&3 THE DAILY NBBBA8KAN TACKLE The right tailor when you order your suit and don't tackle too low. Good clothes cannot be made for ready-made prices. My workmen are the best in Lincoln, and prices reasonable. TRY ME. BUMSTEAD He Makes Clothes That Fit. 1141 0 Street. Settlers' One -Way RATES Every day during the months of September and October, 1902. FROM LINCOLN, NEB., Via the UNION PACINC. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20.00 to Butte, Anconda, and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven, and New Whatcom, via Hunt ington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu gene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. $25.60 to San Francisco, Los Ange les and many other Cali fornia points. Full information cheerfully fur nished, on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. FOWLING ALLEY 4 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210O street. H. C. THOMAS, Proprietor. The Only Up-to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Neatly Covered. PowelFs, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. TALK WITH LUDWIG ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES We make the best full wear s.uits in town, $30.00 tip. We can save you money we have anything you want" at the price you want it Mathematical Schedule. The following changes in courses should be noticed: Mnth. 12. Geometry of Position. 2 p. m. 1. 3. 5. Miss Puffer. Math. 15 Advanced Algebra. 3 p. m. 1, 3. 5. Adj. Prof. Moritz. Math. 21 Number Theory. 1 p. m. 1. 3, r. Prof. Davis. - Math. 23 Pure Mathematics. 4 p. m. 2, 4. Prof. Davis. All hours provisional only. Union Debaters Meet. The Union Hoys Debating t lub met Saturday night at Union hall and per fected the club for the coming year. A large crowd was present and enthu siastic, but would have been larger ex cept for other attractions. The fol lowing officers were elected for the first term: J. T. Melick. president: Dwlght L. Pierce, secretary-treasurer. The club went through a line of par liamentary drill and passed some short time in renewing acquaintances. It was decided among other things to make the parliamentary drill this year more systematic. The class in shorthand will meet to organize for regular work at the Lin coln Academy on Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. VIRGINIA M. HOFFMAN. Until the regular paper is given out to its regular subscribers and to no others there will be a number of peo ple In the university who will receive the "Daily." If anyone reading this no tico receives the paper and has not already subscribed they would do well if they immediately placed their name as a subscriber with the circulation manager or at the office of the paper. You can not expect to get the paper for nothing, for the management of the "Daily" is not run that way. If on a certain day your paper ceases coming you will take notice that you are delinquent In paying up. The pa per will be sent to all the old sub scribers and if he does not signify oth erwise he will be considered a sub scriber and held responsible according to newspaper custom for the receipt of the paper. Don't wait but attend to the matter at once. Miss Edith Jackson. '01, a mejnber ol Delta Gamma from Omaha is spending a few days with university friends. Miss Jackson was reader last year in the department ot English literature. Chas. A. Poynter, a member of last year's graduating class from the Oma ha Medical school, the first class grad uating after Its affiliation with the university, is practicing medicine In the city. Kappa Alpha Theta entertained at Walsh halhgf rlday evening. The par lore were delightfully decorated In the fraternity colors, gold and black. The lights in the dancing hall came from Chinese lanterns. Between thirty and forty couples enjoyed the evening in dancing. The small back narlor was decorated in the college colore and light refreshments were served by, Mrs. I. add from a center table. The young ladles of the fraternity spared no effort and the rooms were delightfully decorated. The pro grams were pretty souvenirs, those of the gentlemen especlaly so, the cards being done In ink sketches by one of the fraternity members . r The University Book Store 304 N. ELEVENTH STREET. All University Books and Supplies. Law Books Medical Books Instruments Stationery Fountain Pens The Scarlet and Cream Store oooooooooooooo rkins & nly Genuine Awe Have thfijQ OOOoOOOOO$ What's the Use Of going to a tailor to be measured for clothes and then waiting to try on the garments and have them fitted several times and taking the chance that they'll be right. FAR BETTER to come here, where you can y)T be fit tod properly in a few minutes and try on as many garments as you will; that's the only way" to see how the different styles look on you. BESIDES, there's a great difference in the price, entirely aside from the fact that in every other respect we give you the same satisfaction that you get from your tailor's goods, See our New Fall and Winter Novelties in SUITS AND OVERCOATS hviiuj Clothing Co. 115-117 0 Street, Lincoln. Neb. I A Welcome to Students In order that you may make the most of the coming year, be fitted with a pair of com fortable and stylish shoes by Sheldon Co. Swldish Gymnasium Shoe' oooooooo xxxx S 1-