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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1902)
THE DAILY HXBRABKAB. X Tjie Dally Nebraskap A Newspaper doroted to the Interests ot tht 4 University ot Nebraska, A CONSOLIDATION OF Tho Hosptrlan. Vol. XXX The Nobnuikan. Vol. XI Tho Bcarlot & Cream. Vol. Ill FterllnE H. McCaw. It. w. Harbor, Clias I. Taylor, I Chju. It. Wells, f It T. IJIU. Managing Kdltor Hdltor-ln-Ch!rf Business MannptM .Assistant Kdltor A88OCIATK KUTTOHH V. C. Hatlo. H. A. MQNown. 11. 0. Nelson Ym. Case. Dan Qutleben. Entered at the post office at Lincoln. Neb. us mewuu uiem nun raauor TELEPHONE 47a. The way Home of young America rmiH loose on the campus Is getting to he a tiresome thing and Ideas have heen repeatedly expressed looking to the prevention of so much freedom on the part of the innumerable host of children of all ages who Infest the conflneB of the campus fences. At times they are a real nuisance, espe cially on dress parade and at times of athletic sports. They are Irrepressible and Heem to fairly spring from the ground when a person turns around. They seem to have no ideas of recog nition of elders and apparently think that all which Is In sight is their rightful property. The State Historical society reient ly received a very valuable collection, the property ol Benjamin Hemplee of I'lHttsmouth. In January lie died and hip collection of relics and curios were left in the county court house of IMattsmouth. The desire of the county ofllcials was to remove the collection, and by consent of the heirs of Mr. Hemplee the hlstoiical society ob tained possession of them. They will be preserved Intact and placed in the libiary as one collection. The articles Include aluables col le ted from all over the country, In- hiding Indian curios, G. A. It. relics, i are coins and other historical articles or interest and value. It is one of the most valuable collections of Its Kind nrd one of the most valuable ac quisitions of the historical society. Miss Alice von Mansfeld has pledged to Delta Gamma. been The Delian society will give an alumni program next Friday evening. The employment bureau of the Y. M. C. A. wishes to announce that there Is now a good demand for student help. A number of very desirable positions are, open, especially to students In tending to remain during summer school. This Foot Ball Team has held tho Inter collegiate Dental Challenge Cup duriutr tbe past three seasons. H tiBtfBrwB WJsfilTtKfrClJCvv iJBMmmli -$aitf;H vwwyfsKmui H flsABBBKiYSflHplEfV'vAuTiBfinSvv SECOND TKAM WINS OUT A gome of live Innings was played between the second team and the city Y. M. 0 A. boys last evening on the diamond from half past six o'clock un til dark, which netted the university another victory by the score of 2 to 1 The playing throughout was character ized by snappy ball and but few errors Hut few hits were made off the pitchers and only one fell outside of the dia mond Messrs. Chase, Acres and Mudra act ed as battery for the Y. M. C. A. team. The city team scored in the last half of the second Inning and the univer sity made scores in the second and fouitli innings. The line-up ol the second team was as follows: Reynolds, . Stringer, p. Koehler, 1st. Roth. Hcl. Wright, ss Mulllken. c. I. 1'eters, r. f. Thomson, 2d. Hurg. 1. f. DEAN DAVIS AT CONVOCATION. The ideal of the mathematician was the theme upon which Dean Davis spoke at convocation Monday morning. The ideal of the mathematician, said the speaker, is the square of the minus quantity. This is always made by giv ing It a geometrical representation Searching for reality, which all do. is only reall.lng one's ideals. Dean Davis took up and threw some light upon many of the problems, ab stract discussions and mathematical theorems which now are of Interest to the mathematician. His definition of mathematics "as the science in which we don't know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true" was readi ly accepted by all his hearers. There will be a regular meeting of Y. M. C. A. cabinet tomorrow after noon at fi o'clock. The Y. M. C. A. will hold a union meeting with the city association next Sunday at the city association rooms. Wednesday noon. May 28, until Sat urday night, June 1, has been set aside as the time in which the battalion will be at encampment. It Is reported that Morris Liebman, '00. of New York city, will visit with university friends at the time of the pan-Hellenic dance. Chicago College of Dental Surgery (Dental Department ol Lake Forest University.) Twenty -first Annual Course of Instruction will becln Oct. 1st. 1902. This i is ninoue the oldest, and is one of the lead ing uentai c. oiiefres or mo world, in orcier to complete tho course of instruction in thrco years it is necessary to enter the coming session 1902-1903 as a four enr course will be required thereafter Kor illustrated catalogue address DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY, Dean, Wood & Harrison 8ts., Chioaeo. f sssssssssssm " rsssssi. r "' iHKF'ilBuMSiBsKWacffRiHl "- ''tt "TBBBFr-?i:PrisB FBssBiBIBB JijIIIWlK'IIIPtf , 111 kmi V"MasssssssssT5WlPas75llC3asssssssssMlf TT7 1Cf ITTm V BB mmmmmgmfgmmmmmMmmmm I ii tTTTf T , 1 1, gm , J WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJSf .-. ygrafl "f3S 9Wim lis! I -'-' ...... ...:J,, t7m & J I IM'l'JI 1 Mm MllUm AIM nW I IBSSSJSJSJSJSJSJSMSJPJSSSJSJSJSJM 'i 111 'Ifjlllll CfTY TW. .'"W .vv 7 mwjm)mWmmmWmUmtjmmmM Mu. aVa. Afifjx. aQa acja BLlBBBBLBBMLsssMBBBLLLBil IT'S WARMING UP Spring is at hand. YVt have a strontfei line of Kacycks than ever. The igoz Models are beauties. Sef ral new features. Come in and see them. GIRARD CYCLE CO., Phone 90S Our fylntiimj Shoes Aie the kind you want. If ou vvear them you will will not he handicapped in the race. Our puces are right, too. Perkins. 3t Sheldon, 1129 O STREET. Bicycle Tit: es Don't that old Bicycle of yours need New Tires? Remember, we are selling them at CUT PRICES On account of Bicycles and all reduction. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 'gW 14()() O Street our Removal Sale Sundries at same 202 S. lltli St. X