c ) THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. ' OUR $3.00 SHOE Is Stylish, Well Made, Perfectly Shaped. We are confident no better Shoes are sold at $3.00 and we know that very few are so good WE SELL SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. PIILUIIPAIW ROM THrl FACTORY y iycurHfad, E?20NE QUAUTY. GUAf?ANT0 ffATS &wrsJ,4imfs,3P ""MbsiDOw The Success CENTURY. Brimful op STYLE. Bo Otiiciod. Ily good judges in choos ing a. hat store, come where all good judges come. Come to our Hat department. Spring styles are heiem the best shapes, Latest Styles The celebrated Hawes 3.00 guaranteed Hats. We are sole agents. EWING CLOTHING CD, 1115-1117 O St., Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan fl&M6k 9Q4X444 00 &bQOO OOQ ANNOUNCEMENTS. $ 00440 OOOOOO CONVOCATION Tlio comocntion bourn of tlio wool; will lie laUon up as follows: Monday -Dean K. W Davis. Tuesday Mayor Winiirtt. 'Students' Duties in City Affairs. " Wednesday -. I. 1.. McHrlen. "The Anectdotal Side of (Jreat Men." Thursday -1.. I'. Ludden, "Individu ality." Friday-College Mush . I .OST. Thursday night. Walsh hall, a pin. formed as letter E. with name ISuopian on face. Owner's name on the back. Leave nt Registrar's olllce and receive rewaid LOST. May 2. university building, grounds or on S btreet. east of grounds, one "Mystic Shine" pin. gold set with six pearls. Finder please leave at Regis trar's office. LOST. On Thursday. May 1. an Alpha Tan Omega fraternity pin. of gold and black enamel, in shape of maltese cross. Ro- urn to this ofllce and recci c rewaid DATK OK ART POST 10 It CON I'HST CHANCED TO MAY 17. Owing to the late entry of several 1 ontcHtanis. it has been deemed advis able to change the daie of the art post er contest which was Inaugurated by the 1 ineoln Academy, to May 17 Thin will give one week longer to the con testants to work on their posters. As soon as the posters are passed upon by the judges they will bo bung in the art rooms and the exhibit will be thrown open to the public. Miss ilayden will have charge of the hang ing ol the work. The exhibition will give the contestants and their friends an opportunity to pass upon all the work handed in. It will also show to the public what can be done in the line of poster designing by the students of the university. these contest!; aie popular natures In the east, but this is the Hist one ever projected in the ('nlverslty of Nebraska. Announc- ments of the date of the exhibit will be made later in the papers. II. C. Searles has been heard fiom at Rolllnsvllle, Colo., where he is em ployed as draughtsman for a railroad locating party. Rumors have it that Letherby. the star pitcher, will sign with the Cedar Rapids professional team after the close of the present school year. IF GOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, (ienoral Steamship Agents. Long personal tojrlii experience, '.'8S South Clark St. Chicago. III. JohnB. Wright, Pres., J. H. WeBtcott, 1st Vice President, J. Samuels, 2d Vice President, P. L. nail, Cashier, W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. . . ....COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK.... CAPITAL $100,000. LINCOLN, ---. NEBRASKA. YotLtleuiKat Will please you, if selected from our Stock. Every new shape and color in the Hat World is now ready for your inspection. Swell Shoes, and made of to most of the 5. 00 Shoes. MAYER 1005 TO ELEOTRIO LIGHTED TRAINS The I nion 1'acilic was tin first line to introduce Dining Cars, Ycstibul ed Cars. Steam Heat, Pintsch Light Muffct Smoking and Library Cars, Tourist Cars, on Trans-Conlincnta Trains, west of be Missouri River IT AGAIN LEADS by introducing- an Klcctric Lighted Train throughout, "The Overland Limited, with Compartment Cars, having K'ectric Lamps, Klectric Fans. Klectric Curling Iron Heat, its, Telephone Service, etc. ; Dining Rooms with Klectric Candelabra Until Rooms, Barber Shops, Circu lating Libraries, etc. The ears comprising this trail constitute the highest and best de velopment of cur construction and of comfortable and luxurious trave1. This famous train readies Salt Lake City 1'-' hours and San Fran cisco Hi hours ahead of all competi tors. Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. Fbjr Beast I llL III JM vlll W I'.llfS l 1 lnint in lii inl ! v line from l It r laiict iw tli smaller will Itinlllic line (iiinnlctc c mate all i-Ips i-f nniattru' ihlrt (r m 11 to 4S ijlllitc, ami nui ich iIiii vlutluiu nrr llic lct value Inline inonr) rur nllcreil All nave tue sunn u am. .11 :w rjcil at the klilc. tjur nev. aul. m.ilh icioll Dtciaiint; uevue nuw itiiiiisiini 1 11 gl) nt our blioH;u" uiakck 11 tlio xii cli litatliuc iun ever iii UlusliilrJ Calalo'- fui 6 its TI11 Jtrll rirr Arm. I.. Npw ll.r. eunn Bird RRICES FROM S1.50 TO $5 Take a look at the superb Neckwear display in our large central window. Swell 1 ies are those which come at the buyer's call, and a "quarter" or a "half" pays the bill. Prettier Shirts than we are show ing at 50c and $1.00 cannot be found. It will cost you but 3.50 to treat our feet to a pair of Patent Lea ther Regent Shoes. They -are extra fine stock --fully equal BROS., 1Q19 O ST. Pioneer Barber Shop, Clean Linen, Finest of Toi lets, First-Class Servjpe. A, S. KEMMERREK, proprietor li:i So. 1 1 tli St., Linetfln, NVb Dr. Shoemaker's Privat e Hospital. Bpeolal attention glron to dlioaoe of wom ana all rarglcal diseases. X-ray oxaoaiaatlaa with no dUcomfort or inJarv to oatlesi. Br rriblnc as tiomellko a poaaibl. Boara I '45 1 I V M D HI-AnBII . I UALIrUKNIA I 1 and Return I I April 21 to 27. I I May 27 to June 8. August 2 to 8. I HJ 1','a Hiirlinglt-n A" 'v.'. HI m 1 1111 r 11 r lurn h HI limit', .mil .!'- . HJ Mj o c r im ilcj; -v Wfk. Hi Ifl 'I'Jiio 1 fiflx . Hi HJ Kr J it''st si rni y y jH in Aiiitii a the Jy tVy HJ HJ I1.11111t.11na o( the yC3Jl HI H H.i' ivies. iHkV 1 HN HJ Ask the II111- AV A Hj HJ or HHr & B) HJ to tw w HI Q 1 Kf t HJ JHHE rr" HJ HJ HHJn 1 HJ I Hr V. II H Omaha. TTS I I rooaa reaaonabi. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. f O. Mem ML T1)mm 1 V-