THE DAILY NEBRASKA BUMPED WHEN YOU GO AGAINST CHEAP TAILORING . . . BEWARE OF READY MADE TAILORS . . . GO TO THE BEST. IT DON'T COST ANY MORE. MY FORCE OF WORKMEN IS THE BEST IN LINCOLN BUMSTEAD HE MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT 11A1 O STREET. HAVE YOU LUflOHED AT THE 140 SOUTH ELEVENTH BTEEET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. EVERYTHING OF THE BEST. Settlers' One-Way RATES Every day during the months of September and October, 1902. PROM LINCOLN, NEB., Via the UNION PACIFIC. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20. qo to Butte, Anconda, and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven, and New Whatcom, via Hunt ington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu gene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. $25. 60 to San Francisco, Los Ange les and many other Cali fornia points. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. BOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. C. THOMAS, Proprietor. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Npatly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L6Q4. AT TENTH STREET BOWL ING ALLEY, O. E. Kimuerly would like to see his old custom ers and all new ones. Three alleys in pperation. 139 South Tenth Street. Official Bulletin. This column Is devoted mainly to nottccH of the university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leavo them either at the oxecutlvo offlco, at tho offlco of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should bo In by 6 p. m. xcxxxoccxcocxxcoococc ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES. NOTICE. The administrative offices are closed at 3 o'clock p. m. on Saturdays. THE REGISTRAR. PROVISIONAL STUDENTS. All students registered provisionally are requested to report at this office at once. THE REGISTRAR. STUDENTS MAIL EXCHANGE. The students' university mall ex change Is now In the P. O. room, east basement, University Hall. Students are requested to watch for official no tices from tho administrative offices and the departments. THE REGISTRAR. FRESHMEN CLASS MEETING. Tho freshmen class will hold a meet ing at U 20G this morning at 10 o'clock. NOTICE. Keep nothing but gym. clothes In lockers, except during class work. CADETS GET UNIFORMS. Orders are Issued to the effect that every cadet shall appear In full uni form November 3 at drill. NOTICE. Any studont who has not paid all his fees report to the secretary, U. 101, at once. THE REGISTRAR. Money, watches or other valuables should not be left unprotected In tho locker-room. PersonB intending to bathe and not having lockers are ad vised that it is unsafe to bring such articles to the room. BATTALION NOTICE. Tho undersigned having been ap pointed professor of military science and tactics at tho university under the authority of tho war department, here by assumes command of the corps of cadets. WILSON CHASE, Captain Twenty-first Infantry. NOTICE. FRESHMAN MEETING. There will bo an important meeting of the freshman class at 10 a. m. to day (Tuesday) In tho old chapel. Freshmen will bring their registration sllpB. Election of officers. By Order of Chairman Pro. Tern. NOTICE. All students Interested In Interstate debating are requested to see the sec retary of tho association at their earli est convenience relative to obtaining membership therein. Tho questions for tho preliminary debates will be selected as soon as pos sible In order to give ample time for investigation and preparation. Get into lino and help duplicate last year's record. WALTER FREDRIC MEIER, Secretary. GIRARD CYCLE CO. Agents for RAGYGLRS Headquarters for DISK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS 1406 O Street. - Phone B908. First-class Repairing a Specialty. For the Best Work in the City Patronize The "vans" EAT AT THE Palace Dining Hall 1130 N STREET. The largoat and best equipped house in tho vivj x uiuiouuu IVVJUIO IU UUUUUUblUU 000PEE & HART, Proprietors. You SHOULD buy your Kodaks, Plates, Films, Cards. Albums, Developers, Etc, of the LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 115 South 11th Stroet, Lincoln, Neb. Decollations College boys and girls are nqted for the artistic skill with which they can make an ordinary room over into a delightful spot, suggesting in every square foot of surface the life of comradeship, gaiety and study that they are leading. They need very little with which to accomplish this some brilliant touches of color, some inexpensive pictures, some pillows, a bit of drapery, and it is done. To help you out we have: Water Colors 3j by 8 inches, scenes done by hand in colors, for 50 cents, or framed in narrow gilt, for 1.00. PirtllPOC oi stan(iard subjects, passe partrouted and ready tQ rilllll W hang, in an 5 by 10 inch size, for 15c. Copies from famous artists, mounted on gray mats, 15c and 25c. PillnUC with lllose ridiculous Dutch figures, ping-pong players, I IIIUtto Mother Goose oddities, und so weiter, give just the touch of fun you're looking for. And for them we have DOWN PILLOWS, 18-inch, 70c; 20-inch, i.2o; 22-inch, $1.50; 24-inch, 2.00. MILLER PAINE. Do You Wear THE "TOOT GLOVE SHOE" IS THE SUPERB MAKE OF THE FAMOUS W. P. TAYLOR C Students, be judicious in your Foot-wear, by buying your Shoes at PERKINS & SHELDON We also have the taly SWEDISH GYMNASIUM SHOE. San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, $25.00 Via The Burlington Tickets on sale during September and October. Call and get full information. Burlington Depot, 7th Street, be tween P and Q. Phone 25. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Phone 235. Burnt Work Frames with daintily colored figures or heads, 5 inch by 7 inch ovals, 75 cents. 6 inch by 8 inch oblongs, $1. 00. 7 in. by 10 in. oblongs, Si. 25. a foot Glove ? Jl? yy h Jr