The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1902, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 134.
The Debating Squad Leaves Amid Oheora
From Students and Profess
ors Alike. A Strong
The debating squad which la going
to wrestle with Missouri Thursday
evening on the municipality question
left for Missouri last night at G o'clock
via the Burlington. It is safe to say
that never before In this institution
has such enthusiasm been manifested
at the departure of a debating team
and has only been excelled In football
enthusiasm. I.ast evening at the sta
tion there were assembled almost two
hundred students and professors. It
was exceedingly pleasing to see so
large a number of the leading profes
sors present to wish the debaters all
the success possible. Men from the
leading departments of the university
were there and were enthusiastic in
giving the yell for the boys and one
for the tiger.
The team will arrive in Columbia
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
leaving here by the way of Omaha.
Thursday morning a large mass
meeting Will be held at the university
in Missouri to stir up enthusiasm for
the debate that evening, as the con
test with Nebraska 1b regarded by the
Mlssourlans as the stiff est contest
which they will have this year. The
Nebraska men have been aBked to
speak at the mass meeting and It la
sure that should they do so there is
no doubt that there will be "an over
crowded, house.
The judges who will decide the con
test are Professor Blackmar and Pro
lessor Lovcjoy as announced before
and John Million, president of Hardin
college, Mexico. Mo. Missouri yester
day agreed to a ten-minute rebuttal
speech on each side. C. P. Craft will
occupy the ten minutes at the close
for the Nebrnaka team. He will also
open the debate and will be followed
by C. C. North and then W. F. Meier.
The contest tomorrow night prom-
iaes to be an exceedingly warm one. as
bdth teams have been sparing no time
in preparation or it. The Nebraska
team Is a strong one and much is to
be hoped from It, notwithstanding the
fact that Missouri has an enviable
Iowa Is the latest victim of the corn
husker team. Reports from the game
with the Iowa State University yes
terday remind us that Nebraska can
still play baseball. The score was 7
to 2 in favor of Nebraska. L-jthoby
pitched the game and Bender caught."
Tomorrow tjie victorious team plays
Knox college at Galesburg, 111. Bob
Gaines .who Is a product of that Bchool,
will officiate In the box by special request.
The Nebraska State Press associa
tion was tendered a banquet at the
state farm last night at G o'clock. The
members were taken around the farm
and given an opportunity to see what
kind of farming Is being done at the
university. This afternoon at about
4:30 the members of the association
will visit the Nebraska State Historical
society. The address of welcome will
be delivered by Vlco-Presideut Robt.
W. Furnas and a response will be made
by Mr. Ladd. Victor Vlfquain will
also make a short address. The asso
ciation will then be asked to make a
thorough inspection of the library,
which has been very well arranged
notwithstanding the lack of room.
The press of the state will no doubt
take unusual Interest in this work, as
this society has on file copies of almost
all the papers of the state. It, too, has
the only fireproof building for the safe
keeping of these papers. The press
will be Informed of the necessity of a
new building and many other needed
improvements. It is very probable
that the next legislature will make
provision for a new building.
The tennis association will hold Its
ieg lar tournament beginning today
and extending until the trials have all
been played fr places on the team
which will compete with Kansas later
in the season. Since the rains of the
last few dav the courts have been put
in excellent condition.
Prizes will be offered In the local
tournament to the men making, the.
beet records. H. E. Sidles has offered
aa first prize an eightdolIar . Dals
racquet. O. E. Rector has put up two
check books for the soda fountain. The offered by Wilson & Hall and
GIrard have not aB yet been determined
upon by those firms, tut the manage
ment has assurances that they will be
worth working for by the contestants.
These will probably be counted In as
good seconds and thirds.
Considerable Interest has been man
ifested this spring and the Indica
tions are that there will be a series
J Qf good gftme8 go fftr ftbout twenty
men have signified their Intention to
C. J. Warner, '99, who has been at
tending the Columbian law school at
Washington, D. C, was visiting among
university friends yesterday. Mr.
