The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
J, - THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. S" 4Wf: r J i i.f!- OUR $3.00 SHOE Is Stylish, Well Made, Perfectly Shaped. We are confident no better Shoes are sold at $3.00 and we know that very few are so good WE SELL SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. wnxmwK Goo. W. Montgomery, PreBldenL I. P. Funkhouaer, Cannier. CASH CAPITAL, J50.000.00. Farmers and Merchants Ba.ik. 15th and O StB.. Lincoln, Nub. Fhj Beast Bird Cut Flowers and Plants. Funeral Designs on Short Notice. Stackhous & Greer, FLORISTS (TBY THE s Boston Cash Market (Choice Meats and Groceries! ! 1811 o'street A. B. CURL, Prop. ' Phone 62O. lunlku jOr 1 1 ,1,1 , k 11 I 1 ,;ni'i- JW Jvp ii 1 1 1 1 I'" " 1 JJk. MjM ' '' '"' ' " xW H linr i.nilil. 1 1- Wltlllli' ill i.S -fl. I 1 1 II VA ritl l III -.I'll- fill nr .luliuiiili MM WV limll ! i.illliu ili'tlir 11 m I. fill-.lti I 11 MM 11II I .1 t iln.1 .11. iiijUcv II Hie !'- 1 MM b. Luc Ii Ix.t.linu 1:1m cn liulli Sm JL. llln luliil Calali'i; (ui 6 I yV ANNOUNCEMENTS. (Q44WOO444O444M&0 CONVOCATION. The following exercises will he given nt the eon vocation this week: Wednesday, Or. V. 8. Htein. "Oppor tunities for Young Men and Women." Thursday. Chief II. V. Hoagland Friday, music. NON-COM. HOI'. The hop to he given hy the non t ommissloned officers of the battalion w..l be held Thursday. May 1. at Walsh hall. The committee announce that lilouses and white ducks will be the proper apparel for the gentlemen. The committee In charge of the af fair is: F. R. Heers, chairman; H. R. Oroff, master of ceremonies. There seems to be an erroneous opinion out that the hoi) Is only for non-conimls-sloned officers. This Is not the case, as It is open to the general, university luibllc. Fl ESH FOODS A SFGOND-HANI) DIETARY. 1 The popular Idea prevails that some of the important products of the vege table kingdom are refined or purified by passing through the stomach of an animal, so the flesh foods are more perfectly adapted to supply the needs of the human body than are the pro du ts of the vegetable kingdom. Hut this is an error recognized by every physiologist. The vegetable builds up. while the animal tears the veg etable stores energy, while the animal expends energy. The work of the vege table Is to store energy and to build living substance: there is no waste, no excreta, and hence no need for climlnative organs There is nothing in the vegetable which corresponds lo the kidneys or the liver in human be ings In corn, wheat, fruits, nuts, and other vegetable foods, energy-containing material is presented in the purest state, timontaminated by the poisons which natuially resun from the ac tivities of animal life, and which arc generated In every animal form in such abundance that special organs, such as the skin, liver, lungs, and stomach, are required to maintain constant activity, and to remove from the body the flood of poisons continually poured into the blood fioni the tissues, and which de stroy lite in a few minutes if retained. It is thus apparent that the ear of torn is better prepared to furnish en ergy and life to the eater when taken straight from the hand of nature, than att'i it has been swallow. (I by a pig and rolled about in the mud for a month or more. An eminent English authority on dieteths. Dr. Robert Hutchinson. Professor in the London Hospital and Medical College, and a physician of recognized high standing, has recently published an exhaustive work on "Food and Dietetics" in which he discusses at some length the food value of nuts nnd nut products. We note that the distinguished author has nindc an apnreelatlve study of nut but ter, nuttolene. bromose. and other pro ducts devised and manufactured by the Sanltas Nut Food Company. We are a strictly vegetarian Hygienic Cafe, and would be pleased to have you dine with us; 3lli So. 12th St. IF GOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, Cuneral Steamship Agents. Long personal tonrlng oxperienco, 2s aoutli Clark St. Chicago, 111. YoUtrJeuJHat Will please you. if selected from our Stock. Every new shape and color in the Hat World is now ready for your inspection. Swell Shoes, and made of to most of the 5.00 Shoes. MAYER 1005 TO ELEOTRIO LIGHTED TRAINS The I'nioii Pacific v as the first line to introduce Dining Cars, Ycstibul etl Cars, Steam Heat, l'intsch Light Ilufft't Smoking' and Library Cars. Tourist Cars, on Ti ans-Coiitincnial Trains, west of 'be Missouri River. IT AGAIN LEADS by introducing an Electric Lighted Train throughout, 'The Overland Limited," with Coinpartinei.t Cars, having E'ectrie Lamps, Electric Fans. Electric Curling Iron Heat, ers, Telephone Service, etc. ; Dining Rooms with Electric Candeiabra llath Rooms, Rarber Shops, Circu lating Libraries, etc. The ears comprising this train constitute the highest and best de velopment of ear construction and of comfortable and luxurious travel. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City 1'.' hours and San Fran cisco 1( hours ahead of all competi tors. Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Spool! attention siren to dlieake of wo ana all .urgloal diseases. X-ray oxamlnatla 11 r BD3. &(! giniiWM Injury to patleak- Br ls poaaibla. Board mad with no dUcomrort or 11 rytblnf at homelike aa roost reaaonabU. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. r.o. ML TiU1mmN Prewitt MAIE5 GOOD w ' ' PHOTOS Little Ovals 85c per dozen Come andee my work. 1814 O Street AttentiQtit Students! I wish to know you. I wish you to know my work. For this reason I will (rive you your dental work at about half the us ual 'rates for about sixty days. DR.A. B. AYERS, 137 So. lath. PRICES RROM SJ.50 TO $5 Take a look at the superl) Neckwear display in our large central window. Swell Ties are those which come at the buyer's call, and a "quarter" or a "half" pays the bill. Prettier Shirts than we are show ing at 50c and flr.oo cannot be found. It will cost you but S3. 50 to treat your feet to a pair of Patent Lea ther Regent Shoes. They are extra fine stock fully equal BROS., 1019 O ST. Pioneer Barber Shop, Clean Linen, Finest oi Toi lets, First-Class Service. S. KEMMERRER, Proprietor 113 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb A. II sjs II I " I J I CALIFORNIA I I and Return I I April 21 to 27. I I May 27 to Juno 8. I I August 2 to 8. I 'Mj V.i Turlington KjuI . I, ihorjl return H M limit and iloji- H M over privilege. 49. I B Thio'rarspxst 1 M crantlcst scenery KM I m in Amrrii.. the JjCv M B 1 nanor.imu ol llie jCT V Jiy 1 M Kuckic. k H tilt- Ilnr- K V I H or XB H H to H w H r I B ibBsV V II H Umaiia. TXk " I B John B. Wright, Pres., J. H. Westcott, f 1st VIco President, J. Samuels, 2d Vice President, P. L. Hall, Cashier, W. B. Ryons, Assistaat Cashier. . . ....COLUMIIA NATIONAL BANK,... CAPITAL $100,000. LINCOLN, ---. NEBRASKA. V.