The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
THE DAILY KBBRASKAN. innanannnatsaDiicacanncnoooo JSaQcacacacacucacucacQiaaoQ Sidles' Spoftiocj Goods Jdse T nnis, Base Ball and Gjmnasium Goods. Agency for Woild and National Bicycles. Send us out Repair Work i3o4 o st.f Phone f 1038 SIDLES OYOLE CO, PINS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY g: a si DOBHDaraoisCTniiaiapBaBciDapHiaii tnam UBUDaauuucaBiiiiDcjDuaBnB v YOU s- UNI 7 JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloe 1100 O Street, RoomB 212-213-214 Rlch ftrda Block, Ttlephono 536. R idnoe, lfilO G BtxMt, Telephone L964. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone 618. Order Ygur Ioe Oreatn Prom ler iQur ice uream jpt J. H. Stuckey eoU) JAi4? ion ven X Dealers ntortainiuuU both bo blic afld Private. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor hi the Oltj POWELL'S KJtSX th st The f 1R.ST NATIONAL BANK Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000: urplu and proflta, 168,837; deponltfl, $2,716,000. 8. H. Burn- jam, President; A. J. Sawyer, vic eet.j Jti. B.raeman, JuoBnierj . a. ran Asti, cannier: Tirana: for a. H. Caahler. UNITED STATE8 EMD- OSITORY. WE ARE SOCIETY AND STATIONERY n Printers inu' Programs, Menu Cards. THE gElWENTURY, ; axu3vN STREET f Students, Your SuitorLiitii ft i . u M Is locafe! nt 'JlK No. Ittfi street. Telr gg lilionc Licnw. hi l BLUMENTHAL'S. j i Tli'ir lints you buy of mf will lie taken cue of firf of t'liurK Spring sljlf Hath In Milt I'auiUnu IiuM'S ami un liaiv I i pe gfopef Style$iShadcs and -izes in Regret, Invitation and Correspondence Station ery canhvas he found In our stpckv-, Our I5ngled Inwta- tions andfiuara work is the finest to Hie had. ' V V T 1 Wilson K3KM . -ft--. V Bookseller Yt Stationers, r - 4.V , . 1123 O St., Lincoln;.Neb. Yale Bros. Laundry TRY THE. , Boston Cash Market Choice Meats and Groceries Mil O Street A. B. CURL, Prop. Phone 020. LW9 9n btrtet. Gl Pndne Al 1109. I Fu 1514 0 St. Phone 754 HHjBB LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Eat at Hendry's, 120 N. 11th. Fine furs. Stodo, 143 So. 12th. Steele stores furs. See him. C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr clock. The Hygienic Cafe, 31C So. 12th sL Eat at Don Cameron's. 118 So. 11th. Get an up-to-date unhersity hair-cut at Westerfields. ' ' For sheet music and supplies go ta the Mathews Plaao Ca., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Cameron's lunch counter, 318 S. 11th. VallhCH and pocketbooks; 103(5 O. t A. Tucker, university jeweler, 1123 () stieet. Tlie junior laws will begin criminal procedure next week. The class in botany 2 has begun work on flowering plants. Geo. Kiudler will succeed himself as principal at Cedar Rapids. E. E. Magee, '99, has been re-elected superintendent of schools at Fairmont. The young ladies or the Y W. C. A. will have anothci candy sale next Mon day. Thomas Applegate has been called to Tecumseh by the death of his grand mother, Mrs. Helen Applegate. Profeasor Grumann's class In Ger man 4a has taken up the study of Her man and Dorothea, by Goethe. t Frank Brown of Lincoln, who is at present attending the Shattuck Mili tary academy, is pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsllon. 7. "7 u 7 r i Mrs..V. J); Guile, -who has 'bee,Ais Iting her nieces, Misses Mablc andilin nie Guile, left for her home in Massa chusetts last evening. Of course you'll hare to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man Has Eleventh Oni- of Sanderson's $3 50 SPECIALS Try them; they are lint-. A rei ital by the school of music will be gien tomorrow evening In Memo rial hall. The annual pan-Hellenic party has been net for May 22, to be hld at the auditorium. ''hainellor and Mrs. Andrews will . 