"v, J J ' s r . THE DAILY NKBRASKAM. -T fc MONEY TO STUDENTS Hturionts doHlrliiK khhI. profltnlito work for tlin aumrnor, or. uh their time pertnltx, mirlnj' the coIIoh'1 year, should write us nt oik: foro ir ((iol HuiiMflknonliiK agency proposition. The magazine Ih of tfie highest iiallty (thouuli only SI ,00 a your) and. ns wo are litrmtned to dou .bio our list (now W.WXt) In the next nlnojnoiitliN, wo nrn giving good men nnil women nnTixocod ly llhnrnl comnilitHlon. Our only requirement is Kutlnfaotory references as to tho applicant's Integrity. ao-i a Aceu ,!Ul 'ulr R,,m 'or "" """ DOvJ M W C tz r crgetlr mnii or woman to makn. Wo will mwkI full particulars to all In turnntod. If when applying Tho Dally Nebraska!) 4n montlonod. Thoro Is no limit to tho number of mon and women wo can omploy. as wo cover tho wliolo country particularly In cities of from to.000 to fiO.000. Thoro Is a further chance of fu turn permanent salaried position to those who show special merit In this line of our work. Address College Department. PHELPS PUBLI8HINO CO , Springfield, Mam. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS The 1'iiion Pacific was tin first lino to introduce Dining Curs, Vest'ibnl ed Cars. Steam Heat, Pintsch Light Huffet Smoking and library Cats, Tourist Curs, on Trans-Continental Trains, west of Mil' Missouri River. IT AGAIN LEADS by introducing nn Electric lighted Train throughout, "Tho Overland Limited," with Compartment Cars, having E'ectric Lamps, Electric Fans, Electric Curling Iron Heat, ers, Telephone Serviee, ete. ; Dining Rooms with Kleetric Candciabra llath Rooms, Itarher Shops, Circu lating Lihraries, etc. The cars comprising this train constitute the highest and hesl de velopment of car construction and of comfortable and luxurious trave'. This famous train reaches Salt Luke City 1".' hours and San l'ran cisco 1(S hours ahead of all competi tors. Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. The Thomas Bowling Alley, 1210 O St. Is the popular resort of Lin coln. If you are not a bowler, get in line. 45 CALIFORNIA I and Return I April 21 to 27. I May 27 to Juno 8. I August 2 to 8. I 1'ia Burlington Route. H l.lhrt.il rrllliu m limits utul I(h over pti ilexes. Sff. I Tlirii" cnr BBSS' 1 grandest scene ly 9s " 1 H in America the B. 1 I panorama of the jJSA"3-, Rockies, l X Ask the Bur- K m H linpton or B A H write to H W H General H j, -, V H Passenger B 1 M Agent, bbbbbbJt' I SB! Omaha. Tlv -" J I ANNOUNCEMENTS. WWWW WW W WW WWW IF W CONVOCATION. Convocation announcements for the week are aB follows: Monday Albert Watkins. "What Distinguished the Life and Character of J. Sterling Morton?" Tuesday General Thayer, "Personal Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln." Wednesday- Rev. T. H. Dahl. "Ne braska Religiously." Thursday Professor Ross. "What's Up in Congress?" Friday Music i .COORAM FOR ENCAMPMENT. The program for the cadet encamp ment at Seward follows: Wednesday. March 28, make camp. Thursday. May 29. governor's day. Governor Savage and his staff will be met at the train by full battalion and band and escorted to the camp where they will review the battalion. Friday, May .'50, memorial and stu dents' day. The battalion will assist the G. A. R. post of Seward in the morning with appropriate ceremonies at the cemetery, returning at 10:4.") a. m. to meet the Lincoln excursionists and escort them to the camp, whUh is but two blocks from where the train stops. Dinner in army style will be prepared and served by the cadets to all excursionists holding tickets. From 1:110 to :i;:i0 p. in, memorial sericcs; ;!.:i0 to 4: ill) p. in., dress parade and in dividual compctithe drill for a gold medal to be presented by Commandant S. A. Smoke; l.HO to 7::i0 p m.. ca dets will personally entertain their vis itors. Saturday. May :il. faculty day. Chan cellor Andrews, accompanied by the faculty, will review the battalion. Sunday, June 1, morning services under the auspices of the Y. M. C A . and breaking eahp. J1 TENNIS PLAYERS. The members oT the tennis associa tion will meet today at chapel time on the tennis courts to transact im portant business. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have formed a corporation under the statutes of the state of Ne braska. The name of the corporation shall be The University Publishing Company. The principal place of busi ness of such corporation shall be at the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted shall be the printing, publishing and selling of hooks and periodicals, and the manu facture and sule of school furniture ad supplies of all kinds. The amount of capital stock authorized shall be $20,000. fully paid and divided into 200 shares of $100 each. The time of ex istence of such corporation shall he fifty years from the 1st day of May. 1902. The highest amount of indebted ness or liability to which such corpor ation shall at any time subject itself shall be 25 per cent of the capital stock. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a board of di rectors, elected annually by the stock nolders. Signed, J. W. CRABTREE. GEO. L. TOWNE. IF GOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, (innorul Ste.imshlp Agents. Long personal touring oxporinure, 'i"W South Clark St. Chicago, 111. ANYTHING IS EASY IF" YOU KNOW HOW It's easy to make good Cloth ing at reasonable prices, when you know how Stein- Block, L. Holtz & Son, H. Kuppenheimer "know how." That's why we sell their Clothing. That's why you should wear their Clothing. That's why you should come to us for your Clothing. SPRING SUITS $7.50 TO $25. ftoinrj Qlotbitirj Qo FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS 1 1 1 S -1 1 1 7 O St, LINCOLN, NKH. &$ NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORT-HAND 60LLE6E BOM) BUILDING, 17th AND Sectional View ol Actual Business and Banking Department. Endorsed by high school principals, leading business men and ofneial court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The finest and most thoroughly equipped institution in the West; ?4,000 Invested in standard typewriters; $3,500 banking and otner fixtures placed in actual business department. Elegant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department. Another lloor has been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 90 PER CENT of last year's enrollment. Students may enter any time. Address A O. OVG, A. M. LLB. RRES. Write for KU'k'Hiit Catalogue, Kre. Pioneer Barber Shop, Clean Linen, Finest ol Toi lets, First-Class Service. A. L. KFMMFttREK. Proprietor 113 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb Secure a Practical Education OfE THAT WILL FIT YOU FOR REAL LIFE. Wc make a specialty of preparing young men and young women for Business. Ours is an old estab lished Institution. Expenses low. Send for Cata logue. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Nebraska. I1AKNFY STS., OMAHA, NKBR Established Nine Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs tho Ablest Teachers. HOOK-KEEPIrsG Actual Business from the Start HANKING As It Is Practiced. TYPEWRITING The Touch Method. SHORTHAND Graham and Gregg Systems. ENGINEERING Practical and Thorough. OMAHA. NEB Ir. Shoemaker's Priyato Hospital BpolaI attention f Iron to disease of woy aaa all surgical diseases. X-ray examtnatl with do discomfort or Injury to patlet. Mr rythlng as homelike aa posslbl. Bear4 a4 roosa raasonabl. 1U1 L BT. LINCOLN. f O. Mm ML TftUyfcatM Ml 1 .- ". V hi.