The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
A newspaper deYotcd to the Interest
of the Unlvorilty of Nebraska.
Published at the
Unlvoralty of Nebraska.
iA. coniolldatlon ot
Entered at the poBtofflce at Lincoln,
Neb., aa second elan mall matter .
flubacrlptlon Price $2.00 per year.
Circulator Fred K. NftllBen.
Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy.
R. A. McNown.
Wm. A Shock.
Carlton C. Wllburn.
Wm. Cane.
University Calendar.
Knf 90 nien Club. 7:30 i). in
U. 201.
Sept. 30. University Chorus. f p. m.
Oct. 3 University Club Danco.
Oct. 4 Boulder College vs. Nebras
ka, nt Boulder, Colo.
It was through no particular fault of
Doane that It lost the game on Satur
day. They were pursued by hard luck
especially In the loss" of the left
tackle. However, tho team was clearly
outclassed by the varsity eleven. Their
line was light and of course could not
hold the university team. It was there
fore no fault of theirs If they lost the
The little rub between the teams wa
good for both of them; for the uni
versity, because the coaches and men
will know where the weaknesses of the
team are, und people who understand
will know more what to expect of the
men; for Doane because their team
will have had the experience of going
up against the renl thing. They will
see where they are weak and prepare
for other games.
As a game there was no more Inter
est shown than Is sometimes evident
at a scrimmage with the "scrubs.'" The
varsity had too easy a walk-away. But
while we came out on top this time
and piled up a mighty encouraging
score, we can not estimate the coming
games from the present results.
The new venture made by a number
of university men on Saturday night
inn stand some commendation. This
seems to be a move in the right direc
tion. For several years there has been
a growing idea in the student body
that some, movement should be begun
looking to a building up and postering
of college spirit and united effort in
Kiistalnlng university affairs of worth.
Factional lines were crossed In the
new movement and there will be an ef
fort to a closer union among all col
lege men.
For the information of those who
don't know, we volunteer the informa
tion that Nebraska has one of the few
dally papers published by colleges in
the United States. These Include ale.
Harvard, Princeton, Brown. Cornell.
Wisconsin. Minnesota, Iowa. California,
Stanford, Michigan. Pennsylvania and
Some of the well known schools in
the country do not have them at all.
although there are those who publish
bi-weeklies, trl-weeklies, weeklies and
monthlies. This is only one of the
things where Nebraska takes rank with
the best of them.
New Debating Secretary.
The . Debating Association held its
first meeting of the year Saturday
evening. About twenty-five members
were present. The announcement of
the resignation of the secretary was
made and W. Frederick Meier was
unanimously chosen to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Meier ought to be well qualified
for this position. He has been allien"
with the organization for four years,
and besides has represented the uni
versity again Kansas in 1901. and was
a member of tho invincible team that
laid Missouri low last spring. Mr.
Meier undoubtedly will take hold of tho
work with vigor, and before long plans
will le formulated for holding the pre
liminary contests.
FOOT HALL PARAPHERNALIA. Every loyal spectator should
equip himself or herself with a megaphone, cane and streamer or
penant and colors, and turn out to help the team to success. Mega
phones that will last you several seasons, 25c to 50c; Canes, 10c, 15c,
up; Pennants, 15c, 35c to $1.50; Scarlet and Cream Ribbon and
Streamers; Football Buttons, Souvenirs, etc.
ROOM DECORATIONS. Have you seen our Mat Pictures? They
arc fine. And you will be surprised at the prices -10c, 15c, 20c, 25c.
Mat Mounting Board for your Pictures, 10c for a large sheet. U. of
N. Pennants, 15c up to $1.50. Fraternity Pennants, Pennants of
Eastern and Western Colleges. Pictures of the campus and build
ings, the farm, cadets, etc.
UNI. PINS, BADGES, ETC. We have the most complete and
varied line ot Uni. IJins and Badges in the city. There are nearly
fifty styles and sizes. Several new designs this season. Pins, 25c to
$1.50. Hat Pins, 35c to $1 15. Gold Pennant Pin, $2.25, Gold
Seal Pin, $3.75 (three of these sold first day. ) Lapel Buttons, Wreath
and Initial Pins, Rings, Etc.
SOUVENIR SPOONS. Something to remember your friend with.
Small and large sizes. Design of Library building engraved.
WATCH FOBS. Are going fast. A few new designs. U. of X.
Seal, Initial, Pennant, Etc. Twelve styles.
DO YOU PING PONG? For the leisure hour this fashionable and
pleasant game will give you needed recreation. Sets, 50c to $5.00.
