J TALK WITH LUDWIG ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES We make the best fall dress suits jn town, $30.00 up we have every thing you want at the price you V want it, 1030 O Street. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS Buy No Other. At the Co-Op. PEN REPAIRS If your pen doesn't work just right, bring it in. Perhaps it is just a matter of ad justment. We repair pens not needing new parts. H. W. Brown, Drug and Book Co. University Text-Books and Supplies Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens. The College Fountain Ten for $1.00 Best Dollar Pen Made Phone 28. "J 27 South 1 Jth Street. f v T4-A " ks CAPITAL CAfE FRANCIS BROS., Proprietors, 121 N. nth. Phone F 1050. CATKKKKH KOH ItTNt'IIKH AND HANjiurrs. Open All Night. Meals 15 Cents and Upwards. If You're a Kicker Get a Lincoln Hardware Co. FOOT BALL And kick it to your heart's content. Lincoln Hardware Co. 13121314 0 Street. Something Valuable A pew course in Shorthand will bo offered this year by Miss Virginia Hoffman, of the Ex ecutive office. All Interested parties should consult her for particulars. Executive Office, University Lindsey s CIGARS, TOBACCO, READING MATTER 3 STORES Richards Blk. Burr Blk, 1134 O Yule Bros, laundry J5J4 O Stree?. Tel. 754. Originators of the idea of sending: homo work satisfactory PALACE BEAUTIFUL. Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicur ing, Massage and Baths. Students' patronage especially solicited. We make a specialty of Chiropody Work. Full line of Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. Call and see us. 121 N. 13th street. THE NORTHWESTERN ...LINE F., L & M. V..JTY. . Best Line to- ST. RAUL BLACK HILLS CHIOAQO 1024 O St. E. R. Butler, C. T. H. 1024 O St. Roy McGinnis, Gen'l Agt. Local and Personal Gregory, (he Coal Man. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Cameron's lunch counter, 11th. 118 So. The Palace barber shop, 109 No. 11th St. Dr. Baker's office, Paine's. over Miller and For a good smoke go to Joe, 1437 O street. Complete line of gloves and corsets at "The Famous." Clara Wells is teaching this year in the grades at Schuyler. Mary Brayton, '02, will teach in the high school at Shelton this year. Gladys Henry is teaching science In the Kearney high school this year. The best in the city, eight chairs. The Palace barber shop, 109 No. 11th, west Bide. Denning Semi-Anthracite, clean, hot and lasting. The thing for heating stoves. Only $8 at Gregory's, 1041 O. We don't get drunk, but we stay up late. With the night-watch and the owls, We find our joy in a Five Cent straight Or an Oyster Stew at Powell's. , Oliver Theater Building. You will enjoy looking over those new varsity style suits In the pret ty patterns this season brings. Un doubtedly the best assortment, taken from any point of view, Is that found at Armstrong's. Chancellor Huntington's address to the graduating class of Wesleyan uni versity has been published In pamphlet form and Is being distributed among the new students of that Institution this year. Nola Butler, a student last year at the university, will take work this year at Angola College, Angola, Indi ana. THE UNI. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Law Books, Medical looks, History Outlines, Etc. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. Four kinds of Dietzgen Sets; Four of Keuffel & Esser, and Three of Aloe. We have a set of instruments at $6.25 that is hard to beat; equal to most $8. 00 to $9.00 sets. Our motto: "The Best Instruments at the Best Prices," at THE CO-OP. An Item appeared recently In the Missouri Independent to the effect that about two hundred men listened to an address by John S. Moore. Mr. Moore until last year had been secretary of the University of Nebraska Y. M. C. A. three years. Dr. Avery's removal from the univer sity to the state farm is a serious loss to the department of chemistry, and has caused much confusion In that de partment. Professor Nicholson is dally besieged In his office by students who complain of conflicts. Matters are not yet settled. Mr. Fisher, who has been connected with the geological survey of the United States dulng the greater part of the summer, recently passed through Lincoln on his way to Yale, where he holds a fellowship In the department of geology. Several new courses have been added in the department of geology since the university bulletins were published. Geology 13, geography of the United States, and 10b, microscopic study of rocks, are for teachers and general students. A special teachers' course Is also given by Dr. Condra for teachers in city schools. The officers and directors of the Ne braska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company are as follows: Judge E. M. Coffin, president, Lin coln; Judge E. M. Bartlett, vice-president, Omaha; Dr. C. E. Coffin, treasur er, Ord; Dr. B. L. Paine, chairman ex ecutive committee, Lincoln; Jas. H. Casebeer, Blue Springs; R. M. Taggart, Nebraska City, G. L. lxomis, Fremont, I). S. Stratton, Pawnee City. It certainly makes a creditable ap pearance. The following note appeared In the Lincoln high school advocate: "Students will do well to join Prof. Bracelen's debating class. Here de bating will be taught as a science and students will have a chance to learn to debate with a teachor to criticise. Prof. Bracelen has won many Import ant debates at the Nebraska University and therefore has had the best of practice along these lines." Mr. Bracelen has an enviable repu tation In Nebraska In debating and his further interest Is shown by the above article. This is an instance of use made of collegiate training. CO - OP. SUPPLIES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. " Botany Sets, Zoology Sets, Medical Sets, Bicycle Repairing Best equipped shop in the statq no kids employed Shader. 1430 0 St, Drawing Sets We have them from $5.75 to $10.00 Per Set. And all the other requisites for your work. MONROE HISTORY PAPER The Best Grade, At a price you will find attractive. It will be worth your while to in spect our goods before making your purchases. SAMUEL HALL, 1 123 O Street. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Linen, Finest of Toilets, FlrsJ, Closs Service. A. L. KEMNERRER, Proprietor. 113 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. DuTeil Cigars & Smokers' Supplies. 1020 O Street If you like our work, Tell a Friend; If you don't like it, Tell the Man. R. & C. BARBER SHOP, 1144 O Street. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign tfUIUH (Bend model, sketch or photo oi invention for ireereporton patentability. For free book, lESSTTRADE-MARKS S MTJU.l M nirvii in a 1 ABBABHtH Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C.