7" V - ', X The Daily NebrasRan. VOL. 2. NO. 13. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902. PRICE THREE CENTS. r J xr 7 - .'-" ' TEAM TRAVELS WEST Varsity Squad Leaves for Boulder Booth and Palmer Go Along Cortelyou Returned. The football team left at 6 o'clock last evening over the Burlington for Boulder. Transportation for the team was sent from Denver and did not ar rive until 11 o'clock yesterday morn ing. Manager Engle was uncertain of what to expect. It was even feared that the transportation would arrive too late for the team to go at all. All hopes for a rate at the eleventh hour were given up Wednesday and the team left unattended by support ers. A squad of fifteen men makes the trip undor tho guardianship of Man ager Engle and Coaches Booth and Palmer. Tho train which carried the team is the Denver flier and makes only a few stops between here and Denver, arriving there at 7 o'clock this morning. After a rest of an hour and Ave minutes the remainder of the trip will be made on the Colorado & Southern. The team will arrive at Boulder at 9:30 this morning, and will have a day and a half to rest up and become accustomed to conditions. The -game, which will be played Saturday, Is the most important on Colorado's schedule, and excursions will be run from all the Important points around Boulder. Spencer Cortelyou arrived in the city yesterday morning and went into practice last night. "Cort" has been traveling since Monday and con sequently was in no condition to ac company the team. Hewitt, who has been trying for half has gone out of practice and will not play any more this season. Northwestern Has Trouble. There is trouble in the football camp of Northwestern University, and a number of the strongest players threat en to leave. For several seasons foot ball has not been paying expenses and it Tvaa decided to have the games with Purdue and Illinois at Westside Park instead of Sheppard field at tho uni versity. By this change they hoped to get a larger down town patronage and thereby avert the usual deficiency. Now many of the faculty and officers of the university are raising a howl against taking tho games from the university grounds. The matter still remains unsettled. Palladian Program. The Palladian Literary society meets Friday evening In Palladian hall. The following program will be rendered: Instrumeqtal Solo Miss, Brenlzer. Paper G. M. Hamilton. Talk Mr. Bruner. Music Miss Shiubur. Reading :Selected, S. Anderson. Reading "Pikes Peak or Bust," Miss Phelps. Pan-Hellenic Meeting. A meeting of all the fraternities will be held at the Delta Upsllon house on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A permanent organization will be formed. The matter of arranging for a fraternity football train to go to the Minnesota football game will be taken up for consideration. Assurances have been made that a rate could bo obtained for such a crowd. It is estimated about 200 would go, not counting the sororities, who may become Interested in the matter Each fraternity is entitled to send two delegates to this called meeting. Junior Ciass Election. The Junior class met yesterday for the purpose of electing officers. It was an enthusiastic body of more than a hundred, almost half of them ladles, that met In the old chapel. A. I. Myers was nominated for the presidency by John Tobln, and Ernest Allen placed in nomination Louis P. Hewitt. A ballot was prepared and the vote stood 78 to 41 In favor of Mr. Myers. Mr. Myers was called on for a speech and he responded with stirring words. He expressed his appreciation of the honois of the oftlce and his desire to be a competent executive. He an nounced himself an athletic enthusiast and said he was In favor of the adop tion of a set of rules which should gov ern inter-class athletics and thus avoid disputes as to holding the champion ship. He would do everything possi ble to secure the adoption of such a set of rules. His words were greeted with a storm of applause. The assembly then proceeded with the election. Miss Elsie Piper was unanimously elected vice-president. Miss Erford, Mr. Fleming, Miss Mc Cutchen and Miss Llvesay were nom inated for secretary, but the vote was not taken as tho half hour was past, and a motion to adjourn was carried. The class will meet today at 10 o'clock in Palladian hall. Nebraska Man Recognized. In a recent German periodical (Bo taniBche Jahrbuecher) Professor Eng ler, the eminent Gorman botanist, praises the collection of plants made by Dr. Clements la Colorado. He speaks of it as "extraordinarily in structive," and recommends it as a pattern for other botanists. "With these specimens," he says, "one is able to obtain an altogether excellent no tion of the character of the vegetation of Colorado." Such praise from this source is very gratifying to Dr. Clem ents' friends, since it is well known that foreign scientific men are not much given to recognizing the work of Americans. Clifton Carter, '02, is visiting friends in the city. All the language classes are being pushed as fast as possible into con versational work, especlaly in