The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
roa 'Ik. hrf wBM&EsisSESSaSlXI! 'WIHCSiSSHK1f9fa v-swwb-wV! I fr J fl THE DAILY IfSBRAHKAW. "' m i K. f ji l TJie Dally JSUbraskap A Newspaper AoYotad to the lntcreita of th Unlverilty of Nlraik, A CONSOLIDATION OF Tbo Uepftai. Vol. XXX ?lto Nobrukno. Vol. XI he Bcrlet Cream. Vol. Ill nterllnr II. MoCaw. H. w. nnrbir, Chnd I. Taylor, I Chan. B. WeiU. f It T. UU1. ManasliiK Editor Kdltor-Tn-Chlef Buslnou Manager AuUUnt Editor ABBOOlATB XDITOnn V. C. Baths. K. A. MONown. 11. O. Noiion Wm. flaae. Pan Qutleben. " "' - I 1 .! V I . .1 Entered at the poit office at Lincoln. Nob at Rcond Olaia Mall Matter. TILWHONB 7t. The (IIvIhIoiih In American history 4 were Riven a Hiirprlno Monday nfter noon nt 5 o'clock, which was mutually enjoyable to profoBBorn and students alike. The quiz BectlonH were called In special work to finish up the work for the year under Mr. Sheldon. The claHS meeting was hold In university hall. After Blips had beon passed around on which questions had been written the numbers were called and the lucky ones responded with their answers. After this Mr. Sheldon brought on the surprise by calling on some young ladles and asking them to distribute the refreshments which he had pre pared for the occasion Popcorn and oranges were passed around. Mr. Sheldon gave as IiIb reason for this new departure that students should be better acquainted. While the students were enjoying theniBelves with the refreshments Borne invited professors of the department of Amer ican history were called upon for speeches. Those present were Profes sor Caldwell, Instructors Allysworth, Perslnger and Sheldon, and Mr. Harrat of the Historical society. ENGINEERING ANNUAL. The Engineering society held a busi ness meeting Monday evening. The business before the meeting was the election of a board for next year's engineering annual. O. J. Ferguson was elected editor-ln-chlef and Fred E. Hess, business manager. The appoint ment of the thrpp departmental edi tors was left In the hands of the editor-in-chief and business manager, but Ib to be confirmed by the society at its meeting next Monday. This year's an nual board made a report and an nounced that each member purchasing one of the annuals would receive free a year book of the Michigan Engineer ing society, with whom they hod ex changed a hundred and twenty-five copies. ENGLISH 11, 12. ENGLISH 13. 14. ENGLISH 14b. ENGLISH 11a, 12a. ENGLISH lib, 12b. Students with unfinished business in connection with any of these courses should attend to it by f) o'clock, Thurs day afternoon. May 21). Ry thai hour all written and rewrit ten work assigned should be returned. The grades for this Bemester, as well as reports on first semester work un finished, will go to the registrar's of fice at 9 o'clock, Friday morning, May 30. PUNTING CONTEST. The punting contest for the Rudge & Guen.el silver trophy cup will take place on the athletic field at 3 p. m. today Anyone is eligible to enter this contest who signifies his intention to try for the football team next fall. JOHN WESTOVER. Captain. Mr C. R. Jeffords. '98, who special ized in Latin and who has been teach ing that subject and ancient history in the Lincoln high school for the past two years, was recently elected to a . Latin and Greek fellowship in Cornell ! university. There was a large number . of candidates and the competition was close. This choice Is another evidence I of the high standing of the university of Nebraska In the east. The univer sity 1b still further honored by the re election of Mr. C. M. Story to a schol arship in philosophy in the same institution. ,sNNS Omaha Medical College. TENTH AND PACIFIC STREETS, OMAHA, NEBK. This college offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of the college are fully up to the require ments of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the Association of American Medical Colleges, of which this college is a member. For Information address EWING BROWN, Secretary. 'NNsA-VsNV Bicycle Tif es Don't that old Bicycle of yours need New Tires? Remember, we arc selling them at CUT PRICES On account of our Removal Sale Bicycles and all Sundries at same reduction. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 202 5. lllti St. ATHLETIG SHOES! Wc have a stock of Tennis, Baseball, Running and Gymnasium Shoes that can't be surpassed in the city. Call and see them. Perkins & Sheldon, 1129 O STREET. I 45 I " I PAI irODMIA I f H m m ft IB I I m fl vl m B H ? I and Return I S I April 21 to 27. I J I May 27 to June 8. I ( I August 2 to 8. I P. Via Burlington Route. H P Liberal return S M limits and M- M ocr privileges. p!- 1 Thro" car past wf I I M prumlest sienery Jy V m P m in Amenta -the J5s. t H iianorama of the jC -T. I toikies. k H C M Atk the u r- L H r H or B M H 1 M write to B w H X B J I'HANCIS, V T I General K .jji i H S I AstHt Bjr L II I Omaha. liU " J I Summer Days . . arc . . Kodak Days . . and . . Kodak Pictures "Preserve the present for the future." So next winter you can haye those same days over. GET A KODAK. D. E. De RUT RON 11T N 11TH. Free Scholarships i!,iKyulr sin education, but don't know how to obtain It we otTor you the opportunity of your life. Bend us a catiiloKiio of the school, college, or otheV Institution of learning which you wish toattontl toll us In a letter the course of study you have chosen, and we w III explain a plan hy which we will pay expenses while you are studying. THESU(;CKSSmrKAU OK EDUCATION, rnherslty Hld., New York. John B. Wright, Pres., J. H. Weatcott, lat Vice President, J. Samuels, 2d Vice President, P. L. Hall, Cashier, W. B. RyonB, Assistant Cashier. . ....COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK.... CAPITAL 9100,000. LINCOLN, - - - - NEBRASKA. V V N