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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1902)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA The Daily NebrasR&n ," ' ' i A newBpapfr devoted U th 1nteretl of the University of Nebraska. Published at tho University of Nebraska. A consolidation, of ' THE HB8tBRIAN. Vol. XfcXl. THB NBBRABKAN, Vol. XII. THE SCARLET ft CREAM, Vol IV. Bntored at tho postofUce at Lincoln, Nob., as second class mall matter . Subscription Price $2.00 par year. EDITOR, ROBERT T. HILL. Circulator1 Fred K. Nollson. Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy. ASSISTANT EDITORS. R. A. McNovrn. Win. A Shock. Carlton C. Wllburn. Wm. Case. Office Basement University Hall. Postofllce Address, Station A, Box 13. The Week's Convocations. Tho following Is the program for convocation hour for tho ensuing Week: Thursday, Oct. 9 Football mass meeting. Friday, Oct. 10 Muslcale. Monday, Oct. 13 Hon. J. H. Mickey, republican candidate for governor. It Is pleasant to note tho Increase in attendance at educational Institutions throughout the land. This is especial ly true of universities. From Michi gan, Leland Stanford, Ohio, Oregon and many other Institutions in all purtB of the country, comes tho report that the registration far exceeds that of any previous year. Our own uni versity has a largor attendance than over before. Theso facts show that the state uni versity Is now almost universally con sidered tho most prominent factor in modern education. It haB become the ambition of boys and girls In the high schools to enter the university. Tho de sire to attend a local college or secular school Is yearly diminishing. Parents realize that their children have better advantages for a broad education at a cosmopolitan Institution than at a Bmaller college. With roference to the University of Nebraska, it Is to be hoped that the people of the state and the members of the legislature may be brought to a realization of the fact that the univer sity Is a large school and destined to become larger; that every department Is crowded, making improvements Im perative, and that the amount of money in the treasury is small. A larger appropriation is necessary for now buildings and equipments and it must be secured if our university is to hold Its own with the other uni versities of the land. Tho Seniors who graduate at the mid-year commencement, have decided not to secure an annual. William Thornbury. '02, holds a po sition as principal of the city schools at Homer, La. He will read a paper at the meeting of the state teachers' association, which will soon convene at Baton Rouge. Students, especially those whov expect to attend the Congregational church this year, are cordially invited to a reception In the church parlors Friday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. Refresh ments will be served. Want Column. Under this hedd the wants of tho students Will bo cafe for daily. Have you lost anything? Have you found anything? Have you anything to'dls pose of? If bo, Inform the advertising manager, 326 So. 11th, or apply to "Dally Nebraskan" office. Flvo cents a line will be charged for each insertion. LOST Somewhere about the univer sity campus, a Vassar Glee club pin. Finder please leave it with Miss Mabel Stevens, or nt the "Daily" office. ccxxcocxcocococxxxococc Nebraska Songs. Tune: "Glory." Nebraskn's men are Inrnky and Ne braska's men are gay ; Nebraska's got a football team that has a walkaway; Nebraska's score Ib mighty and we'll do It every day, The 8carlet and the Cream. Glory, Glory to Nebraska, Glory, Glory to Nebraska, Glory, Glory to Nebraska, The Scarlet and the Cream. Tune: "Talo of the Kangaroo." Grlnnell men may bo shifty Grlnnell men may be true, But If anyone should ask you Just tell'em they'll soon be blue. For they are up against It When they meet Nebreska's men They will go back to old Grlnnell And they won't came here again. They may think they are players, And that they know the game; But when they strike our forwards They'll find its not the same, And when they trythonr end runs Or think to buck the line, They'll find that In Nebraska We've got tho game down fine. Tune: "Hot Time." Rah! Rah! Rah! Nebraska's got the ball. Rah! Rah! Rah' Just see old Grln nell fall. When we hit that line there'll be no line at all; There'll bo a hot time In Lincoln to night. Wow! Wow! Wow! Grlnnell has got the ball. Wow! Wow! Wow! They can't keep It at all, For when we hit their line their wooden men will