The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Ganoung Pharmacy Co.
1400 O Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hot Soda in Season. Open
All Night.
If You're a Kicker
Get a Lincoln Hardware Co.
And kick it to your heart's content.
Lincoln Hardware Co,
1312-1314 0 Street.
FORM Made by The Henderson
Ames Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan,
can be secured of
237 South nth Street.
See cloth samples and let him take
your measure.
Yule Bros. Laundry
J5H.O StreeJ. TeL 754.
Originators of the idea of sending
home- work satisfactory
DR. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi
cian and Surgeon. Special atten
tion paid to diseases of females and
rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214
Richards block. Residence 1310
G street. Office telephone 535.
Residence telephone L 984. "
E., E. & M. V. R'Y.
Best Line to
1024 o St.
E. R. Butler,
C. T. H."
1024 O St.
Roy MoGinnib,
Gen'l Agt.
Pioneer Barber Shop
Clean Linen, Finest of Toilets, Flrst
Class Service.
A. L. KEMNERRER, Proprietor.
118 So. 11th St, Lincoln, Neb.
1232 O STREET,
1238 O street. Now is the time to
secure good pictures before the
rush begins. Special attention
given to students. Prices that are
right. To be convinced call and
see for yourselves, at above studio.
NASIUM SHOES and a number or other stales.
Local andPersonol
Oliver Theater Pharmacy.
Gregory, the Coal Man.
European plan nt Hygienic Cafe.
Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th.
Buy your Gloves at the Famous.
Buy your Corsets at tho Famous.
Buy your Millinery at tho Famous.
Gloves Cleaned at tho Famous.
Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So.
Why not eat at the Good Health
Bohhle Gaines is attending Princeton
thiB year.
Amy Robinson, '02, is visiting uni
versity frlendB.
Guy Hamilton, '04, Is working In a
bank at Geneva.
Guy Barnes, '01, Is doing electrical
work at Norfolk.
H. G. Shedd left for Denver last
night on business.
R. B. Smith of Alliance, has been
pledged to Sigma Chi.
Miss Mlnne Case, '02, Is attending the
Wood Institute at Chicago.
Spencer V. Cortelyou is taking post
work in civil engineering.
Jerome Langer, '01, Is an electric
engineer In Now York City.
The Sigma Chls will give an infor
mal party Saturday evening.
The New Century, printers of cor
rect programs. 1123 N street.
Miss Claire Lester, halrdresslng and
manicuring, at The Famous.
Denning serai-anthraclte. Clean, hot
and lasting. Tho thing for heating
stove. Only $8 at Gregory, 1014 O St.
Commandant Chase has recommend
ed that you leave your order for uni
form with Mayer Bros. Suits, $13; caps,
A training table has been estab
lished at Stanford University, and dur
ing the remainder of the football sea
son the eleven will be restricted to
tho diot outlined by Trainer Moulton.
UNI. PINS Scarlet and Cream
Pins, with U. of N. or Nebraska
across the face, 25c to $2.5,
Uni. Seals, small and large, hat
pins, lapel buttons, cuff buttons,
brooches, etc. about fifty styles to
select from. Come In and buy one
Miss Vera Myers spent Sunday at
her home In David City.
Charlotte Alexander. '01. Is assistant
principal In the Arapahoe high school.
Wm. McGletchln, '01, is doing post
work In the electrical engineering de
partment. O. T. Reedy, 98. came up from Bea
trice Saturday to see the Nebrnska
Grinnell game.
Miss Wolyomat, '02, and Miss White,
'03, are teaching in the high school at
Webster, la.
W. M. Magee, a special student last
year, Is assistant cashier for Swift &
Co., in this city.
Prof, and Mrs. Lawrence FosBler will
entertain tomorrow evoning In honor
of ex-Chancellor Benton.
G. C. Kaar, '03, put in most of the
summer visiting smelting works in
various parts of the west.
Last Thursday at Michigan the
"scrubs" scored against tho varsity,
after a hard fought contest.
The Palladian Boys' Debating club
is considering tho Idea of several joint
debates with other schools.
Earnest Newmann, formerly a stu
dent In the engineering department
is cashier of a bank at Oakland, Neb.
