THE DAILY VKBRASKA9. -1 Ttie Dalln Uebraskap A Newspaper devoted to the Interests of tht University of Nebraska, A CONSOLIDATION OF Tho UeWlaa. Vol. XXX he N dbriskan. Vol. XI bo Bcarlot & Cream. Vc'.. Ill Btcrllnr IL MoCaw. ft. W. HarbAr, Chas L Taylor, I Qbas. B. Wells, f B T. H1U. Managing Editor Bdltor-Tn-Ohlrt Buslnoss Man agon Assistant Editor ABBOOIATB EDITOItB V. 0. Batle, R. A. MWfown. H. O. Nelson Win. Cut. Dan Outloben. Entertd at the post office at Lincoln. Neb. as B&ond Glass Mall Hitter. TZLXTSONK . The Bplrlt which whb Bhown by the HtudcntB at the mass meeting Wednes day morning was certainly commenda ble. It Ib true enough that the matter under consideration was a more seri ous one than usual, yet the unanimity with which resolutions were passed and earnestness which was shown both speak highly of the students. It cer tainly was a worthy tribute to Chan cellor Andrews. Yesterday's game of ball closed the college games of the Beason. The one today with Havelock Is not a college contest. The victories which the 'var Blty haB won this season entitle it to the first place in tho list of Western teams and the men who have Berved throughout are deserving of great credit for their services. Captain Bell and his followers may feel Justly proud of their record. Forbes' Stables. i'S Lino. Carriages furnished for Wed dings, Parties and Funerals. Barn 1125-1131 V St., l'hone r50. W. O. FORBES, Prop. Mrs. L. Anderson & Co. MILLINERS Special Prices to University Girls. 135 South 12th St. AlLegretti Chocolates .AT Rector's. The last game of the season will be played on Nebraska field this after noon. The 'varsity nine has won nine teen out of twenty-two college games played this season, and the Havelock people have decided to beat them. They expect to send a delegation to the game large enough to scare the 'var sity into a defeat if they can do it in no other way. Everybody come out and sec how Captain Bell will lead his men on to victory. The game will be the most exciting one ever played on tho home grounds. Bicycle Tif es bssssssssiIIIssssssssbsssssssssssI lnUrc0l1tgeU Burtau, COTTELL & LEONARD 478-478 Broadway Albany, Nw York Makers of the Caps.Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prioes, etc, on request. Gowns for the pulpit and ben oh. Summer Days . .are. . Kodak Days . .and . . Kodak Pictures 'Preserve the present for the future." So next winter you can haye those same days over. GET A KODAK. D. H. De RUT RON 117 N 11TH. Capitol City Bowl ing Alley, 1218 N St We cater to the student trade. O. E. KIMBERLY, Prop. Free Scholarships Hu'tX nu oducution. but don't know how to obtain It, we onor you 1110 opportunity 01 your uie. aona us u catnloKUo of tho school. coIIoko. or other t rt If 1 1 11 1 Irtu f 1ii piI fur t)i(nli v111 11I1.I1 tr uttAtwl tell us In a letter tho course of study you have choson, and we will explain a plan by which we win iuy cxiiciiBca wiiiic yuu arc muuyiug THE SUCCESS DUKKAU University Uldi;., Now York. hi c aiuuyiun. OK EDUCATION, (TBY THE I Boston Cash Market Choice Heats and Groceries Don't that old Bicycle of yours need New Tires? Remember, we are selling them at CUT PRICES 1 Mil O Street A. B. CURL, Prop. Phone 020. On account of our Removal Sale Bicycles and all Sundries at same reduction. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY rvrzz 1W77t b 202 5. Utfi St. Itbletie Shoe$ We have a stock of Tennis, Baseball, Running and Gymnasium Shoes that can't be surpassed in the city. Call and see them. Perkin 1129 & Sheldon, O STREET. THE HYGIENIC CAFE (STRICTLY VEGETARIAN) "The foundation of a happy home is laid in the kitchen." Marion Harland. The apppetite is subject to education, therefore learn to love that which you know to be good and wholesome. 316 S. I2:tri St. Telephone S60 Hours 6:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. I CALIFORNIA I I and Return I I April 21 to 27. I I May 27 to Juno 8. I I August 2 to 8. I H Via Burlingin Route. H M Liberal return H M limits and stop- H H over privileges. j&K I t Thro' cars past ! I I grandest scenery 9 H I H In America the T$Li Jt I H panorama of the jCpS H Kockics. k Hj H Ask the Bur- K A H H linpton agent, or B m H H write to B 1 H H Central E rj - H H Passenger fHfc f I 1 H H Omaha. T(u$ "" J H kkVBS College Boys Who must earn money during vacation, give this your Attention. Our Universal Atlas Is the best, 464 pages 11x14 inches. 124 accurate colored maps. Colored charts. 250 pages illustrated descriptive text. 1900 census, 98,000 towns: Retail $6.00. Sales mari's price $2.25. New Installment Plan. We deliver and collect. Com missions weekly. Our repu tation behind our goods. Ex. 57 elusive territory. Good map CI propositions. Salesmen want ed. Write Rajid, McWally & Co., CHICAGO, IlX i X V