THE DAILY NEBRASKA The Daily Nebraskan A nowBpaper devoted to the- Interest of the Unlvorslty of Nobraaka. (Published at tho University of Nebraska. A consolidation of ' THE HESPERIAN, Vol. XXXI. THE NEBRASKAN, Vol. XII. THE SCARLET & CREAM, Vol IV. i Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Mob., aa second class mall matter . pubflcription Prlco 2.00 per year. EDITOR, ROBERT T. HILL. Circulator Fred K. NollBen. Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy. ASSISTANT EDITORS. R. A. McNown. Win. A Shock. Carlton C. Wilburn. Wm. Case. Want Column. Under this head the wants of the Btudents will be care for dally. Havo you lost anything? Have you found anything? Havo you anything to dis pose of? If so, Inform tho advertising manager, 326 So. 11th, or apply to "Dally Nebraskan" office. Flvo cents a lino will bo charged for each Insertion. OfTlco Basement University Hall. Postofflce Address, Station A, Box 13. LOST Somewhere about the univer sity campus, a Vassar Qlee club pin. Finder please leave It with Miss Mabel Stevens, or at tho "Dally" office. Junior Sombrero. The Week's Convocations. Tho following is tho program for convocation hour for tho ensuing week: Tuesday, Oct. 7. Prof. H. R. Smith, "The Coal Strike." Wednesday, Oct. 8 Hon. W. H. Thompson, democratic candidate for governor. Thursday, Oct. 9 Football mass meeting. Friday, Oct. 10 Muslcale. Monday, Oct. 13 Hon. J. H. Mickey, republican candidate for governor. Owing to tho detention In Colorado of the Daily's athletic editor a regular report of football matters Is not pub lished In today's paper. More Items of Interest from the western game will probably bo found In tomorrow's pa per. h Bench work Beems very popular Just now, since tho sun has been Induced to shine again. Perhaps tho longing glances cast toward tho untenanted seats during tho recent rains moved tho weather prophet to compoHHlon for the clouds are gone and work has been zealously renewed In that department. Because a number of students of the Minnesota university were arrested for riding bicycles on the park walks, several hundred attacked tho two policemen who had charge of the park, and the latter were badly worsted. The following morning In chapel, Pres ident Northrop upheld the officers for enforcing the park regulations, and condemned the Btudents for their at tack. Ho further stated that arrange ments would bo mado between tho re gents and the park board which would put an end to future hostilities. The Junior annual board Is at work upon the coming Sombrero. Tho mem bers of tho board are so enthusiastic and willing to work that in spite of tho delay caused by the resignations of Mr. Buckner and Mr. Huso, tho Sombrero has prospects that are brighter than any in its history. Al ready some very good work has been handed in, and a few are working on material that will Boon be ready. Plans for tho future will be discussed at a meeting of the board today. But tho board can not do all tho work. Nobody expects them to do it. Every member of the Junior clasB should see that he has a share in the making of a book which will always bo to him a delightful Bouvonlr of his college days. Let him who can write a story make up his mind to write a story. Let her who has the poetic lnBtinct write a poem and hand it to some momber of the board. Let each one be on the alert for Jokes and amusing bits of class and personal history. You can havo as much to do with tho making of the Sombrero as the members of the board. If each member of tho board Bhould write the equivalent of six printed pages, and it were all suitable, there would bo an amount of material almost largo enough to fill tho book, together with tho Illustrations which wo wish to have. Now each member of the class may write six pages if ho so wishes. No one will be limited. But suppose each one wroto a single page, wo should have enough and to Bpare. Get to work at once. Don't wait till the end of the semester and then swamp the editor with manuscript that Bhould be coming in now. If in doubt as to the nature of tho work, consult the editor or assistant editor and they will do all they can to help you. Let them see that you are willing to work and they will bo encouraged to do more work themselves. THE EDITOR. LITERAL OBEDIENCE. , A young teacher who was graduated from the normal school was asked to substitute in a higher grado than her own. She was a little nervous over tho temporary promotion and was anxious that everything should go off