Archarena Boards, Playing Cards, Etc.
STATIONERY. A complete line of Tablets of all kinds, 5c to c;
Papeterie, iocto$i.oo: Envelopes: Regret and Calling Cards anil
Envelopes, etc.
U. of N. STATIONERY. Ruled and Unruled Tablets in note and
letter size, 10 and 15c. Box Paper with U. of N. Pennant design, e
to 50c; U. of N. Envelopes, 5c, 10c, 15c. Fraternity and Sorority
Tablets of all chapters represented in tiic University.
It was generally supposed that the
crowd of Saturday night was out in
celebration of the football victory. This
impression is erroneous, as it was not
the idea at all that the victory should
have attention. There was nothing to
celebrate in the victory, for Doane was
The trowd of students were all fra
ternity men and had come together It
seems. In an entirely unexpected way.
The idea from the beginning was a
serenade upon other fraternities and
it was carried on until all the frater
nity houseB were visited. The latter
part of tho evening brought some defi
nite conclusion to the whole affair.
There was a feeling of "soreness"
among some of the boys because when
they called In a friendly way at the
home of the Chancellor, they were
turned down by him and advised to
wait until they had something to cele
brate before they turned out In such
fashion. It was regretted at the time
that an explanation was Impossible.
The young ladies residing in the
Conservatory of Music entertained Fri
day evening at an informal dancing
party. The halls and parlors were open
to the young people and were decorated
prettily with palms and cut greenery.
About twenty gentlemen were Invited
to enjoy the hospitality of the young
ladles. The party was chaperoned by
Miss Barbour and Miss Morse of New
Haven. Conn. The ladies and guests
present were:
Misses Perkins. Nellie Mouse. Eleanor
Barbour, Era Cooper, Ethel Doubrara,
Ethel Green, Blanche Roberts, Laura
Palinquist. Minnie Hoburg. Mamo
Moore, .iame Kimball, Vlda learner.
Myrtle Mitchell, Sadie Morse, Winifred
Howell. Mayme Kilhan, Ruth Johnston,
Olive Dobson, Mae Biltgen; Messrs.
Morse. Hawley, Stanley, Ritchie. Par
ker. Appleget, Grigsby, W. Kimball,
McGeachin, Shallenberger, Wilson,
Holman, Peters, G. Kimball, Sumner.
UNIVERSITY BOOKS. All the books used in the University all
the time Literature, Science. Law, Engineering, Medicine, Etc.
Special Books General Literature Books ordered for you at special
UNIVERSITY SUPPLIES of all kinds for all the departments.
Standard goods at reasonable prices and satisfaction guaranteed.
Your money back if are not right.
HISTORY COVERS, in about 25 styles and sizes at most any price.
The New "Clip" Cover, invented by Prof. Barbour, does away with
shoestrings. Ask to see it. Also other "Shoestringless" Covers.
Special covers made to order. Papers of all sizes or cut or punched
to order at the store.
ART SUPPLIES for the Art School. Water Color Sets, China
Colors, Charcoal Paper and Stick, Sketching Books, Whatman Panel-
in Royal, Imperial and Double Elephant sizes, colors in half pans and
tubes, brushes, etc.
The popular songs and music, Standard
MUSIC. A new line.
pieces. At ; igni prices.
FOUNTAIN PENS. The Co-()p is the right place for Pens. We
fit you right and with the best made -The Waterman Ideal We also
repair pens. When your pen troubles you in any way call at the Co-Op.
Very likely it is only a matter of adjustment. Does your pen blot or
leak? Get a Waterman Spoon Feed. It never bothers vou. Also
The Delians held an informal recep-' other g?od makes the Century, Franklin, Remex, etc. Cheap pens
lion in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Eri-! in price, we mean. vve guarantee sausiacuon just the same or you
day evening. It was planned partlcu-! niaY return the Pen
larly for the new students In the unl-1 M AGAZ1NES. The leading Monthly Magazines. For your leisure
versity. A very pleasant evening was llour i00k over our news stand for a good magazine. Subscriptions
spent with games, chat and general taken for American and European periodicals.
good time. Light refreshments were-1
AGENTS HAMMOiNJJ TYl'h.WKl'1 KK. Typewriter and Mimeo
graph supplies.
served during the evening.
Doane's Schedule.
October 4, open.
October 11, Lincoln Medics, at Lin
coln. October 18. Crelghton, at Omaha.
October 25. Tabor, at Tabor.
November 1. Bellevue, at Crete.
November 7, Hastings, at Hastings.
November 17, Grand Island, at Crete.