The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 140.
Company "Q" Has its Annual Celebra
tion. Students in Whito Array
Have DrcBB Parade
Down Town.
Company "Q" in its annual parade
appeared on the city streets Monday
night and played tpii to an attraction in
its arious manomrcs. The cadets in
white nnifouns were formed north of
the armor about 8 o'clock, from
where they proceed d to parade the
streets and have a typical college cele
hration. As the parade was under t In
direct supervision of the cadet bat
talion, it was carried on in a very
orderly and successful manner.
Between two bundled and three hun
dred participated in the ( elpbration.
The students, arrayed in their white
robes, were marshalled in battalion
formation, and when they man bed
down the stieet they made a very im
pressive and imposing array. An im
provised band of bugles, drum and
cymbals led the way. Behind came
the cadet in company formation, each
fV under command of officers.
Marching to O street, dress parade
was executed for the benefit of the
immense crowd which had assembled
to see the celebration. From there
they were directed to Rector's drug
store by his special request, and every
one in line was givpn a drink from
the soda fountain. From there tbo
parade toolc up ibe line of march,
using the zigzag step to Du Teil's cigar
store, where each one became the re
cipient of a cigar. While on the
streets the marchers amused them
selves by taking free rides on the
street -cars.
From O street the white-robed band
went to the Lincoln, where they per
formed some demonstration and called
for Captain Smoke. He was sick, bow
ever, and could not see the cadets. It
happened that one of the sororities
was having a banquet. When this be
came generally known there was a call
for the ladies to appear, but they re
fused to do so. After giving the col
lege yells the crowd marched to the
Oliver theater, but they were refused
admittance. The then proceeded to
the home of Chancellor Andrews and
called for him to talk, but the request
was refused.
The celebratlonists then went to the
Llndell hotel, where they made their
presence known by yells and singing.
Forming in line in a few minutes they
beaded for the Capital, where they
took possession of one of the cannon.
With hilarious shouts the dragged it
down the street to O, where a halt
was made. And here occurred the only
mishap of the evening's fun. The can
non was resting across the car tracks
when a car came along. The students
tried to wave the motorman back, but
he refused to stop and bumped into the
cannon. No damage of nny conse
quence was done. The lights wprp put
out and the motorman wpII scared by
his shaking up.
The cannon was then taken to the
university campus, whpre it reposed
until ypstprday morning, when a team
of mules was sent down to take the
outfit back to the capitol groundH. In
a short time after reaching the cam
pus the paraders broke ranks and left
for their homes.
All those connected with the cele
bration are to be congratulated on
having such an affair go off with so
much fliiccpBH and with nonp of the
objectionable features which have so
often characterized like celebrations.
The Tennis association will hold its
Kansas tournament on Friday after
noon and Saturday morning of this
week. The singles will be played on
Friday, the doubles on Saturday. Con
siderable interest is manifest among
tennis enthusiasts. From indications
Kansas will send a strong team and
the games will be close.
Seniors will give program
Ball Game
The debating association met yes-
terday afternoon to elect officers for
the coming year, but after considera
ble discussion the meeting adjourned
without any election. The matter of
the financial standing of the associa
tion was to have been brought up, but
owing to the absence of the secretary
no report was made.
While no small amount of discussion
took place, it was not of the same na
ture as that which characterized the
meetings of last year. The question
which created such a difference of
opinion was the ruling of the presi
dent that the association year ex
pired with the election and that be
fore any student would be permitted
to vote he would have to pay the regu
lar membership fee of one dollar.
This ruling waB not made In order to
prevent any member from voting or
used as a scheme to secure the election
of any particular candidate, but rather
as a meanB of bettering the financial
condition of the association, which is
at present In need of funds. An elec
tion will doubtless be held in a few
days, when some agreement has been
reached. The candidates now In the
field for the presidency are N. M.
Cronln, W. F. Meier and Mllek.
University Malo Singers Organizo to
Some Purpose. Mr. Starr
Direotor of Malo
A large number of interested young
men slngprs gathered In the old chapel
last night to perfect the organization
of the new glee club. Considerable
interest was shown by those In atten
dance, and all expressed a willingness
to work for the interests of such an
Professor Kimball. Dr. Clements and
Mr. Starr were present to lend their
suggestions and ideas to the new or
ganization. These three men are the
originators of the new plans and are
going to push it with as much energy
as is possible.
The following resolutions were
drawn up by a committee appointed
by the chairman of the temporary or
ganization to act as a basis for the
at 2 o'clock p. m., sharp.
at 3:30.
First That this club shall be called
j the Glee Club Association
Second The object of this club is to
develop the musical life of the uni
versity; to perpetuate Its college songs
and to stimulate the writing of college
Third Male students in the univer
sity who may pass certain minimum
tests are eligible for membership upon
payment of a fee of 26 cents.
Fourth The immediate purpose will
be to select and maintain a glee club
and a male chorus.
Fifth Officers of this association
shall be as follows: President, secre
tary and business manager.
Sixth The above officers shall be ex-
officio the executive committee of the
association and shall have immediate
control of its affairs.
Seventh The musical director shall
be appointed by the director of the uni
versity school of music.
While the committee on resolutions
was formulating their report Mr. Starr
told of his experiences with former
similar organizations. A few voices
were tested also. A committee will be
appointed to look after the rousing of
Interest In the club.
The next meeting will be held to-
morrow night In the old chapel at 7
o'clock. Officers and a manager will
be elected for next year. It is desired
that every man In the university who
has ever tried to sing shall make his
Arrangements will go on Immediate
ly for a trip to be held next year.
Every man will have a chance to get
on the main club, while every one will
be a member of the general club. The
while nffalr will be conducted on the
merit system.
The bell-ringers have returned from
their eastern trip, and after a three
days' rest are In better condition than
ever to show opposing teams a few
things about the national game.
The team from Highland Park ar
rived In the city Monday and played
Cotner yesterday. They will probably
be inspired with a little self-confidence
as a result of yesterday's game, and
try to hold the cornhuskers down to
a low score today. Highland Park
has a good team, and although Ne
braska won an easy victory from them
on the first day out on the trip, one
of the best games of the season may
be expected on the campus today.
Captain Bell and his men are all In
excellent shape and prepared to put
up a spirited content. Gaines will
twirl the ball and give an exhibition
of his famous "snaky curves." The
boys have Just completed the most
successful trip In the baseball history
of the university. Not only have they
maintained the reputation of the state
but they have advertised the univer
sity In a most beneficial way. They
are deserving of your support, and If
you wish to show your appreciation
come out to the game this afternoon.
Promptly at 2 o'clock this afternoon
the seniors will begin their Ivy day
program. The exercises will be short,
possibly not lasting for more than an
hour. This will be done so as not to
Interfere with the ball game. The
exercises will be held near the north
east corner of the library building,
where a platform will be placed this
morning, as well as the trellis near
which the Ivy is to be planted.
Unless the weather should become
unfavorable the program will attract
a large crowd, as a half holiday has
been granted to all the students in
the academic and Industrial colleges.
The place Is an Ideal one and may be
approached almost on every vside. The
distribution of prizes still continues
to be the cause of no small amount
of curiosity on the part of many of the
students and even seniors who have
not been taken into the confidence of
the Ivy day committee. The pres
ence of the band will be one of the
attractive features of the occasion.