Current literature In Latin philolo
gy Is a new course In the Latin depart
ment. It Is for post-graduates only.
Prof. Robblns of the law department,
addressed the convention of tho Fed
erated Woman's clubs at Columbus,
Wednesday. -,
You cah leave your order for a cadet
uniform with Mayer Bros. First qual
ity cloth. Suits, $13; caps, $1.26, in
cluding cross pins.
Miss Eva McCune, '00. visited with
her brother, C. C. McCune Saturday
and Sunday. She is teaching her sec
ond year in tho Beatrice high schools.
There are 101 students on the roll In
domestic science, as compared with
about seventy last year. They aro dis
tributed among the classes as follows:
1st year, 53; 2d year, 17; 3d year, 8, and
In course 6, 23.
iWATCH FOBS U. of N. Watch
Fobs, in a dozen different styles.
Initial U. N., Uni. Seal Pennant,
and combinations of these. Ask
to see them. .
Souvenir Spoons, in two sizes.
various designs.
Tho Lincoln Acadomy moved Satur
day to Its now quartern at 414 N street.
The building Is wired with an electric
bell system, and promises to bo both
comfortable and convenient.
Tho Lincoln Light Infamry has ex
tended an Invitation to tho Pershing
Rifles to attond an open drill and spell
down this ovonlng at Fratornlty hall,
Thirteenth and N streets. Dancing
will bo a feature of the evening's entertainment.
Phi Knppa Psl hold their Initiation
Saturday ovonlng. Tho following were
received In (ho fratornlty: A. Scrlb
ner, Rex Moorehouso, Ralph Christie,
Harry Reed, of Omaha; Allen Prescott,
Harry Hargreaves, Earl Hubbard, of
Sigma Alpha Eppllon gave a dancing
party Friday night at the chapter
house, 1228 R street. Tho guosts wore
Misses Butler, Casebeer, Kllllan Locke,
Meeker, Holland, Hammond, Palmer,
Fawell, Bhldler, Woodward, Holben,
Miles, Kimball, Jenkins and Griggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slphord wore tho
Sigma Alpha Epsllon Initiated
Thursday and Saturday nights. Thurs
day night was taken up with tho horBe
play, whilo Saturday night was re
served for the giving of tho ritual. Ed
Qulllln and Al Hayman of Grand Is
land. Frank Brown and Wray Lindley
of Lincoln, Boos Mllans of Wahoo, and
Roscoe Gore of Tecumseh were the In
itiates. Y. M. C. A. Employment Bureau, j
That tho Y. M. C. A. employment
bureau is doing a good work among
needy students Is not doubted when
the report of last year's work and tho
report of the work done this year dur
ing September Is taken Into considera
tion. According to tho report of last
year, work had been secured for stu-
dents during the year that amounted
to an equivalent of $3,000. Tho first
report this year Indicates that the work
will exceed that of last year.
Thirty permanent positions and ten
odd Jobs have been given to students,
varying from stenographic work to
waiting table and tending fires. The
permanent positions are equivalent to
a money return of $86 per week, while
the odd Jobs have netted about $5.
It was formerly supposed that Jobs
secured by the bureau were of llttla or
no value, but such Is not tho case. Tho
aim of the bureau has been to demand
good work for students at living wages
and to get good conscientious men to
fill those positions. It has succeeded
(n this to some extent. A down town
merchant said that tho men sent him
by tho Y. M. C. A. were better and
neater men than those sent from any
other school or college in town.
The bureau asks tho aid of the stu
dent body and tho faculty In further
ing Its Influence and extending its use-
fulness among students. If you know
of a likely Job let the chairman know? '
of It. If you know of a needy student
give the chairman tho facts. In "order
to meet those desiring to meet him
the chairman will be at his desk In the
Y. M. C. A. rooms dally from 10:30 to
11 dally, thus giving ample oppprtunl-..
ty for all to see him.'
Went Too Close to Danger.
Ono of tho victims of the, St. Piorro
jicaster was a French painter, Paul
Merwert. who was at Martinique on
an artistic mission from the govern
ment, Ho ascended to tho crater of
Mont Pclee as' late as April 28.
"- 'P"1