The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan.
VOL. 2. NO. 15.
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Victors Home from Boulder Mo
loney's Shoulder Dislocated
Palmer Falks to
the Scrubs.
The football team returned yester
day afternoon safe and sound with the
exception of Moloney, who suffered a
dislocated shoulder during the Boulder
game. While it is still sore and bother
some, he will be ready for business
shortly. The team went west by the
Burlington road and returned by way
of the Rock Island. The men are gen
erally pleased with their trip.
Some of the players have expressed
their disgust at the way some of the
papers had the game written up.
Either the reporters did not know
much about tho game or didn't know
their business. Some of the state
ments made were rather far-fetched
and misleading, while not, in some
cases, in western papers, giving tho
men a decent mention.
Tho showing put up by Colorado
was more or less surprising. Some
have expressed the opinion that tho
Colorado game was a rather poor prop
osition since Nebraska gained nothing
but her expenses. It was a matter of
winning or losing and nothing to gain.
If reports be true as to the crowd who
witnessed tho game, Colorado made
a good thing of this game.
Scrubs Should Work.
The most discouraging feature of
Nebraska's football prospects at pres
ent is tho lack of spirit among the
scrub players. They are all anxious
enough to make tho 'varsity and will
ing enough to work hard with that
end In view, but do not work as a
team. About this time of the year
as tho personnel of the 'varsity be
comes somewhat definite, many of the
best playere on the scrubs lose Interest
and quit practice just when they are
needed moBt. This Is, of course, be
cause it means but little to play on
tho scrub team here. In the big east
ern schools where the scrubs have
their own training tables and their
own games the competition is just as
keen and fierce for places on tho
scrubs as for places on the 'varsity.
If we are to have a championship
team thlB year wo must give tho
scrubs something to work for.
Coach Palmer stayed at homo from
Boulder In order to get the scrubs Into
better shape. After each man that was
out Thursday being told personally to
be sure and get out, despite notices
in the Daily, the gymnasium and U
hall, but Ave men met Palmer for In
door signal practice Friday and ton
Coach Palmer has said, "It is up to
the scrubs to win that game from
Minnesota the 18th. The Bcrubs'
playing last week was ragged and en
tirely lacking in team work. Many
of them do not oven know the sig
nalB yet. There Is plenty of good ma
terial, but it is not out regularly. A
man shows up well in ' tho play one
night, the next night I look for him
to put him in, but can't find him. Un
less the scrub team gives the 'varsity
some good stiff opposition tho next
two weeks wo might as well stay at
homo tho 18th. As Boon as I get In
shape I Intend to play end on the
scrubs myself. I played on the scrubs
two years at Princeton and consider
that I did just as good work for the
university as I did when I played on
tho 'varsity, because It is impossible
to have a good 'varsity without good
Coach Palmer suggested as a reme
dy for the lack of spirit among the
scrubs that some games be scheduled
for them, either to bo played as a
curtain-raisor to tho 'varsity games,
such as the third team or dubs at Chi
cago, played last Saturday before the
Knox game, or as independent games.
There aro moro than sixty candi
dates out for a place on the Harvard
football eleven; of these only seven
weigh over 190 pounds.
Glee Club Practice.
The Glee club met in, University hall
last evening. A good-sized crowd
were out and the final business in
getting organized was finished. A per
manent association is now an assured
fact and promises a good future. The
constitution and by-laws adopted ap
pear elsewhere in today's paper.
Communications have been received
from Nebraska alumni congratulating
the university on the new club and
extending their support where It can
bo of any use. Omaha alumni are al
ready asking for a club date for that
city sometime during tho winter, and
they promise to push things along.
Captaii Chase in Command.
Captain Chaso appeared for tho first
timo at drill lastevening. He took
active charge of the battalion from
the Btart and ordered the Companies
out to drill. Before drill, however, ho
expressed himself as pleased with his
appointment as commander at the uni
versity. Ho spoko of the good report
Nebraska cadets had filed in the war
department and expressed tho hope
that the high standard should bo con
tinued while he waB detailed here.
Captain Chase is a man of pleasing
personality and about thirty-five
years of age. His regular command Is
with company A, Twenty-first United
States Infantry, now stationed at Fort
Snelllng, Minn. Ho has formerly been
commandant 'at the Stato Agricultural
School at Washington, and has also
been stationed at Fort Kiel, Montana.
Captain Chaso has also seen active
service in both Cuba and the Philip
pines. He was in the battle of San
Juan hill and was one of Colonel Wy
koff's staff members when tho latter
was killed. Being a regular army
man and yet having had former duties
in connection with cadet battalions,
Captain ChaBo will bo well fitted to
command at Nebraska.
If you want to bo well Informed
take a paper. Even a paper of pins
will give you points. Ex.
