btolld of countenance. But what I wish particularly to toll you of Is the moles upon their faces. Not ono lu twenty but haB, on her cheek or lip or temple, a molo covered with long r.ali-3. They aro proud of those moles and regard them as beauty spots, it Is said, Indeod, that thoso girls who are moleloss will resort to strange ex pedients In order to ralso the ugly little growths upon thoir faces. Tho men of Montovldoo twirl tho long hairs upon their moles proudly, as a caalryman twirls the ends of hla mustache." Abe Lincoln SAID : "The man who worries about the fit of his trousers will never succeed. " You may avoid all such anxiety and have one more chance for success by having your trousers made by BUMSTEAD HE MAKES CLOTHES TIIATVFIT 1141 0 Street. PALACE BEAUTIFUL Hair dnissing, Manicuring, Massage, Shampooing and Ladies' Bath and Chiropody departments. We have an experienced attendant. A full line of hair goods, toilet articles, character wigs, greese paints, etc. Students' patronage solicited. 121 North 13th Street. Columbia National Bank Of Lincoln, Nkhraska. Capital, $100,000.00. Officers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-President; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. The Oiriy Up -to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newty Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664k GIRARD CYCLE CO Agents for RAGYGLES Headquarters for DISK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS 1406 O Street. - Phone B908. First-class Repairing a Specialty. Merchants Dining Hall A. HANDBAKEE, Propriotor. Best Meal in the City for 10 Cents. Co. nth and P Sts., Lincoln. Students' trade solicited, You SHOULD bay your Kodaks, Plates, Pilm8, Oarda. Albums, Dovelopora, Eto., of tho LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY 00., 116 South 11th Street, Linooln, Neb. Bicycle Repairing Best equipped shop in the state; no kids employed Shader. 1430 0 St. DuTeil Cigars & Smokers' Supplies. 1020 O Streot GROSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Eur ope and America. Sample dozeD assorted sizes sent post paid for J&i.oo, single sampb 25c. When ordering a single ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MEG SUPPLY CO. 119 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C THOMAS, Proprietor. HI San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, $25.00 Via The Burlington Tickets on sale during September and October. Call and get full information. Burlington Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 25. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Phone 235. Settlers' One -Way RATES Every day during the months of September and October, 1902. PROM LINCOLN, NEB., Via the UNION PACINI. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20.00 to Butte, Anconda, and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven, and New Whatcom, via Hunt ington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu gene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Ange les and many other Cali fornia points. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. "The Biggest Sensation Every where." LILIPUT Colapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the i strongest optical effect. Highly " ' finished indifferent colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V. F. Photo graphs. Views of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $1.00. Sent every where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. i- 1 4 :tf