Ger man and French. PERSHING'S ELECTION IniVorslty Crack Company Elects Officers for Coming Year Much Excitement in Politics. After one of the most exciting cam paigns in the history of the university the Pershing Rifles elected their officers last night, both civil and military for the ensuing year. The meeting was called to order by President Crooks at 7:30 sharp, and business was Imme diately taken up. As most of the Interest rested In the military offlcers, the civil elections were hastened through rapidly. The following were elected: President, Chas. Bliss; vice-president, Robert Noyes; secretary, Llkn Huntington; treasurer, E. Spafford. With tho nomination of military can didates tho excitement began. Three men were In the field for captain, R. Pollard, C Crooks and A. W. Hull. Tho latter was captain last year. The ballot resulted in tho election of Hull and excitement ran high. Two com plete tickets had been In the field and thlB gave an idea of how things would run. For first lieutenant J. F. Farney and R. C. Pollard wore nominated, the for mer gaining the election. W. R. McGeachin was unanimously elected second lieutenant. Two candidates were in the field for the 1st sergeancy, Messrs. Ritchie and Harris. The latter won. R. J. Mans field waB elected quartormaster ser geant. The other sergeancies ran as fol lows: 2d, D. McCutcheon, 3d, Jacob Kanvler, 4th; W. G. B. Kimball, 5th; C. Phillips. The corporals will be ap pointed after tho next few drills by the captain. Delians Tonight. The Delians meet in the old chapel tonight at 8 p. m. PROGRAM. Piano solo Selected. Miss Aonone Poston. Inaugural Address Mr. Buck. Story "The Woman's Faculty Club Reception," Miss Countryman. Story "Reek's Eighty," Miss Ijith rop. Talk "To Delians and About De HanB," Miss Edholm. Vocal Solo Selected, Miss Loucks. Revised Tennis Dues. The Tennis association met Thurs day at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purposo of amending the constitution In regard to the admission of new members. As it now stands new members may bo takon in either at the beginning of the fall or spring seasons. The dues were changed from $1.50, payable in the spring to $2, one-half payable each season. An additional fee of 50 cents will be charged new members. The tournament drawing will be held Fri day at 1 o'clock on the campus courts and played off as soon as possible. Refuses Salary Increase. The Board of Regents-4t thoir Juno session increased the salary of Chan cellor Andrews from $5,00 to $6,000. The extra $1,000 has been refused by the Chancellor, with tho Implied state ment that with tho financial condition of tho university ho feels It not for him to add another burden to the pres ent ones. It will be roraembered that Chancel lor AndrcwB was offered a like posi tion nt Wisconsin at a larger salary. Howover, he refused, stating ho felt a larger field lay before him In Ne braska and that he was needed more here. At the tLme a mass meeting of students and faculty succeeded In mak ing good an increase over the then ex isting salary. However, this was not pushed. The Regents then endeavored to Increase tho Balary of tho Chan cellor to a figure more closely agreeing with thoso of other largo Institutions. Tho following letter was sent to tho Board of Regents by Chancellor An drews at their last meeting, and is self-explanatory: "To the Hoporable Board of Ro gents of tho State University Gentle men: While deeply sensible of your kindness In recently advancing my sal ary and believing that the new figure Is not greater than a Chancellor of this university ought to earn and re ceive, I am unwilling, so long as tho university is compelled to tho rigid economy it now exercises, to accept for my services any higher remunera tion than I have hitherto had, and therefore beg permission to continue for the present to be paid at tho old rate. Very respectfully yours, "E. BENJAMIN ANDREWS, "Chancellor." ThlB is another one of the Instances in the life timo of Dr. Andrews that ho has made some personal sacrifice for reasons higher than selfish mo tives. Chancellor Andrews displays to a greater degree than ever his effort to do what he believes to be right. University People Wed. The wedding of Miss May C. Whit ing and Mr. Hans Theodore Weater mann waB solemnized Wednesday night as 8 o'clock at the First Bap tist church. Dr. H. O. Rowlands, pas tor and Chancellor Andrews officiated. The church was delightfully decor ated with greenery and was well filled with guests. It is said to have been one of the prettiest weddings in Lin coln for some time. The bride was at tended by her sister, Miss Adelloyd Whiting, and the groom by Mr. Fred C. WIlllamB, both being graduates of the university, verslty. The dresses of the bride and maid were creations of beauty and the one of the bride was especially elaborate. Two rings were used in tho ceremony. The sorority sisters of the bride were seated in a party near the front of the church. The bride is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and is grand president of the national organization. Concluded on Page 2. H