fall; There'll be a hot time in Lincoln to night. Rah! Rah! Rah! But Grlnnell men are sore, They have had their day, but they won't have any more; We have crossed their line, but they cannot make a score; There'll be a hot time In Lincoln to night. The annual meeting of the state su perintendents' and principals' associa tion will be held in the nrt gallery of the university October 1G ,17 and 18. Among other discussions by prominent educators of the state, the following question will be dealt with by Prof. Caldwell: "May not the university, or college, now safely matrlculato a pupil merely on presentation of four years' credit from an accredited school, without any specification of subjects?" The question is one of vital Importance to many, as the adoption of such a measure as it suggests would mean a complete change In the present system of classifying schools. Oollego Settlement, from Page I. tors. Will you riot serlondly consider the advisability of making your an nual contribution tp the College Set tlement In this way'. We want to sell tickets to 1,000 students today. The fact that the managers have been of fered a handsome sum for their "chnnce" on this lecture, and the num ber of Inquiries that are received con cerning tickets indicate that the people of the city are deeply Interested In this lecture and that tho demand for Beats will be unprecedented. Send In your orders at once. Auditorium, Friday evening, Oct. 24, price. 60 cents. i Teinls Twnament. Play in the tennis tournament in progressing rapidly under most fa vorable circumstances. The courts have dried nicely and are now in al most perfect condition. The game be tween Mudge and Tyner yesterday was the hardest fought battle. Mudge plays a smashing game and at times made some very brilliant plays. He has been out of training for some time, however, and did not have sufficient staying qualities. Tyner won by good head work, placing his balls carefully, so as to keep Mudge running and even tually wore him out. This victory puts Tyner In the semi-finals. The results today were as follows: Lehraer won fromMcCune by de fault. HunBO won from Lehmer, 6-1, 6-1. Bovee won from Kaar, 4-6, 7-5, 7-5. Mudge won from Huntington, 9-7, 6-0. Tyner won from F. Wright, 6-1, 6-2. C. Wright won from Hiltner, 6-2, 6-2. Catlln won from Sweeley, 6-2, 6-2. Tyner won from Mudge, 6-4, 10-8. Peters won from Reed, 6-1, 6-2. College Settlement Boys. The boy's club at the college settle ment will give an entertainment at the settlement house Friday evening for the benefit of the club. Professor Laurence Fossler has consented to give his lecture on "A Vacation Tour In Europe," at this time. The club now has a membership of thirXy-Blx and new members .are com ing In every meeting. It has been nec essary to divide the club into two groups and assign certain evenings to each group for use of game rooms. The boys have taken a great Interest In the club meetings which occur once a SPECIAL An experienced man direct from the factory will measure you for a uniform at the armory, 9 a. m. to 1 2 noon, and 2 p. m to 6 p.nt The uniform at the right price the One at $12.25. CAP INCLUDED. week and would throng tho game rooms every night If iSerrflltted. The boy's club work Is in tho Immediate charge of Mr. Harry E. Ponton. It IS now planned to start several evening classes for boys at the settle ment. Mr. Poston will have a class In hlBtory and one In I&ntfnage and MTss Glover has consented to take a classfr In arithmetic. Mr. Prevey Is anxious to secure a teacher for whittling. The basement rooms whore the manual training work Is to be done are not yet finished but a small class In whittling could be con ducted in the upper rooms until the basement is finished. Tho boys are Impatient to have the work begin and it is thought that some work to keep their hands bUBy would be tho best means of subduing the noisy play which Bome of them Indulge In around the settlement house. LUDW16 ABOUT YOUR DRESS SUIT $35.00 to - $50.00. STEVENS & NEVILLE'S New Location Is at 1330 O Street. Pool an1 Billiards in connection. FRANCIS BROS. Capital Oaife, 121 North Hth. - Phone f 1050. Caterers for Lunches and Banquets. Open all night. Meals 15 cents and upwards. WILLIAMSON'S STUDIO. 1238 O street. Now is the time to secure good pictures before the rush begins. Special attention given to students. Prices that are right. To be convinced call and see for yourselves, at above sjudio. DR. G. W. MASTERS. DENTIST 1232 O STREET. TELEPHONE NOTICE. EDWARD CERE & CO.