1. .1 1 .. . . 1 kic iii-ir iinniiHi ri'eepuon 10 ine meinbers of the senior lass next Fri day evening. Professor Grumann took the ad vanced classes In German to Omaha r riday for the purpose or visiting the. schools of that city. Fred Kelley made a trip to Omaha esterday alternoon in the Interest of the senior annual which Is being pub lished in that city. It is expected that the annual will be out In a very short time. Kim Barnes, who xecently returned from his home In Norfolk, where he went to recuperate from a spell of sickness, has suffered somewhat of a 1 elapse and has been confined to his rooms since attending the senior sneak day festivities. The Phi Gamma Dt'ltas scored an other baseball victory yesterday by de feating the Greeks of Beta Theta Pi. After the dust had cleared away and the wind subsided the score stood 13 to G in favor of the Phi Gams. Me Geaehln a.nd Parker handled the ball for these while Dirks and Culbertson were the battery for the Betas. Miss Ella Harper Is putting her friends under obligations. She gradu ates In June and also obtains a cer tificate from the school of domestic science. Each graduate it seems must give a breakfast, luncheon and dinner, everything planned and cooked by her self. Saturday noon Miss Harper en tertained at dinner Airs. 1-. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hodgman. The dinner was a decided success and greatly enjoyed by the favored guests. Phi Gamma Delta fraternity held its fourth annual Installation of officers at Its home on Fifteenth and M streets last night. A large number o'f loyal Phi Gams from out of town were pres ent and nil the alumni members now living in the city. After the Installa tion ceremonies were over all sat down to a banquet. A number of Interest ing talks were made by members and alumni members. the Stuff. : . ' , . ,. !),.. and O Streets CAN" J l,U HOME TILL VOl' (,ET A I'NI. PIN. BADOI', WATCH ()! OR II T PIN. SUIT YOLK TASTE AND POCKET BOOK AT THE CO-OP wwu liflH THE INTERNATIONAL CORRES PONDENT SCHOOLS, Scranton, Pa. Teaches by Mail, the GERMAN, FRENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGES, By use of the, phonograph1. The testimonial below is from a prominent Lincoln physician, who is familiar with these languages: IO AM. WHOM IT MAY eoNCKHN: Testimonial. This cvrtilich that 1 liuve'carufully lihtencd to the (icriniin, French ami Spuiiihh UceonU, and T must nay that I have been ''agreeably disappointed" by the result. I confess that whuii Mr. Wriirbt Jlrbt explained the plan it left me with many scruples an to its practi (ability, but theHO have bc-cn -nvvvpt iwvuy, In listening 1 seemed to sit face ti)'fkceyith-tljO teacher and he pro nonnccfKso.'Jdjstloctly that no pupil could have any difficulty in catching-, not only the correct word-enunciation, but the very genius and spirit of the language. The peculiarities and na tional characteristics as manifested in the words, phrases, sentcucrs, voice-inflections and accent of German, French and Spanish, are wondesfnlly brought on', and the whole thing seems a mar vel of ingenuity. Surely this leaves absolutely nothing to be desired und any one who wishes to learn these lan guages may do so without leaving his desk. The men who have planned this wonderful contrivance deserve every success. Very truly, (.'. (i. A. IIl'M.IIOHHT, Lincoln, N'cb.Jay 2, '02. 2JMI (J St. For further information call on, or write F. T. WRIGHT, Repres entative, 1205 O St., Room 21, Lincoln, Neb. Hi". . ,n Geo. W. Montgomery, President. Ix P. Funkhouser, Cashier. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Farmers and Merchants Bzvrvk. , 15 th and O 8to., Lincoln, Neb. .