In the usual good order. While in structing the class in composition sho said: "Now, children, don't attempt any flights of fancy. Don't try to Imi tate the things you have heard, but Just bo yourselves and write what is really In you." As a result of this address ono little boy turned In tho following composi tion: "I ain't goln' to attempt no fits of fancy; I'm just goln' to write what's in me and I got a hart, a liver, two lungs, and Bomo other things like that; then I got a stumick, and it's got in it a pickle, a piece of pie, two sticks of peppermint candy and my dinner." Chicago Journal. LUDWIG ABOUT YOUR DRESS SUIT $35.00 - to $50.00. Overheard between two young ladies. First young lady. So he is coming back to school. Do you sup pose ho has mended his ways? Second young lady. Very probably. I have an Idea that ho has been darn ing them all summer. STEVENS & NEVILLES New Location Is at 1330 O Street. Pool and Billiards in connection. FRANCIS BROS. Capital Cafe, 121 North 11th. - Phone M050. Caterers for Lunches and Banquets. Open all night. Meals 15 cents and upwards. "What Is this chicken fence around the field for?" asked the freshman. "To keep the game free from fowls," explained tho upper classman. And the game went on. A freshman ono morning, quite dazed, Swore the night before he'd been hazed ; But now it Is said That he fell out of bed And a bump on his cranium raised. Exchange. One Frat Man "Who is that awful awkward, Inquisitive young fresh man?" The Other One "Why, he Is ono of our new pledges." First One "Oh , ; beg pardon." WILLIAMSON'S STUDIO. 1238 O street. Now is the time to secure good pictures before the rush begins. Special attention given to students. Prices that are right. To be convinced call and see for yourselves, at above studj0. Bicycle Repairing Best equipped shop in the state; no kids employed Shader. 1430 0 St. Every recitation room of the uni versity Is occupied at 10:30 dally. Ow ing to this fact some of the interview divisions in Amer. Hist. 3 will be obliged to use the faculty study room. DuTeil Cigars & Smokers' Supplies. 1020 O Street The college dally, though not so general until recently, has boon in existence since 1875. Tho Harvard Crimson, which was founded In 1873 under a different name, was the first collego dally. Tho Yalo Dally News and Cornell Daily Sun followed In 1876 apd 1880, respectfully. The Daily Prlncetonlan and Pennsylvanlan soon appeared, according to the Record Herald. Tho college daily Is held to bo an essential organ In a major uni versity as a faithful record of stu dent opinion and college affairs. If It has faults, in a number of universi ties the faculty now make official use of the dally. Notre Dame Scholastic. NEBRASKAN SPLINTERS. Commenting on the refusal of Chan cellor Andrews to accept an Increase of a thousand dollars in his salary, a contemporary says: "If the professor has his winter's wood In, it Is all right. Otherwise there Is u question as to whether or not he should be restrained." "The Biggest Sensation Every, where." LILIPUT Golapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus The smallest Stereoscope with the strongest optical effect. Highly finished indifferent colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mount ings). Including 20 V. F. Photo graphs. Views of art (genre). PRICE ONLY $1. 00. Sent every where prepaid in letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. DR. G. W. MASTERS, DENTST 1232 O STREET, TELEPHONE 194 GROSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Boards of Education in Eur ope and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes sent post paid for 1.09, single sample 25c. When ordering a single ring, state whether for man, woman, or child. PENN MEG SUPPLY CO. 119S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. President Roosevelt has accepted an invitation to bo present 'at Princeton at the inauguration of President Wood row Wilson on October 25. Addresses will be delivered by ex-President Pat ton, President Wilson and Mr. Qrover Cleveland. It Is not yet definitely decided that President Roosevelt will speak. In all the universities of France there are no papers, no fraternities, no athletics and no commencement exercises Kx. Special Notice. An experienced man direct from the factory will measure you for a uniform at the armory, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 p. m to 6 p. m. the uniform at the right price the One at $12.25. CAR INCLUDED. EDWARD CERE & CO.