Warner was a member of the last leg
islature and was an able representa
tive. He well represented the univer
sity in his capacity as chairman of the
committee on the state university anc
normal schools. Mr. Warner's ability
along his chosen lines, gotten largely
from his university training, will
merit him further honors in the pollt
lea) field. It is safe to say that he will
represent Lancaster county again in
one of the branches of the legislature.
Mayor Winnett Speaks on Municipal Got
ernmont and the Plaoe of
the Sohools in Shap
ing It.
Mayor spoke to the students
yesterday on the duties of the student
in city affairs.
In discussing the conditions of Lin
coln, the mayor explained that the city
Is limited In Its powers by Its charter
from the state. Only a certain amount
of money can be expended for light,
water, the public library and bo on.
The sum of $ 180,000 Is all that the city
can lawfully raise by 'tax to meet the
annual expense. The bonded debt, he
said, Is something over a million of
dollars. The floating debt has recent
ly been reduced from $175,000 to $42.
000, and the mayor had strong hopes
that the coming year would entirely
wipe out what remains of it.
But since taxes cannot be increased.
the debt must be reduced by economy
In the management of municipal af
fairs. For this reason Mayor Winnett
thought that officers ought to be chosen
with greatest care. A selfish, dishon
est man, he declared, has no place
among the officers of the city. Every
department should have at its head a
broad-minded and well-trained man.
Nor should political pull make any dif
ference. The mayor asserted that the
object- of the present administration
has been to get the right men In ap
pointive offices, regardless of political
In conclusion the mayor declared
that Lincoln owes more to the univer
sity than to any other institution
within its limits. But, he continued,
the faculty and students owe to the
city a good government. They have
the of power and should use It
The- athletic board held a busy ses
sion last evening at which a number
of important questions were taken up.
The regulations which will hereafter
govern the award of the "N" were
adopted at last night's meeting. A
committee was appointed to revise the
constitution In sevefal particulars and
to report at the next meeting. The
manager of the tennis association was
authorized to schedule a meet with
Kansas university for May 23 and 24.
The committee on rules to govern
the award of the university "N" made
the following report:
Only members of the team(who may
wear the university "N" shall be eligi
ble to vote for captains.
The following dimensions and de
scription of the letter shall apply to
I the sport named
Football, block letter "N."
Baseball, short, wide "N."
Track, tall, narrow "N."
All other sports, small "N" In a cir
cle. Managers of teams may wear caps
with small "N" In a circle.
Tho privilege of wearing the univer
sity "N" shall bo awarded to all mem
bers of the 'varsity team playing not
less than one-half of n game In any
of the three most Important games of
the season. TheBe three games shall
be designated by the athletic board at
its September meeting.
The privilege of wearing the univer
sity "N" Bhall be awarded to all those
men, not exceeding eleven, who go on
the annual eastern trip.
The privilege of wearing the univer
sity "N" shall be awarded to every man
winning a first place In the annual In
tercollegiate meet or In a dual meet
with any recognized college or univer
The privilege of wearing the univer
sity "N" shall bo awarded in all other
sports only at the discretion or by
vote of the athletic board. It Is rec
ommended that this honor be care
fully guarded and be awarded only to
winners of tournaments or of Impor
tant interstate matches or for games
with other important colleges.
"C-C-C-Oh C, What's the Matter
With Company C?" Nothing at all,
said the merry members of that com
pany assembled at the Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity last Monday night.
Following the custom in vogue and al
ready observed by the otner companies,
the officers of company C gave their
annual reception to the members of the
The evening was taken up with a
general good time in which all the an
ecdotes of old company C were related.
The officers of the company, Captain
Teach and Lieutenant .Pepperburg,
made stirring speeches in which they
showed the necessity of becoming bet
ter acquainted and of acting In perfect
harmony. Company C for the past few
years has carried off second place in
the competitive drills, but has been
unable to make the first place. This
year, however, a determined effort Will
be made to make the company stand at
the head, said the officers.
Besides these all the non-commissioned
officers and a number of priv
ates made short talks which showed
that the members of company C are
very enthusiastic In their work. A
number of old members and officers of
the company In former years were
present with words of encouragement
Captain Smoke and Major Hull took
part In the festivities. Light refresh
ments were served during the evening.