The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
THE DAILY KKBRAJ3KAW. V t en CdSS nnnnnaisnEwicnnnnnnnnnno OaDBDUUUDQBaCEiDUDUUaDU f PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY II QB 8 8anncnnnnncnnnBBirscinni3Hnn canacBBUcacacanaDcaaoiialHiao i "T R. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloo 1100 O 0 Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Telephone 535. R idtmoft, IfflLO Q Street, Telephone L981 DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flnnaenn; Office, 141 South 12th Stroot. Telephone G18. CHICAGO SHOE naif s,,irS wi.iu- 5 on unit. .' and REPAIRING CO, "i. UiiI.Iht hc.-ts Co. Che iih :i trial and you will rail analn. 1341 O STREET. Ordqr Your Ice Oream From J. H. Stuckey 1837 0 3peola Attention Strict. Pftono 1105. ilvon to Dealers. Ipo BqtprtRlnmante both ipllc add rrivate. The Only Up-to-Dato Billiard and Pool Parlor In the City POWELL'S &B5Jff 8t The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Lincoln, Ntbraaka. Capital, $200,000; surplus and profits, 168,837; deposits, J2.715.000. B. H. Burn ham. President; A. J. Sawyer, Vlc Prestj H. 8. Freeman, Cashier; H. B. fcvanB, Asst. .Cashier; Frank Parka. Asst. Cashier. UNITED STATES DE POSITORY. WE ARE SOCIETY AND STATIONERY PRINTERS Dance Programs, Menu Cards. THE NEW CENTURY, 1 133 N STREET. Students, Your Suitorium Isloontod lit '.'IK No. 1 1 til Street. Tele phone I.Hnih, at BLUMENTHAL'S. Those hats von buy of me will lie taken can of free of charge- Siirlng stylo lints In boft Panama shapes aim .Stiff lints. Baseball and Tennis Goods at Wilson $ Jtell, Booksellers O. Stationers, 1123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Ynle Bros. Lanndry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 11 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Hat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs. Steel, 143 So. 12th. Steele stores furs. See him. C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th st Eat at Don Cameron's. 118 So. 11th. Get an up-to-date university hair-cut at Westerflelds. For sheet music and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. 11th. Valises and pocketbooks; 103G O. C. A. Tucker, university Jeweler, 1123 () street. There will be a recital of the School of Music Wednesday evening in Me morial hall. Contestants for the Rryan prize should remember that the theses are due on May 1st. Mr Cook's class in constitutional law is working on laws impairing the obli gation of a contract. The Nebraska State Press association be entertained at the experiment station Tuesday, May f. Kim Barnes has been spending a few days with his parents at Norfolk while recovering from a Dad cold. A packed opera house means $500 to the College Settlement. YOU are now In position to help a good cause. The senior law students have been experiencing considerable trouble in securing a desirable speaker for com mencement. As Is well known, it is Impossible to secure any senator or congressman on account of the proba bility of congress being in session. As yet the law students have secured no one, but It is probable that one will be selected this week. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man Has Eleventh DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY, Dean, 8pM ' H HI I E. ' laliSrilElll One of Sanderson's $3.50 SPECIALS Try them; they are fine, Chas. Nesblt, a former university Httiilenl. now engaged In the mercan tile business at Tekamah. Neb., stop ed off a few hours at the university yes terday while en route to Die Ia illc const. A copy of the University of Colorado Studies has been received at the execu Jive office. It contains the results of research done by the faculties of that institution and is n very creditable publication. Bruce Vntes. 'f)2, who lias been In the city visiting with his parents, has re turned to Lead, S. D., where he Is en gaged as superintendent in under ground work for the Homestake Min ing company. The )ass in Journalism made a visit to the experiment station last Satur day. The members report a very good time as well as an instructive one. The professors at the farm were not back ward In showing the members of the 1 lass around and explaining the minut est details. C. C Rochon. ex-'03, hns been heard from recently at Edmonton Alberta, Canada, where he has taken a very rich claim of land. Mr. Rochon writes a very glowing account of his new home and especially of his land, which borders on a beautiful lake and has many other advantages. The senior class has placed an order with Miss llayden of the art depart ment for an oil painting of Miss Ellen Smith, the university registrar. The seniors deemed this a fitting tribute to the services of Miss Smith, who will leave this institution at the same time as the senior class. The painting will be similar to that one of Dr. Edgren placed In the library by the class of 1!)01. Sigurd .1. P. Anker, '00. has made an other attempt as an author. He Is now having published by the Lutheran Publishing House, Blair, Neb., a gram mar for use In the Scandinavian pa rochial schools. This is the first text book designed to meet the wants of Scandinavian students in America. As it is modeled after American text books, and eminently practical, it will surely succeed as a help to those who wish to study their mother tongue. the Stuff and O Streets Chicago College of Dental Surgery (Deatal Depariacat ol Lake Forest Ualrerally.) The Twenty-firBt Annual Course of Instruction will begin Oct. 1st, 1002. In order to complete tho courso of instruction in three years It Ib necessary to enter the coining session 1002-1903 as a four year course will bo required thereafter. College building and equipment offer unsurpassed facilities to the dental student. For announcement and descriptive booklet address Wood &. Harrison Sts., Chicago. H, H, GAFFEY J3CPLUMBING 1200 O St.. IJurr Block. Tel. 803. InOMlHci'ACTORy to your Head. One Profit,, one Priced ONE QUALITY MTS ,WjrJ3P")tbfiicOHA The Success CENTURY, Brimful of STYLE. Bo Gt-iiclo.d 15y good judges in choos ing a hat store, come where all good judges conic. Come to our Hat department. Spring styles are here in the best shapes, Latest Styles The celebrated Jlawes 3.00 guaranteed Hats. We ate sole agents. EWING CLOTHING CD. 1115-1117 O St. , Tne Ivy pfetf Prints Things Like You Want Tilings Printed THE IVY PRESS FRANK L. LEMON, MGR., 12S-127 North 1 2th. Phone 832. Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. Ads in the DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay..... Because they reach the Students. jff. JjMd -JTfrflsrsi H