The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1902, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 132.
Univorsity Defeats Waahburn Team in a
Sharp OontCBt. SonBation-
al Playing. Rain
The 'varsity scored another of ils nu
merous victories yesterday, by defeat
ing Washburn College to liie tune of
7 to 2. The Kansas men did good work,
but were unable to compete success
fully with the Hell family. The crowd
was fair, and the rain which began
to fnll in the fifth inning made no dif
ference in the quality of ball put up
by the 'varsity.
Hood started the work in the first
inning, by sending a swift one out to
lelt lleld that was tumbled, allowing
him to make .first. Captain Hell fol
lowed with a safe hit that landed him
on first base and sent Hood to second.
Rhodes went out on a ball to the
pitcher and Bender fanned. Robbie
(iaines went to first on an error, and
He Putron made the same by being hit
Hood. Rell and Caines scored on a
pretty two-bagger made by Townsend.
Dc Patron getting to third. Doane
look his base on balls, but Raymond
ended the playing by striking out with
the bases full. Rhodes and Render
scored in the second, and Hood, ex
( ited the crowd by a pretty one to
(enter field In the fourth that allowed
hlni to make a home run. daines in
the seventh made one oT the three
baggers that are his specialty, and
laic 1 scored by a safe hit from He
I III 1 Oil.
Mehl started the work for the vis
itors in the second inning by knock
ing a fly out to right field, that landed
in the trees, and enabled him to make
second base. A stolen base followed
and a sate hit by Dodge brought him
over the home plate. Their second
score was made in the sixth, when
Coidien, who tossed the ball for the
visitors, knocked a long fly to center
field and before I)e Patron could re
cover from the fall he received in
an attempted catch, the latter was
well on his way to the home plate,
which he crossed before the ball ar
rived from the outfield. Washburn
took a brace and got a man on first,
but a double ended the playing on
their side.
Captain Rell played a star game, and
has five put-outs to his credit, includ
ing a sensational catch in the last
inning that sent the crowd wild with
enthusiasm. With a long run on a
Slippery field to make, he succeeded in
capturing tie ball, and, although he
described a series of revolutions in the
air, the ball remained In his posses
sion. Hood did good work at third,
and recorded two scores.
Townsend played a good game at
second with not an error, but was un
fortunate at the bat. Rhodes had sev
eral hot grounders to contest with, but
played the game with his usunl skill,
dailies pitched a good game and did
good work at the bat, knocking two
three-baggers. De Putron put up his
usual article of ball in center-field and
Doane played right in a creditable
manner. Render caught for daines
and did good work. Raymond played
at first as usual.
Score by innings:
1 2 3 1 r (! 7 8 9
'Vnrsity . . . , 3 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 - 7
Washburn 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02
'Varsity. Washburn.
Hood 3d Worsley
Roll 1. f Anderson
Rhodes s. s Graham
Render c Mehl
Gaines p Coldren
De Patron c. f Dodge
Townsend 2d Raster
1 )oane r. f Hackenstock
Raymond 1st Moss
Last Monday morning Chancellor
Andrews gave a very Interesting talk
at convocation on his recent islt to
'Varsity vs. Kansas,
New York and the inauguration of
President Cutler of Columbia Univer
sity. The chancellor gave an imita
tion of President RooBevelt's address
which was very well received by the
students. The chancellor spoke of the
reputation of Nebraska abroad for
high and broad scholarship, which was
praised by men of eastern Institutions.
A very lvld description was given of
the inaugural ceremonies. The parade
on the first day of these ceremonies
was one long to be remembered, the
participants being clothed in remarka
ble' gqwns and caps; and representing
institutions of learning all over the
country. Distinguished visitors from
all parts of the country were present.
Regarding the addresses, the chan
cellor said that they were all good,
but some of them were too long. The
best one given, In the chancellor's
opinion, was that of the president of
the senior class, who had a good voice
and a pleasing, address. The addresB
of President Cutler was a strong one,
aB was President Roosevelt's. Cheers
were given for "Teddy" by the younger
men and for Roosevelt by the middle
aged men, while the older ones cheered
heartily for the president.
