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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1902)
O X c c ' THE DAILY NEBRASKA. Si OUR $3.00 SHOE Is Stylish, Well Made, Perfectly Shaped. We are confident no better Shoes are sold at $3.00 and we know that very few are so good WE SELL SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. mitfWPAift From the. factor T YOUR H FAD. One Profit. one Priced ONE QUALITY. SUAMNTtfO fATS 7tamr3Auwrst3,"1l!i80H The Success CENTURY. Brimful of STYLE. Bo Guided By good judges in choos ing a hat store, come where all good judges come. Come to our Hat department. Spring styles are herein the best shapes, Latest Styles Xhe celebrated Uawes 3.00 guaranteed Hats. We are sole agents. EWING CLOTHING CO. 1115-1117 O St. , Subscribe for Tke Daily Nebraska am 44000 4W 904 0000 1 ; AN NO UXCK MK NTS. 1 I frt000frHXK & CONVOCATION Tli" t o:io( ntlon hours of the wt cK will lie laueu ii h lollows Veilmsdn .1 I. Mi Hi ion. 'Tin Anettdotal Sid" or (iient Mon " TliuiHdny-L. V l.udden. "hull . Idu- nlity " Friday -College MuhIi 'TI5NNIS f'l.AYKUS Drnwinn for plncrH In I ho tennis tournament will bo hold on the courts at 1 o'clock WodncHday All members oxpoitliiK to participate In the tourna mnnt must bo proHeut in person. C, M PETKRS. Manager Spring football piaetlro began last Sal 111 day and the men nppoiirod on the gridiron yesterday tor the second lime. The practice will mnsisl mainly in kicking and catching the ball As yet only a few have signilled their inten tion or engaging In the practice work, and Coach Booth expresses Ills dlsap polntnicnt in having so few candi dates appear. Captain Westovcr, Eager. Fuller and Tobin were out yrs toiday afternoon and prai ticed punt ing A silver cup has boon offered as a prl.o by a firm In the city to the man making the best record Ibis spring In long distant o kicking, and the men are all after it More interest will probably be taken 111 the work later on, and more men will show up for prac tice. One of the pilnclpal features will bo the working out of a new center and a quarter-back Itoehler Is not sure of being in school next year, and Drain, also, will not be1 back. Eager, one of last senson's halves. Is trying for the position loft vacant by Drain There Is an abundance of good foot ball material in school and those who have football tendencies should, conic out and have Coach Booth and Cap tain Westover develop them. Plenty of good material Is what makes the Uam, and Nebraska must maintain her reputation next fall. Minnesota and Wisconsin must be trounced and early and haul practice Is what It takes to do it MIsb Harriet Conk, a graduate of 11)00. Is in San Juan. Porto Rico, teaching school. Miss Smith received a ery interesting letter from her, in which she states her progress in that place. There are men there from east ern universities who all speak very highly of the University of Nebraska. Miss Cook teaches the English and rhetoric classes and says the natives learn very quickly The Danish West Indies far excel the Spanish West In dies In well kept government schools. The people in the former are under compulsory education and possess such a fair, practical form of island gov ernment that they are making the best of themselves and doing the best for their islands. IF GOINCi ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, (ioneml Steamship Agents. Long pergonal touring oxiwrlenee, 'J.13 South CUrk St. Chicago, III. JofanB. Wright, Pre., J. H. Westcott, 1st Vic President, J. Samuels, 2d Vice President, P. L. QU, Cashier, W. B. Ryons, Assiataat Cashier. . . ....COLUMIIA NATIONAL IANK.... CAPITAL 9100,000. LINCOLN, --- - NEBRASKA. YotiflSJeuiKat Will please ou, if selected from our Stock. Kverj now shape and rolor m the Hat World is now readv for our inspection. Swell Shoes, and made of to most of the 5.00 Shoes. MAYER 005 TO ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS The 1'nion Pacific as the first line t introduce Dining-Curs. Vcstibul ctl Cars. Steam Heal, Pintscb Iig-ht ItuflVt Smoking- anil l.ibran, Cars, Tourist Cars, on Trun-Coiilinciital Trains, west of Mu Missouri River. IT AGAIN LEADS by introducing-an Electric Lighted Train throughout, 'The Overland Limited." with Compartment Cars, having- E'ectric Lumps, Electric Fans, Electric Curling Iron Heat, ers, Telephone Service, etc. ; Dining Rooms with Electric Cantleiabra Batli Rooms, Barber Simps, Circu lating- Libraries, etc. The cars comprising this train constitute the big-best ami best de velopment of car construction and of comfortable and luxurious travel. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City P. hours ami San Fran cisco 10 hours ahead of all competi tors. Full information cbeeifullv fur nished on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. For Beast r )r nut, nln u KhraBBmaW r in 411) Uinl i.f i;inie BvW B from the latent lt lli ftniallcil W- -jr .III luullhe " wawi war vi Si wi BiB IB ' Vtwa WB B line complete We mile ll ile if repeating BK illlri from ti l 4S lallhie. anil mil irK-ailnt MS Bft thulium He like let halite fur I lie mom.) evri AW BS (lffCrel All hlv the vol Id tup atthui ami W BS cJect at the itrir. Our ne aulumatl. y Bv ieull opiating device no fuiimhett on W "A all nf our tlioigun make It the k(r( m l bfcedi loaillnv cuu ever lullt m I JBk IllintiilcJ Catalog for 4Ui J tL The larlla fir r l. T :-'' Bird RRICES FROM S.50 TO 5 Take a look at the superb Neckwear display in our large central window. Swell 1 ies are those which come at the buyers call, and a "quarter 01 a "half" pays the bill. Prettier Shirts than we are show ing at 50c and fi.oo cannot found. e It will cost you but $3.50 to treat our feet to a pair of Patent Lea ther Kegeut Shoes. They are extra fine stock fully equal BROS., 1019 O ST. Pioneer Barber Shop, Clean Linen, Finest of Toi lets, First-Class Service. A. S. KEMMERRER. Proprietor 113 So. tlth St., Lincoln, Neb k. SNe-uker'f rriTtU fcffiUL BMal stuatton iItm to ditMS ot ,s;pjfg fiiaUMM SSIco afcfsrl affiatf U 'sIIba"i5 TTttUf M BoaaUk as potwiu. Mast fiaasbli 1U1L8T. LJMOOLH. I 45 I 1 CALIFORNIA I I and Return I I April 21 f 27. . I May 27 t Juna U. I Auflust 2 to S. Via Burlington Ratttt H 'm Liberal return B B limit mid M()- H B over privilege. E. M M Thro' aBRr l Hi prandct sceneiy air 1 il H in America the 0L L aB H iijnorama of the jC-X. B M Kovkies. k KVJ B Ask the Bur- B B M or m wk B M write to k W H I V ' T KB Central B ui i B H BaVAVaB 1 B H Agent, iH'r' V I I H Omaha. TlP J H I IbVMbBBBBMj rm 1 afl r.o. . J I v