The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY HTEBRASKAB. X S TJie Dallu Nehraskap A Newspaper (Jovoted to the Interests of the University of Nebraska, A CONSOLIDATION OF Tho Hespprlnn. Vol. XXX The Nobraskan. Vol. XI Tlio BcJirlet & Cream. Vol. Ill fiterllnit H McCaw. 1. W. Hnrbir, eiian. I. TayTbV, i Clian. K. WoUfl. r a. t. urn. Mnnnnlnjr Editor KdUor-Tn-Clilcf Buslnoss Managers Assistant Editor ABBOOIA.1 v. u. uauo, n. a Win. Chte. l uyTonfl own. II. n. Nelson d Gutlobon. MM! & jam fc0 at WflColn-Nob-as TKLSPBONE 471, ENGINEERING NOTTES. Fred L. II lint has accepted a position with the General Electric company at Schenectady, N. Y. He will be em ployed In the expert department. Mr. Hunt Ih a senior In the electrical en gineering department and for the past year has been an assistant In thejlee trlcal laboratory. I3esides his school work, i1r. Hunt lias taken an active interest In the engineering society, be ing the acting editor In chief of the Engineering Annual and secretary of the society. He expects to enter on his new work about the middle of June. W. T. Doming, a lormer student of the civil engineering department, Is in the city. He has returned with a B. & M. surveying party, having been em ployed for the last two years 1 that railroad. Friends of W. M. ivaliasch have re ceived news of him in his new duties. He is now in the employ of the Great .Western railroad at Weston, la., and is very much pleased with his work. JUNIOR-SENIOR RECEPTION. It is fonnqlly announced that the date for (he Junior reception to tho senior class will occur on the evening of May Ifi, and will be held at the university armory. The members of tne committee on arrangements are making extensive preparations and they will strive with the co-operation of the members of the Junior class to make the event a success and one to be remembered when the present senior class will have left the university President Tellesen oi the committee is very much interested in the affair, as well as the Individual members of the committee. It was hoped and ex pected at first that the reception ould have been held earlier in tho spring, but owing to tho constant use of the armory in otheV affairs it was impossi ble to be tendered its use, and it was not desired to go beyond the university campus for this strictly college affair, ic is expected that the invitations will bo out in a few days. Tho character of the entoitainmont for the evening and other details are not given out by those most Intimately connected with the affair. 'A PAIR OF SPECTACLES." fi -r, ttn kt r v Remember today is the time to re serve your seats at the Oliver. Still some good seats this morning. The interest In "A Pair of Specta cles" continues to grow. Now Is the time to form little groups of friends for the gallery to see a good play and have a good time. Only 2f cents. Col lego enthusiasm high and university yells on tap. Sidles' Sporting Goods jModse Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Goods. Agency for World and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work 1304 o St., Phone f 1038. SIDLES OYCLE CO. The Omaha Medical College. TENTH AND PACIFIC STREETS, OMAHA, NEBR. This college offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of tho college are fully up to the require ments of the present times, and tho conditions laid down by the Association of American Medical Colleges, of which this college is a member. For information address EWING BROWN, Secretary. WnnAWVns y. X IHOI'AIR E Gfi! i n.T'w. ?&? yw -p,rtv- w 1 IT'S WARMING UP Spring is at hand. We have a stronger line of Racycles than ever. The 1902 Models are beauties. Several new features. Come in and, see them. GIRARD CYCLE CO., Phone 908 14()( O Street BASE BALL ANJ) TENNIS SHOES are in season now. Are you needing a pair? If so, let us show you our line. It cannot be surpassed any where in the city. Svvl39Mte -- - -i Perkins & Sheldon's, 1129 O STREET. Bicycle Tires Don't that old Bicycle of yours need New Tires? Remember, we are selling them at CUT PRICES On account of our Removal Sale Bicycles and all Sundries at same reduction. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY figgi i 202 s. mil st, 4 4- f-u V!