The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 23, 1902, Image 1

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    '.- Of
The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 141.
1 u
Loavo a Fitting Memorial With Impres-
Biyo Osromonies in Memorial
Hall. Prizes Given
In spite of (ho fact that Director
l.oveland sent around a driz.ling rain
which began shortly after one o'e loi k
and continued all afternoon, the se
niors celebrated their Iy day in gala
style last Wednesday afternoon. Ow
ing to the unexepee ted ( hange in the
weather the preparations whit h had
been made for a platform with all its
decorations near the library building
were all In ain. The seniors, how
ever, were equal to the occasion and
soon repaired to .Memorial hall where
hasty decorations were made. The
program thus being ghen within had
to be varied somewhat, the iy being
planted in the rain by a committee.
By two o'clock the hall was filled
with students and their friends, though
doubtless many were Kept away by
the rain which continued to fall. Short
ly after two o'clock the university
band, under the directorship of Mr.
Hamill, rendered a very pretty pro
duction which won a hearty applause.
ihe Beniors then sang their class song
with band accompaniment. The song
was written expressly for the occasion
by Miss Clare McPheo.
President Harbor then made a few
introductory remarks on the origin
of Ivy day in the university, and its
real significance to the seniors. Mr.
Kellogg then followed with an original
poem which had also been written for
this occasion. In presenting the Ivy
day orator, the president said that it
was fitting that Mr. F. K. Nielson had
been chosen, for it was to him that
the president of the class of 11)01 had
presented the trowel with the under
standing that lie use his influence to
see that the class of '02 observe the
day. This he had done, and as recog
nition for his services he had been hon
ored. Mr. Nielson spoke on the true
meaning of university life with all its
pleasures. He discussed at length the
significance of college spirit as was
evidenced by the desire of the senior
class to leave a suitable living memor
ial before their departure from the
university. The address was consid
ered a Bplendid effort and appreciated
by all.
The ivy having been planted with
duo ceremony, President Harbor then
called upon President Black of the ju
nior class to whom he presented the
trowel with which the ivy was planted
with a special request that he use his
Influence to see that his class would
observe Ivy day next year. President
Black responded in a very neat ad
dress In which he commended the work
of the seniors and promised that the
juniors would, do likewise.
The. distribution of prizes which fol
lowed was one of tho most entertain
ing parts of the program, and was
doubtless the host that baa ever been
attempted along this line. Mr. Horn
in his humorous way, called upon the
different members of the class who had
been selected aa the recipients of the
gifts, and proBented the following. A
mirror to Miss Parks, for having ex
colled In beauty; a mirror was also
given to Mr. Vobb for being richly
blessed by nature; Mr. Garrett, a harp,
as a recognition for his musical abil
ity, Mr. Sage, a shaving mug. while
Mr Milliard was ghen a spade sym
bolic of his industry.
At the conclusion of the program
the seniors repaired to the armory
where one of the most enjoyable times
of the year was had. (James of all
Kinds were played as well as dancing
by those who preferred The senior
c lass desires to express its thanks to
Professor Wilson and the university
band and especially to Mr. Hamill for
assisting in making tho program successful.
The annual track meet with Kansas
which was to have taken place next
PanHellenic Dance!
I Tonight.
Saturday, has been called off. A mes
sage was received from the manager
of the team to cancel the date This '
was followed by a letter saying that
the Kansas track team was in bin h a
demoralized condition that It would bo
of no use whatever to c ome to Ne
braska. In the meet with Missouri
last Saturday the team was almost
snowed under, and should It come to
ie with the track men of Nebraska
it would, in all probability, receive a
worse drubbing. Therefore in order
that the management here may not
lose any money by having the team
come here the date has been called off.
JuBt why the Kansas team is In such
a poor condition for track athletics
is not exactly known. In part It is at
tributed to the fact that there is no
suitable gymnasium at Kansas univer
sity. The men have also been with
out a trainer during the year. Ac
cording to the letter received very lit
tle is looked for in the way of a team
for next year, and it is aflked that the
annual meet for next season be also
called off. Just what will be done re
garding the contract calling for a
game next year ia not yet known.
