The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraska!
. Jl mm ,A mJI 4v Al A 4 La tAAta'
a nWHyaptr uotuvuu iw iuo iiiwiww
et the Ufclvoralty of Nobraaka,
VM10bc4 at tho
University of Nebn
A consolidation of
i mum unmomDitM VrJlWTfTTTT
Bntored at tho postofllco at Lincoln,!
Ntb., aa second olaaa mall mattor .
Bubacription Prlco 2.00 per jcar.
News Editor John F. Tobln.
Advertising Manager P. P. Dutfy.
Circulator Fred Nielsen.
R. A. McNown.
Wm. A Shock.
Carlton C. Wllburn.
"Wm. Case.
Office Basement University Hall.
Postofllco AddresB, Station A. Box 13.
The Week's Convocations.
The following la the program for
convocation hour for tho ensuing
Monday, Oct. 13 Hon. J. H. Mickey,
republican candidate for governor.
The readers of tho Nobraskan will
notice another change In tho staff.
John F. Tobln, one of Nebraska's foot
ball playors and crack debaters, has ac
cepted the position of nevrj editor, and
will thus handle the news of the day
and carry on any business connected
with the gathering In of the local hap
penings. Tho present editor, Robt. T. Hill,
will assume the duties of managing edi
tor, and will conduct the actlvo busi
ness and will edit tho paper dally. Tho
remainder of tho staff will be continued
at their present positions. Other staff
members and reporters will be added
as soon as practicable.
Tho offlco Is tho station for news
and Information of all kinds. Per
sons having business to transact with
the paper will alwayB find some ono
In the ofllce with whom they can con
fer. Tho following editorial appeared In
tho Lincoln Evening Star, Thursday.
It strikes tho situation squarely and
volceB a common sentiment:
"Minnesota admits that Nebraska
has a chance with her at football this
year, and the Minneapolis Journal puts
It stronger and admits that tho chancos
are about equal. If the sporting writers
up there over-estimate tho Gophers
and under-estlmato the Cornhuskers
as much as has been their habit, Ne
braska ought to go through their line
this year like a Lincoln trolloy car
luiBtllng tho fire department out of
its way."
Tho following is a clipping from thq
Minnesota Daily:
"At tho meeting of tho debating
board yesterday, sovoral matters of In
terest camo up for consideration. A
letter from Nebraska asking for a de
bate with Minnesota was read and dis
cussed at length. No final action was
reached but tho prevailing opinion was
that our debators had their hands full
this year and would not be able to ar
range such a contest"
From Nebraska's record In debate
last year and from tho prospects this
year it is fair to conclude that Minne
sota would find our debating squad as
formidable as she has found our foot
ball team to be.
The University of Colorado.
Tho Nebraskan's athletic editor tolls
of Colorado University in the follow
ing words:
Tho State University of Colorado 1b
often spoken of as the Boulder Univer
sity; and to people outside the state
It Is often unknown that the school Is
a stato Institution supported by state
funds and appropriations JiiBt tho same
as tho Nebraska State University at
Colorado, besides supporting the uni
versity at Boulder, has under her con
trol the State School of Mines at
Golden, and the State Agricultural
College at Fort Collins. ThlB. perhaps,
accounts for the small attendance at
Boulder. In nil the departments there
Is an enrollment not exceeding 600.
Boulder, as the name would Indicate,
Is a rocky town. Twenty-nine mllca
from Denver on tho Colorado & South
ern, the town ItBelf 1b situated In a val
ley at tho very baso of tho foothills
that are the beginning of the mountain
system on the west. To tho east, lie
tho plains, so It Is really the matter
of only n few minutes walk rrom
mountain to desert. Tho lately dis
covered oil fields also llo in this direc
tion, and the district is full of oil
wells, Bomo completed and In active
operation, others consisting merely of
a derrick. These derricks havo been
erected merely as a blind and the wells
will probably never bo completed. Un
like the Nebraska University, the Uni
versity of Colorado Ib apart from the
town proper and the grounds and build
ings occupy positions of prominence on
a hill adjoining tho town on the south.
On the summit of thiB hill n person
can look down on one Bide at Boulder
with its seven thousand Inhabitants, on
the other sldo up to. the snow covered
summits .of old Flagstaff and Green
mountains, 2,800 feet above.
The campus Is a beautiful spot, and
a person acciiBtomed to the crowded
condition of tho Nebraska campus Is
consclouB of the room and spaciousness
of the campus at Boulder. The grounds
are supplied with an artificial lake
which gives to the campus tho appear
ance of a park rather than of Bchool
Twelve buildings belong to the cam
pus, the Hale scientific building, the
engineering building, the gymnasium,
ladles' and gentlemen's dormitories,
the main building and the bacteriologi
cal and anatomical buildings. The
houBe of President Baker Is situated in
tho corner of the campus and a new
library to be erected at a cost of $160,-
000 Is being built. As will Uo seen by
the list of buildings, special attention
is given to the medical department.
The Law School is also very complete,
three years being required for the com
pletion of the course.
Tho Greeks are represented by Del
ta Tau Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsllon,
Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi
Delta Theta, Simga Nu and Delta Gam
ma, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Pi Beta
Phi. All but one havo houses and of
theBe two vill move into their own
houses next year.
These buildings are all grouped
around the campus within easy walk
ing distance. The usual boarding
houses and private residences are to
be found close by. The hill Is connect
ed with the town proper by a street
railway and the university is supplied
with a railroad station for the accom
modation of the students.
The Yale News of October 1st con
tains a large cut of the entire football
squad, which includes about seventy
five men.
Flag Rush at Miami.
There was. a flag rush last week at
Mlamla University betweon Sopho
mores and Freshmen. Early one morn
ing tho Freshmen took possession of
the collego tower, barricaded the doors,
and put their flag on top of the build
ing. Tho Sophomores turned out in
forco to dislodge tho Freshmen, and
by breaking windows destroyed about
$200 worth of property. After several
had been Injured the president arrived
on tho Bcene and persuaded the clasBCB
to settle the difficulty by a rush on the
open field. Both sides agreed, and the
flag was dropped at a signal. When
the time was up a Freshman brave had
tho trophy and wns carried from the
field on the shoulders of the girl mem
bers of the class.
Academy Notes.
Last Saturday evening Professor and
Mrs. Hodgman were at home to the
students and faculty of the Lincoln
Academy. Miss Laura Puffer played
several selections on the piano, much
to tho delight of those present. MIbb
Nellie Dean, Instructor In English and
Latin, nnnounced the successful organ
ization of two girls' basketball teams.
The girls havo ordered their suits and
tho city Y. W. C. A. gym has been
hired for the season.
J. D. Dasenbrock, teacher In Ger
l nil
f L
1 ykr
' auco
I! v-INy
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Gymasiumn Shoes
1129 0 Street, - Lincoln, Neb.
man and football coach, reported that
twenty students were striving for a
place on the eleven. Much excellent
material is showing up, and some good
games are guaranteed. A manager
will shortly be chosen and the schedule
for the season completed.
Dr. J. L. Gerlg gave a very Interest
ing and Instructive talk on his Swedish
trip. During his stay In Sweden he
was the guest of Dr. Edgren. Arthur,
the Bon of Dr. Edgren, who-returned
with Dr. Gerlg, and will attend the
academy thlB year, showed some ex
cellent Swedish curiosities.
Ices and cakes were served during
tho evening and college songs were
sung. Committees on yells and colors
were chosen. On the whole It was a
pleasant and enthusiastic gathering.
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