Glee Organizations Prepare for
Business Club Has a
Sing Alumni Is
Article I Organization.
Section 1. The name of this organi
zation shall be the Gleo Club Associa
tion of the University of Nebraska.
Sec. 2. Tho object of this organiza
tion Is to foster the musical spirit of
tho university.
Sec. 3. Tho Gloo Club Association
shall Include the following organiza
tions. Tho Gleo Club, tho Male Chorus
and tho Mandolin Club.
Article II Membership.
Section 1. Membership In thlB as
sociation shall be open to male stu
donts of the unlvorBlty, and members
of the faculty, who shall pass certain
minimum tests.
Sec. 2. Nominations for member
ship shall bo made to the executive
committee, who shall pass upon the
eligibility of candidates, and shall de
clare elections.
Sec. 3. Membership in tho Glee and
Mandolin Clubs shall bo open only to
members of tho association.
Article III Ofilcers.
Section 1. The ofilcers of this asso
ciation Bhall bo a president, a secretary-treasurer,
a manager, a director,
an accompanist, and a custodian.
Sec. 2. The duties of tho president
shall be to preside at business meet
ings, to appoint all special commit
tees, and to solicit members.
Sec. 3. The duties of tho secretary
treasurer shall bo to keep a record of
the minutes, and of the membership
of the clubs of the association, to col
lect all dues and fines, and to disburse
moneys upon tho order of tho execu
tive committee.
Sec. 3. The manager shall act under
the immediate direction of tho execu
tive committee. He shall have imme
diate charge of all business matters
relating to the appearance of the club.
The manager shall file a written re
port of all matters under hla charge
within one week after any public en
tertainment Sec. 4. The director shall have ex
clusive control In all musical matters.
He shall select tho music, train tho
club and chorus, and, in conjunction
with tho manager, shall arrange for
all public appearances. Ho shall bo
empowered to call extra meetings for
Sec. 5. The accompanist shall work
under the Immediate direction of the
director. He shall be chosen by the
executive committee.
Sec. 6. The faculty member of tho
executive committee shall bo the cus
todian of the club. He shall have the
music of the club In his keeping.
Article IV Committees.
Section 1. The association shall
have a standing committee to be
known as the executive committee.
Special committees may bo appointed
at any time by tho president.
Sec. 2. Tho executive committee of
the association shall consist of tho
president, who shall bo chairman, tho
secretary-treasurer, tho manager, tho
director, and ono faculty member to
bo appointed by tho president.
Sec. 3. Tho executivo commlttoo
shall have general contiol of all tho
affairs of tho association. They shall
have sole powor to elect, and to drop
Section 1. The association shall
meet twice each school week on Tues
day and Saturday evenings at 7 o'clock.
Sec. 2. The time for the annual
election of ofilcers shall bo tho first
meeting in May.
80c. 3. Tho annual membership
feo of the association shall bo twenty
flvo centa. Dues may bo levied by a
majority vote of tho association.
Sec. 4. Throe-fifths of the member
ship shall constitute a quorum for
transacting business.
Sec. G. Any member who shall, bo
absent from a regular meeting of tho
association shall pay a fine of ton
cents to tho secretary-treasurer.
Sec. C. Any member who Bhall bo
absent twice in succession from regu
lar meetings without a valid reason,
or who shall bo two fines in arrears,
shall be dropped from the association.
Sec. 7. Examinations for ontranco
to tho association shall bo conducted
by tho director.
Sec. 8. Tho examining commlttoo
for entrance to tho Gleo Club shall
consist of tho director, and two mem
bers choson by the executive commit
tee. Tho examination shall bo con
ducted by tho secretary-treasurer, and
accompanist by number, in such a way
that tho examining comnllttco shall
not know tho Identity of tho examinee.
Local TtMrnameut.
Drawing for places in tho tennis
tournament will take place this after
noon on the courts at 1 o'clock. Play
ing will begin immediately afterwards.
The winner will go to Kansas this fall
to compete In the annual tournament
between tho two states.
A number of prizes have beon ob
tained, and aro hung up for the win
ners in this week's local tournament.
First pjjzo Fine sweater, offered by
Magee & Deemer.
Second prize Pair tennis shoes of
fered by Perkins & Sheldon.
The tennis club has several addi
tional new members this fall and the
tournament promises to bo a lively
one. The honor In representing Ne
braska In Kansas Is not Inconsidera
ble and contestants for tho lucky
places are plenty.
It is safe to say that no department
is more overcrowded than that of do
mestic science. It has been found nec
essary at times to conduct classes in
the extension of the hallway which
serves as an excuse for the office. This
scarcely affords standing room to some
of the classes, to say nothing of con
venient room for taking notes. Jn th,e
laboratory every place is taken.