John J. Thomas, who has been a
special Btudent in the course tri assay
ing, is on his way to Baker City, Ore.,
where he will be engaged in mining
Doan Bossey Bpeaka of their Value. Ne
braska Prominent in the Move
ment. --A Sohool of
Much credit Is due to the American
and European history departments for
their support in the Nebraska-Kansas
debate. Every professor and every in
structor of both departments was pres
ent nt the debate.
The play to be presented next Friday
night by the College Settlement prom
ises to draw out the largest crowd
that has yet been attracted to any
similar undertaking. Yet the students
who have not already procured tickets
should not feel that It is not their duty
to do so. Not only will a first-class
performance be given. but the
proceeds will be used for a
very laudable purpose. The professors
and students have been laboring hard
and deserve your help in the matter
of buying tickets.
Dean Cessey addressed the students
assembled at convocation yesterday
morning on the subject of "Forest Re
serves," with special reference to the
recent proclamation of President
Two theories are aihanced, said Dr.
Cessey, in regard to the preservation
of forests. First, that the government
should take care of what has been left
by the lumberman's and settler's axe;
and. second, that the government
should lay aside areas and plant new
forests. The latter is what will be
done in Nebraska. The principle will
be observed that these forests are the
property of the government and hence
beyond destruction by private indi
viduals. "Forests are not like corn-fields In
that they can be cut down after a
crop," said the speaker. "They should
be treated so that they will last and
grow old."
There are already large reserves in
the Clack Hills, Big Horn district,
Yellowstone Park, near Pike's -Peak,
and scattered throughout the west. The
movement toward establishing forest
lands was begun about fifteen years
ago, with some of the ideas emanating
from the university. The first sugges
tion was that the state or townships
should lay aside areas for reserves,
but It was found unfeasible nnd the
government wns turned to ns the prop
er agent for carrying out this work.
Dean Bessey. In connection with this
enrly movement, spoke in high terms
of the lately deceased Hon. J. Sterling
Morton, who was a leader in UiIb en
terprise nnd the orlglnntor of Arbor
day. "Nebraska has reason to be proud
of her honored citizen," continued the
spenker, "and Nebraska may regret
the departing of n great man." The
Idea set forth by Mr. Morton was that
the government should set aside areas
for the planting of trees.
In 1891 the first renl experiment In
scientific forest growing was performed
in the sand-hills. Several varieties of
trees. Including pines, spruces and
evergreens, were plnnted on the south
side of the sandiest hill found In the
sand-hills. No success was expected
of the experiment.
Those trees, however Ill-suited to
me conditions, died out, leaving two
kinds of pine, which today are flour
ishing as well as any trees on the
campus. They cover but a small area
of ground, and the question has come
up. If a few can live, cannot many do
ine same, acting as protection for each
other? Professor Cruner of the uni
versity was connected with the experi
ments. The results were made known
In Washington, and the president bo
enme Interested, with the result of the
forest reserve proclamation.
There nre two set apart now In Ne
braska; one begins at the Loup river
and crosses the state to the Dismal
river In the west. This covers 80,240
ncres of land, which at the present
time cannot be cultivated and is used
merely as grazing land. The Becond
reservation begins nt the Niobrara
river, comprising an area of 126,240
acres. -The latter Is also put to the
same purpose as the former. Of the
two areas, not quite 2 per cent Is
owned by prlvnte individuals.
This land is sandy and dry on top.
but moist underneath and supports
trees while It will not Buffer good cul
tivation. This land will then be made
use of. The government will begin
planting this summer, and the planta
tions will grow. "Our children's chil
dren will reap the benefit," said Dr.
Bessey. "It is for the good of the fu
ture generations ,and will onhanco the
value of the state."
With this coming change in the char
acteristics of the state, pursued the
speaker, the time is npe for the estab
lishing in the university of a school 6f
or a course in forestry. Yalo, Cornell
and a school in the south have suoh
schools, said Dr. Bessey, and with this
change in our state the University of
Nebraska should offer such a course.
These other schopls are far away,whllo
western people need one near them.
The course, so offered qhould be com
plete In every detail, urged Dean Bes
sey, and will be the necessary outcome
of the president's recent action.