Nebraska is very anxious to meet Kan
sas as these meets have always proved
one of the main features of the athletic
Gives an Interesting Disoussion of Reoont
Legislation by Congress.
Many Important
Professor Ross spoke yesterday
morning on the recent and pending
legislation of congress. He took up the
different bills in particular and then
enlarged upon their provisions nnd
The Chinese exclusion act Is one of
the most important acts of congress,
said Dr. Ross. Under the former law
all officers, travelers, students, mer
chants wore allowed in tho country.
The sennte has refused to act on the
limitation because it is an unfriendly
act. All will be treated alike.
Tho oleomargarine bill Is one of no
small consequence, as this question
has been an unending basis for dis
cussion for a long tune A reduction
has been made from two to one-half
a cent duty per pound When the prod-
net is colored an additional duty of
ten cents per pound is levied to make
up for difference In cost of butter and
this product.
The permaneaL census bureau bill Is
one of the groHpst Importance, nnd Is
what the scientific men and stnticians
hae been begging for for a long time.
1 he irrigation bill Is of utmost Import
ance to the western states in partic
ular, 'i .10 expense of Irrigation will
be met by the proceeds from the sales
of public lands in sixteen western
There are other bills before congress
which are of the greatest Importance.
Among them Ib the bill which has
passed the house, but not the senate
for election of senators by popular
vote. Another bill is for the admission
of New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma
as new states. The ship Bubsldy bill
and the army reorganization bill are
receiving considerable attention. Free
rural mail delivery has been placed on
the salary baBis. The Balariea have
been fixed at a maximum of $G00.
The question of the government of
the Philippines is one of interest
among legislators. The local govern
ment will be extended with the grow
ing condition. The Cuban reciprocity
measures bring up the tariff questions.
The Introduction of Cuban sugar has
been opposed by tho Biigar men of UiIb
country, who Insist that an open mar
ket will destroy their business. The
Necaragua canal bill occupies a very
prominent position and is coming in
for a great share of the present leg
islation. TENNIS TODAY.
The Kansas tennis players have ar
rived, nnd will piny Nebraska this aft
ernoon at half past two o'clock on the
tennis courts In singles. The southern
representatives are Messrs. I.eltsham
and Sharrard The lntter competed
hero last spring In the nnnunl tourna
ment, nnd showed up strong against
his opponents. What they will do this
tournament Is In tho nlr, but they do
expect to fight for their games.
Farnsworth and Fallor will play for
Nebraska. They are capable of giving
their opponents a close game. All en
thusiasts of tho game nre reminded
that this tournament will be worth
while to attend.
Owing to an early return of the
Kansas men, the doubles will be fought
out tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.
Tic kets to the games may be obtained
from membcrB of tho tennlB associa
tion or at the gate. Tho admission In
twenty-five cents.
The rain Wednesday was a source
of great disappointment to many who
expected to attend the Highland Park
game in the afternoon. As the visit
ing team was scheduled to play Man
hattan yesterday, the game could not
be postponed. There will, however,
be several other good games before
the season closes. The management
announces the following schedule for
the remainder of the year.
Creighton, Saturday, May 24 at
Drake, Thursday, May 29, at Lincoln.
Havelock, Friday, May 30, at Lincoln.
Creighton, Saturday, May 31, at Lin
coln. Havelock, Saturday, June 7, at Have
lock. These games, all promise to be close
and interesting. The bell-ringers have
established an enviable reputation and
Creighton and Havelock have been
practicing all season for practically
the sole urpose of humbling tho var
sity. Both have strong teams and pro
fessional ball playing will probably be
Indulged in. These are tho last games
of the season and the team should be
well supported.
The winners of tho Lincoln Academy
poster prize are Jessie E. Beans of
Omaha and Berenice Branson of Kear
ney. Both are former students of
Miss Haydon. A large variety of Ideas
waB submitted. These, together with
the prize winners will be placed on ex
hibition In the Art Gallery Saturday
morning from nlno to twelve p'clock.
All are cordially invited to call and
examine the productions. . ' '
' 1